What spices will make the soup tastier and more aromatic? Secrets of chefs. Mushroom soup What seasoning is added to mushroom soup

Cooking websites are replete with all sorts of tips on cooking meat and combining various herbs and spices with it. But mushrooms and their ideal combination with herbs, unfortunately, are undeservedly ignored. Therefore, we consider it our duty to tell readers what spices are suitable for cooking mushrooms, what seasonings will correctly reveal the taste and emphasize the appetizing aroma. Let's look at seasonings using the example of soup, one of the most favorite mushroom dishes.

Spices for mushrooms

Mushrooms are a very nutritious, aromatic product. Most often, mushrooms are pickled, salted, fried and made into soup. What a fragrant mushroom soup, especially dried boletus!

When preparing soup at home, housewives most often remember only simple, familiar, frequently used spices - salt and pepper, without imagining how nutmeg or rosemary can reveal and enrich the taste and aroma. In addition, a large percentage of the product is difficult-to-digest protein, and properly selected spices promote both absorption and good digestion.

So what seasonings would be most appropriate in mushroom soup?

Most often this is:

  • fresh or dried herbs (parsley, green onions, dill);
  • garlic (fresh, dried, garlic clove);
  • Mediterranean herbs (thyme, oregano, rosemary);
  • as well as aromatic nutmeg;
  • among other things, ground black pepper or peas, bay leaf, and incredibly fragrant cilantro.

Here are the seasonings that are suitable for Let's take a closer look at the combinations of some of them in order to learn how to properly combine herbs and spices with mushrooms, and prepare the most delicious, aromatic mushroom soup without any incidents.

Fresh and dried herbs

In particular, parsley, green onions and dill are often used to emphasize the pleasant natural aroma. Greens also help get rid of the bitterness of mushrooms. But be careful, there should not be too many herbs, they should not focus all the attention on themselves, but only emphasize the mushrooms. Any seasonings for mushroom soup should be in moderation.


One of the most versatile and affordable ways to emphasize and enrich the taste of most dishes. Garlic has found its place among vegetable dishes, among meat dishes and, of course, in combination with mushrooms. It is known that garlic reveals its best taste during stewing or frying, so when sautéing onions and carrots in soup, do not spare a clove of garlic, finely chopped and added to the onion at the end of frying. A minute spent cooking garlic will highlight the piquancy of your mushroom soup and give it an unsurpassed, mouth-watering aroma.

Mediterranean herbs

In particular, Provencal and Italian have a refreshing taste, summer soups and their combinations are the most appetizing first courses. If you are a fan of cold mushroom soup, you should try it with a pinch of oregano. Rosemary is great for hot serving, and thyme if you love mushroom soup with sour cream.


A tasty seasoning for mushroom soup, however, is not used often. The seasoning is quite expensive and has a strong aroma; it is easy to overdo it in any dish, so housewives treat it with caution. But it perfectly reveals the taste of mushroom soup, and you only need a small saucepan of it - 1/3 teaspoon.

Coriander and bay leaf

The taste of bay leaf is bitter, but the aroma is so persistent and tart. A couple of leaves, which should be added a few minutes before it’s ready, or a large pinch of ground spice will dilute the taste of the soup. In addition, bay leaf has a good list of beneficial properties, in particular, bay leaf copes with swelling and helps digestion. Coriander seeds are also aromatic, but if possible, add a fresh sprig of cilantro to your soup; it is less tart and will pleasantly refresh the hot mushroom soup.

Pepper and its varieties

It is worth mentioning peppers as a seasoning for mushroom soup. Black pepper is the most familiar universal spice for us. Spicy, it perfectly complements the taste of any dish, and how can you ignore it when preparing mushroom soup.

It has a more pungent and pungent taste, a spicy smell, and any dish with it is delicious. Add a small pinch of allspice when cooking the soup a few minutes before it is ready, cover and cook a little more over low heat. You'll be surprised at how flavorful your soup will be, especially when combined with some of the herbs we listed above.

Chili pepper is terribly hot and it is better to add it directly to the plate, because its taste is not for everyone. However, it is worth noting that it has excellent properties that have a positive effect on our body. In addition to the fact that it improves immunity and reduces sugar, it is a good aid in digestion and metabolism, and it also perfectly accelerates the blood and supplies it with oxygen. Now you know what seasonings are added to mushroom soup.

On a note

More than ever, in addition to other spices, croutons grated with garlic are perfect for mushroom soup. You can either slice and dry the bread in a toaster, or fry the bread in a frying pan, generously rubbing the croutons with garlic. You can also add cheese and spices mixed with mayonnaise. You won't find a more satisfying combination.

Experienced chefs advise being more careful when using mushrooms to make soup or prepare this or that dish. For example, champignons or oyster mushrooms, one of the most popular mushrooms in home cooking, require a minimal amount of spices, since these mushrooms are very delicate, and in themselves they have a pronounced taste and appetizing aroma.

But for mushroom soup made from porcini mushrooms, saffron milk caps, and chanterelles, you practically don’t need any seasonings, just a drop of herbs and a little bay leaf, a pinch of white pepper. These mushrooms do not tolerate a lot of seasoning.

And speaking of bitter varieties of mushrooms, professional chefs advise adding a large amount of herbs.

So we told you about the best seasonings for mushroom soup. It’s amazing how simple spices can reveal the taste of equally simple, familiar ingredients, and how competently and deliciously herbs and spices highlight the aroma and taste of mushrooms.

After thinking a little about preparing the next dish, I suddenly realized that I don’t know exactly which foods prefer which seasonings and spices. What should be added and what should not be added. So I decided to make a small list of most products, to the preparation of which you can add a certain seasoning mixture, in order to improve the brightness of the taste of the prepared dish. When compiling this list, I took into account that in general you can add to products, but this does not mean that you need to add everything at once. A little imagination, a little of your own secrets, as well as experiments have never prevented any cook. And so, everything is in order.

or other first courses
IN soup with meat It is preferable to add the following spices and seasonings. Onions, leeks, garlic, carrots, black pepper, fresh vegetable peppers, cayenne pepper, hot peppers, parsley, bay leaves, kohlrabi, saffron, turmeric, dried mushrooms, curry, lovage, parsnips, nutmeg, thyme, basil, savory, cardamom, rosemary, borage.
IN vegetable soup seasonings such as garlic, carrots, black pepper, parsley, basil, celery, peppermint, herbs, savory, sage, curry, marjoram, saxifrage, borage, dried mushrooms, yarrow, purslane, parsnips, rosemary.
In the following spices: onions, fresh or dried mushrooms, chives, black pepper, garlic, rosemary, cayenne pepper, cumin, red and sweet peppers, basil, tarragon, celery, parsley, lovage.
IN onion soup you can add: ground black pepper, onion, lovage, garlic, savory, cumin, basil, nutmeg, thyme, marjoram.

IN bean soup add: onion, coriander, black pepper, garlic, hyssop, cumin, nutmeg, basil, savory, red hot and sweet pepper, marjoram.
IN potato soup: onion, hyssop, black pepper, sweet red pepper, garlic, marjoram, cumin, kupir, basil, parsnip, nutmeg, yarrow, saxifrage, bay leaf, hyssop, galgant.
In: garlic, savory, black pepper, onion, cumin, cloves, nutmeg.
In: garlic, calamus, onion, sweet and hot red pepper, black pepper, dill, allspice, savory, bay leaf, rosemary, calamus, nutmeg, marjoram, curry, thyme, sage, cayenne pepper, lovage, lavender.
In: onion, parsley, garlic, marigold, black pepper, lovage, juniper, cumin.
In: rosemary, black pepper, basil, garlic, onions, mushrooms, cayenne pepper, lovage, red hot and sweet peppers, juniper, bay leaf, marjoram.
In: onions, dill, olives, mushrooms, lemon juice, capers, black pepper.
IN bouillon: garlic, bay leaf, nutmeg, onion, basil, tarragon, lovage, lemon balm.
Here is the list spices, herbs and seasonings I did it. This is not all I wanted to tell you. Read about other dishes in the following news and use these simple spices and seasonings in your culinary masterpieces.

Mushroom soup is rightfully considered one of the most nutritious dishes, and also undoubtedly pleases with its taste. Spices for mushroom soup will give this dish a special aroma and even greater appetizing, highlighting the taste of mushrooms and adding a touch of piquancy.

Rich in vegetable protein, amino acids, vitamins and various microelements, mushroom soup has been known since Russian times for its beneficial properties, rich taste and aroma.

What spices are suitable for mushroom soup?

Let's try to find out what seasonings and spices go well with the taste of mushrooms:

  1. Of the dry spices, the most suitable for mushrooms are: freshly ground, piquant, bay leaves are best. Dried granulated or fresh garlic cloves.
  2. Speaking of herbs, opt for hot soup. , for cold-served mushroom soup or , which goes perfectly with the creamy, sour creamy taste of mushrooms. These Mediterranean herbs are perfect for mushrooms such as boletus and boletus.
  3. Aromatic herbs are perfect for mushroom soup, preferably fresh:
  • green onions, parsley;
  • cilantro, dill.

What seasonings are suitable for different mushrooms?

Just think how many delicious variations of this dish can be prepared using the right spices. This includes soup from the king of mushrooms - the porcini mushroom, and mushroom broth based on assorted mushrooms from deciduous forests, and a hearty creamy champignon soup.

There are many options and each of them is unique, tasty and healthy. You should carefully consider the choice of seasoning, taking into account the type of mushroom. For example, champignons and oyster mushrooms have the most delicate taste.

You need to add certain spices and not overdo it. And saffron milk caps and chanterelles do not favor a variety of spices, having their own individual mild taste.

Mushroom soup recipes

Let's find out which spices are suitable for mushroom soup, for example, champignons. We suggest the following recipe (about 5 servings).

Champignon soup with cream


  • medium onion – 2 pcs.;
  • olive or sunflower oil 40–50 ml;
  • fresh garlic 2-3 cloves, fresh champignons 500 g;
  • dry white wine 150–200 ml, cream 15–20% – 200 m, milk 100 ml;
  • fresh dill, salt to taste, freshly ground black pepper;
  • small nutmeg 1/2 part purified water 150 ml;
  • homemade crackers to taste.

Let's start cooking:

  1. The onion must be peeled and cut into cubes or small half rings. Peel the garlic by lightly pressing it with the plate of a knife. Then grind. Fry the onion and garlic in olive oil until slightly golden.
  2. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, cut into thin slices and add to the onion.
  3. Grate the nutmeg on a fine grater and sprinkle evenly over the roast, add salt and pepper to taste. Stir and simmer for 3-4 minutes. The mushrooms should not be overly fried, but rather brown in color.
  4. Place the fried mushrooms from the frying pan into a deep saucepan and pour in wine. Reduce the wine by bringing to a boil over high heat. Then add water and bring to a boil again. Reduce heat and leave to simmer for 10–15 minutes.
  5. When the time is up, add cream and milk, bring to a boil and turn off immediately. Season with chopped dill, add black pepper and salt if necessary.
  6. This soup is perfect with homemade croutons, which can be easily made in the oven, or garlic croutons.

Mushroom soup is also perfect for a Lenten table. At the same time, it will become a very satisfying dish and will delight any guest. But keep in mind that, for example, porcini mushrooms do not like excess spices. This is because the taste of this mushroom itself is rich and self-sufficient. A little black pepper, a slight aroma of bay leaves and voila, the soup is ready. We bring to your attention one of our grandmothers' recipes.

Old Russian Lenten recipe

What we need for 4 servings:

  • dry porcini mushrooms – 200 g;
  • pearl barley according to the recipe (can be replaced with short-grain rice) – 150 g;
  • onion – 1 pc., bay leaf – 1 pc., a couple of medium potatoes;
  • several stalks of fresh parsley;
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons, or ghee – 20–30 g for frying;
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste, salt, water - 1 liter.

Cooking process:
Wash the pearl barley and pre-soak it for at least 3 hours.

  1. Wash the mushrooms and leave to soak in hot water for 3 hours.
  2. The water from the mushrooms is useful as a broth. Squeeze the mushrooms from the water and cut into strips. Place back into the pot with the broth. Leave to simmer over moderate heat for 2 hours. Add the bay leaf, leave for a while and immediately remove from the pan.
  3. Add pearl barley to the mushrooms and cook for about 50 minutes, rice for 20–30 minutes.
  4. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes or strips and add to the pan.
  5. Peel the onion, cut into small half rings, fry in vegetable or, preferably, melted butter and place in a saucepan.
  6. Season with freshly ground black pepper and salt. Let the soup brew.
  7. Pour the finished soup into bowls, add sour cream and sprinkle with parsley.

The soup goes very well with black bread and butter.
Properly selected spices and herbs will perfectly complement mushroom soup, highlighting its taste, and not drowning out or changing the original. Treat yourself and your loved ones with this dish and you will be guaranteed praise from your guests and family. Bon appetit!

Mushrooms have a fairly strong natural taste and smell, however, during heat treatment they tend to lose these valuable properties.

That is why properly selected spices can not only preserve the rich flavor bouquet of mushroom dishes, but also enhance it.

In addition, mushrooms contain difficult-to-digest vegetable protein, so spices in mushroom dishes also promote good digestion.

Of the variety of culinary herbs, the following are suitable for mushrooms:
1. Parsley, green onions, dill (both fresh and dried);
2. Garlic (fresh and dried herbs, root);
3. Mediterranean herbs: oregano, rosemary and thyme;
4. Nutmeg

The first three types of herbs are intended only to emphasize the natural aroma of mushrooms.

Parsley, onion and dill have a light spicy smell and will perfectly complement pickled mushrooms or a salad of fresh vegetables with mushrooms.
In these cases, use a small amount of herbs - they should not focus all the attention on themselves, but gently highlight the mushroom flavor in the dish.

Garlic is the undoubted leader among spices.
He has long found his calling in many vegetable, meat, and, of course, mushroom dishes. Like onions, garlic reveals itself brightest during the process of stewing and frying mushrooms. Use in any quantity (to taste).

Mediterranean (Italian and Provençal, in particular) herbs are characterized by a spicy aroma and slightly refreshing taste, so their best use is in soups and summer dishes with mushrooms.
For example, chilled mushroom soup served with a pinch of oregano will be an excellent treat during the hot season.

A vegetable side dish with mushrooms and a sprig of rosemary will turn from familiar food into an original and memorable dish.

Mediterranean herbs are also very relevant for mushroom sauces: a dried mixture of thyme and rosemary will add a pleasant flavor contrast to the finished dish.

It is best to use these herbs in the middle of the cooking process, or at the very end (depending on the recipe and the type of mushroom).

Nutmeg is one of the most expensive and powerful spices. Muscat is universal in use and sets the mood for many dishes, and in combination with mushrooms it is simply perfect.
Nutmeg is ideal for dishes with mushrooms and sour cream.

The spice balances well and reveals the mushroom flavor. It is most important to use ground nutmeg in long-cooking dishes.

However, to get the maximum benefit, aroma and taste from nutmeg, it is enough to take a very small amount of spice - literally from 1/3 to ½ teaspoon of ground or fresh grated nut (it should be remembered that grated nutmeg is stronger than dried ground).


It is worth highlighting a few more components of the ideal seasoning for mushrooms: allspice, black and white pepper, paprika, bay leaf, fenugreek and coriander (cilantro).

Combined in one bouquet, these mushroom spices are suitable for almost any mushroom dish, enriching it with benefits and wonderful aroma.


As we know, mushrooms are one of those foods that in themselves have a strong taste and pronounced aroma.

Types of mushrooms popular in home cooking (for example, champignons or oyster mushrooms) require a slight presence of spices, and especially delicate varieties of mushrooms require a delicate approach.
Thus, the porcini mushroom, chanterelles and saffron milk caps, beloved since childhood, have such a delicate taste that they practically cannot tolerate a large amount of spices.
Here it will be enough to season the dish with a pinch of sea salt and ground white pepper: due to the absence of the amniotic membrane, the grains of this pepper have a mild effect, and dishes with it have a refined appearance.
It is recommended to season bitter varieties of mushrooms more generously, preferably with fresh herbs.

When preparing mushroom dishes, try to replace vinegar (often required in recipes) with light citrus or berry juice: lemon, orange, apple, currant, etc.

If you are interested in better absorption of mushroom dishes by the body, you can turn not only to healing spices, but also to ordinary baking soda.

So, to soften the dense texture of mushrooms of this variety, such as podgrudki, add no more than ¼ teaspoon of soda to the broth with mushrooms: it will dissolve the walls of the mushroom cells and help the proteins that are heavy for our body to decompose.

So, to summarize:
Ideal for pickled mushrooms: black pepper, allspice, garlic, dill, cloves, onion, bay leaf, rosemary
For fried mushrooms: parsley, onion, dill, herbs de Provence, nutmeg
For mushroom sauces: thyme, rosemary, onion, garlic, black pepper
For mushroom soups: Provençal herbs, black pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg, dill, parsley, cilantro
For salted mushrooms: bay leaf, dill seeds, garlic, black peppercorns
Cook with pleasure, use your favorite spices for mushrooms and be healthy!

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