Duck marinated baked in the oven. Duck in the oven - cooking at home, step by step recipes with photos. How to bake a bird. Recipe for soft and juicy duck meat with apples

There are many recipes for cooking duck in the oven. You can bake the whole carcass, or make the dish with only certain parts, such as using thighs, wings or breast.

This bird goes well with various vegetables, fruits and spices, so it can be stuffed or stewed along with other products.

Recipes with photos and descriptions presented in the material will help every housewife make a juicy, tasty and soft duck in the oven.

To prevent the meat from getting dry, it must be marinated before cooking.

The secret to a good marinade is adding apples or spices to it. These products, placed together with the duck in the roasting sleeve, will make the dish fragrant, and the bird will taste soft and juicy.

We are preparing a marinade for baking a soft and juicy duck, ingredients for cooking:

  • 1 gutted duck
  • a quarter of a lemon
  • a few juniper berries
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 3-4 sprigs of parsley
  • a couple of bay leaves
  • spices:
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  • half teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns

Description of the process of cooking duck in the oven

  1. Prepare all necessary products.
  2. Rub the gutted duck with ground pepper and salt. Inside, put juniper berries, a slice of lemon, a peeled clove of garlic, parsley, bay leaf and peppercorns.
  3. Place the duck in the sleeve or wrap in cling film. Leave for half an hour to marinate the meat.
  4. Preheat the oven. The required temperature for cooking duck is 180 degrees. After half an hour, remove the carcass from the film, put it in a mold and cover with foil. Put to bake for 60 minutes.
  5. During this time, fat will accumulate in the form. It must be drained and filtered. Flip the duck to the other side, then drizzle with fat and return to the oven. This time for 50 minutes.
  6. Turn the carcass over again and pour it again with fat from the mold.
  7. Raise the oven temperature to 200 degrees. Bake the duck for another quarter of an hour, but without covering it with foil.
  8. Juicy and tasty duck is ready.

It is convenient to marinate the duck in the evening and leave it all night. During this time, it will be well saturated, and the meat will be very tender. One popular marinade contains foods such as mustard, honey, and orange juice.

Ingredients for Duck Marinade:

  • whole duck carcass
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 4 teaspoons orange juice
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • salt and spices to taste

Recipe for roasting marinated duck in the oven

Mix mustard with a pinch of salt and honey in a small bowl. Take the carcass of a duck and make cross-shaped cuts on it with a sharp knife.

Rub the bird with the resulting mixture and put it in the bag. Keep the duck in the refrigerator for at least six hours. You can leave it all night.

The oven should be heated to 140 degrees. To cook duck, you will need a dish with a wire rack so that the fat can drip off. Put the carcass in a mold, put it in the oven for an hour.

Turn the bird over after 60 minutes. Leave in the oven for another hour.

Make a sauce using orange juice, soy sauce and spices. To do this, combine the products in a container that can be put on fire. Heat up the sauce and pour over the duck. Cover with foil and bake for another four hours.

Every 60 minutes, the carcass must be turned over and watered with fat that accumulates at the bottom of the mold.

According to this recipe, the duck is soft and juicy with a caramel and crispy crust.

Recipe for soft and juicy duck meat with apples

This is a restaurant-grade dish that can be easily made at home. For him, you will not need the whole bird, but only the breast. It is prepared with apples in caramel. You will definitely like the unusual combination of flavors and soft meat!

Products for cooking duck breast with apples

  • 2 duck breasts
  • 300 ml red wine (semi-sweet)
  • 4 apples
  • 4 shallots
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • salt and pepper to taste

Instructions for cooking duck with apples

  1. Clean and chop shallots. Fry in a saucepan with a little oil. As soon as the onion acquires a golden hue, pour in the wine and lightly salt. Keep the container on low heat for another five minutes.
  2. Put the washed duck breast on the board. With a knife we ​​will make several transverse cuts. Grate with salt and pepper.
  3. Fry the breasts with onions on one side and the other until a crust forms.
  4. Let's clean the apples. Remove the skin, cut out the core. Cut the fruit into large pieces, put in a clean pan. Add sugar and two tablespoons of fat, where the duck was fried. Apples must be stewed until a caramel crust forms.
  5. Cut the fried duck breasts into thin slices. Lay out in a baking dish. We put the oven at 180 degrees and bake the bird for twenty minutes. Then open the sleeve and dry the duck for another ten minutes.
  6. Duck is served on a bed of caramelized apples.

Homemade appetizing dish: duck in the oven with potatoes

Duck goes well with vegetables, so it can be cooked with potatoes. To keep the meat soft, housewives usually use a sleeve or foil, but for this recipe you only need a baking dish. We will tell you how to make a delicious and fragrant dish according to the following recipe.

Necessary products for cooking duck with potatoes in the oven

  • one whole duck
  • 6 potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 150 grams of bacon
  • ground pepper
  • vegetable oil

Description of the process of cooking fragrant duck with potatoes

  1. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into medium-thick circles. Cut the bacon into small cubes. The baking dish should be greased with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Then add potatoes and bacon cubes.
  2. Also put on the form, cut into large pieces of onion peeled in advance.
  3. Take the duck carcass and place it on top of the vegetables and bacon. Pierce with a fork or stick on different sides, rub with salt and pepper. Set the temperature of the oven to 200 degrees, preheat the cabinet. Duck with vegetables should be baked for an hour and a half. Open the oven and periodically pour the carcass with fat from the mold.
  4. Then set the "Grill" mode and leave the form in the oven for another fifteen minutes.

Video recipe for baked duck with apples in the sleeve

The roasting sleeve not only allows you to cook a soft duck, but also eliminates the need to clean the dish afterwards. And after cooking a fat duck, it's not so easy.

You can learn how to properly prepare the next dish from the video recipe. This is very convenient, as you can study each stage in detail. Following the instructions, you will get a delicious duck cooked in a sleeve.

For lovers of photo recipes, we will tell you how to make another dish up your sleeve:

Cooking duck in the sleeve is a pleasure. This is one of the simplest recipes, thanks to which you will have soft, juicy and fragrant duck meat on your table. If you don't have a sleeve handy, you can use foil.

Ingredients for cooking duck in the sleeve according to the following recipe

  • young duck carcass
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • a few sprigs of green onions
  • 125 ml white wine (dry)
  • one and a half cups of soy sauce
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 cup of sugar

Recipe for roasting delicious and soft duck in the oven step by step

  1. Prepare the carcass of a young duck.
  2. Let's prepare the sauce. To do this, mix wine with soy sauce and water in a large container. Let's add sugar. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Wash and cut the onion feathers into several pieces. Throw them in the sauce. Keep on low heat for five minutes.
  3. Put the duck in a container with sauce. Use a tablespoon to water the carcass for ten minutes.
  4. The oven must be heated to 180 degrees. Prepare the form, cover with foil, if there is no sleeve for baking. If there is a sleeve, put the duck there, pour over the sauce and fix the ends. If foil is used, place the duck on it, pour the sauce and wrap the carcass.
  5. We bake the duck for forty minutes, after which we unfold the foil or sleeve and leave it in the oven for another fifteen minutes to form a crisp.

The taste of the dish will depend on the choice of apples. If acidic fruits are on hand, use honey or sugar.

When using sweet apples in the recipe, we recommend adding lemon juice and spices. We will show you how to cook a delicious duck with sour apples.

Ingredients you need to make a delicious duck in apples

  • duck carcass
  • 5 sour apples
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 beetroot
  • 2 onions
  • 0.5 teaspoon honey
  • 2 tablespoons brandy
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon dried herbs
  • spices to taste

Cooking duck with apples in the oven, step by step instructions

Prepare apples. Fruits should be washed, peeled and pitted, cut into slices.

Sprinkle apples with cinnamon. Then pour cognac, add sugar, dried herbs and honey. Mix well and leave for a quarter of an hour.

  1. Peel onions, carrots and beets. Cut into large pieces.
  2. The prepared carcass should be stuffed with apples, then coated with salt and pepper.
  3. Put all the chopped vegetables in the form, place the duck on top. Wrap well in foil.
  4. Put the duck to bake at 200 degrees in the oven.
  5. Remove the form after an hour. Scoop out the fat with a spoon. Turn the bird over and bake for about an hour and a half more.
  6. Remove the foil and keep the dish in the oven for another fifteen minutes.
  7. Duck with fruits and fragrant crust is ready.

Housewives associate cooking duck with a long and lengthy process, but you can cook a dish of duck thighs or wings in just half an hour. In this case, the bird will also be soft and will not become dry.

Ingredients for cooking duck thighs

  • 2 duck thighs
  • 2 tablespoons red wine
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon salt (no slide)
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • Spices

Awesome duck thigh recipe

  1. The recipe uses frozen duck thighs, which must first be thawed. Prepare the ingredients and start preparing the marinade.
  2. Mix wine with grated ginger and salt. Coat the thighs with the resulting marinade, wrap in a film or sleeve. Leave for one hour.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Put the grate, under it set a deep form, covered with foil - fat will drain there.
  4. Place your thighs on the rack. Bake 35 minutes.
  5. At this time, prepare a mixture of honey, crushed garlic cloves and any spices you like. Brush the thighs and place back in the oven for another five to seven minutes.

Peking Duck Video Recipe

Peking duck is a savory and aromatic dish that can also be prepared at home. Use the suggested video recipe to make a delicious duck, which, in combination with a side dish, is suitable for dinner or a festive table.

Peking Duck Cooking Process: Recipe Video

The most important condition that should be met when cooking Peking duck: bake the carcass on a wire rack under foil. Everything else is easy and simple. Our video recipe will help you prepare a delicious dish.

How to cook juicy duck with quince in the oven - video

If you want to cook duck with quince for the holiday, use the following video.

Stuffed carcass will delight you not only with taste, but also with aroma. Place the fruit inside the duck, bake in the sleeve, and the meat will turn out juicy and tender. For information on how to properly cook duck with quince, see this video material.

Another recipe for stuffed domestic or wild duck with rice and apples baked in the oven

How to properly and quickly pluck a duck at home?

In this video you will see the correct and quick technique for plucking a duck. In short, you first need to scald the bird in boiling water. That is, do not pour very hot water, namely, dip in a bucket of boiling water for 15-25 seconds.

At the same time, we crush the bird with some object so that air comes out from under the feathers.


The recipes presented in this material can be easily repeated independently at home. Using them, you can always please your family and friends with a delicious soft and juicy duck cooked in the oven.

Duck meat is characterized by an increased percentage of fat, given this fact, experienced chefs do not recommend frying the bird on an open fire. This method is fraught with the rendering of fat, which makes the meat juicy and soft. The preferred methods for preparing duck are stewing using a cauldron with a thick bottom and walls, as well as baking in the oven. You will learn how to cook a whole duck in the oven so that the meat remains as juicy and soft as possible from a selection of our step-by-step recipes.

How to deliciously bake a whole duck in the oven: the secrets of soft and juicy meat

In the oven, the duck can be baked carcass or slices. One of the most delicious variations of the dish is considered stuffed poultry. A variety of toppings, which are ideally combined with duck meat, allow you to get a variety of dishes to taste. The most advantageous are sweet and sour apples, potatoes, cereals (rice or buckwheat), mushrooms, legumes, nuts, sauerkraut, lingonberries, fresh and dried fruits. The filling should fill the duck 2/3 so that the edges can be tightly connected.

Note! Removing the butt does not affect the juiciness of the meat, but it is this action that will protect the finished dish from an unpleasant odor.

The first step in cooking is rinsing, drying and marinating. Marinating consists in rubbing the duck with salt and spices with herbs and roots.

An important condition for maintaining softness, juiciness and taste is to determine the exact cooking time. Calculating everything is quite simple: we take 45 minutes per 1 kilogram of meat, not forgetting to add 25 minutes to get a golden crust on top. As for the time for roasting duck pieces: it usually takes up to 90 minutes.

When roasting without the use of foil or a sleeve, do not forget to periodically remove the bird from the oven in order to baste the carcass with fat that is released as a result of rendering.

Properly cooked domestic duck is distinguished by pink meat with a pleasant delicate taste and pleasant aroma. When cut, blood should not come out.

Advice! If you are afraid that you will not bring the duck to full readiness, boil it for 20 minutes before baking. After boiling, we do not immediately proceed to the main recipe, but wait until the duck has cooled down.

A simple recipe for marinating a whole duck and then roasting in the oven

The right marinade is the key to a fragrant and juicy duck. In this case, you do not need to be smart, as the simplest spices give the best result. The following recipe will tell you the basics of pickling for roasting juicy, soft and tasty duck in the oven.

Cooking time - 125 minutes.

The number of servings is 5.


Required Ingredients:

  • duck - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1/4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • ground pepper - 1/2 tsp;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • juniper berries - 8 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • greens - to taste.

Note! We take a duck weighing up to 2-2.5 kg - this is a clear sign of a young bird.

Per serving

  • Calories: 1242 kcal
  • Proteins: 54.4 g
  • Fat: 114.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 2.2 g

Cooking method

To drive all the guests crazy, you need to bake the whole duck in the oven according to this recipe:

Enjoy your meal!

Classic recipe for whole baked duck stuffed with prunes and apples

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the traditional recipe for roasting the whole duck in the oven, and we will stuff the duck with prunes and apples.

The number of servings is 5.


Required Ingredients:

  • duck - 2 kg;
  • apples - 150 g;
  • prunes - 100 g;
  • onion - 150 g;
  • marjoram - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper - 1/2 tsp;
  • salt - 1-1.5 tsp.

Note! We take apples of a sweet and sour variety to set off the specific notes that duck meat is famous for.

Per serving

  • Calories: 1311.8 kcal
  • Proteins: 55.3 g
  • Fat: 114.8 g
  • Carbohydrates: 18.8 g

Cooking method

To cook a whole duck in the oven deliciously, follow these steps:

We cut the duck 10-15 minutes after removing it from the oven.

How to roast a whole duck in the oven with apples and oranges?

A recipe for true connoisseurs of the exquisite taste and aroma of duck meat: in combination with oranges and apples, the meat acquires light sweet and sour notes. A nice bonus is fruit sauce for garnish, which is obtained in the process of roasting duck.

Cooking time - 120 minutes.

The number of servings is 6.


For cooking, take:

  • duck - 2 kg;
  • apples - 650 g;
  • oranges - 750 g;
  • adjika - 50 g;
  • garlic - 30 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • ground black pepper - 5 g;
  • thyme - 4 g;
  • greens - to taste.

Per serving

  • Calories: 1196.9 kcal
  • Proteins: 47 g
  • Fat: 103.2 g
  • Carbohydrates: 22.8 g

Cooking method

  1. Grind the garlic in any convenient way.

  2. Mix garlic with adjika and other spices. Coat the carcass with the mixture.

  3. We cut the greens.

  4. We lay the greens in the abdomen of the duck. We wrap the duck tightly and set to marinate in the cold overnight.

  5. When the pickling process comes to an end, cut the fruit. We don’t grind too much: cut the apples into slices equal to 1/4 of the whole, while removing the core, and oranges, after washing the zest well, cut into two parts.

  6. Put the duck on a baking sheet. Around apples and oranges. In this case, we put the duck on parchment or foil.

  7. We send the duck with fruit to the oven heated to 190 ° C. We bake for 2 hours. At the same time, do not forget to water the duck with the fat that stands out - this is the nuance due to which the process of baking duck in the oven is often associated with frying.

  8. To get the delicious sauce we talked about, take the duck out of the oven 15 minutes before it's done and pour hot water over it.

  9. Without removing the fruit from the mold, puree them by simply pressing them with a spoon.

  10. Put the finished duck on a plate. And we filter the future sauce through a sieve.

  11. We add the strained mixture of apples and oranges with butter, then beat with a blender until smooth.

  12. Duck cooked according to this recipe will decorate any holiday table.

Duck meat is very tender and flavorful.

Recipe for whole duck stuffed with buckwheat and baked in the oven

The duck endows even far from festive products with a magical aroma and taste, so do not be afraid to stuff the bird with cereals. In combination with juicy and tender meat, even prosaic components will sparkle with new bright colors.

Cooking time - 120 minutes.

The number of servings is 7.


For cooking, take:

  • duck - 2 kg;
  • buckwheat - 200 g;
  • apples - 200 g;
  • celery - 150 g;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 50 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • parsley - to taste.

Note! The mass of buckwheat is indicated already in steamed form.

Per serving

  • Calories: 1081.4 kcal
  • Proteins: 43.2 g
  • Fat: 92.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 22.84 g

Cooking method

To cook duck stuffed with buckwheat, follow the recipe:

Duck served with herbs and fresh apples.

How to bake a whole duck in the oven: video recipes

In addition to step-by-step recipes with photos, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video, which will help you learn even more options for cooking whole duck in the oven:

Duck meat differs from chicken in hardness and dryness, but if you want to cook a truly amazingly tasty and juicy dish, we will help you with this. We offer several original duck marinade recipes!

Marinade for duck with oranges


  • soy sauce - 3 teaspoons;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • herbs, spices - to taste;
  • chili pepper - to taste.


Now we will tell you how to prepare a marinade for duck. So, we take oranges, peel them and squeeze the juice into a deep container. Then we add the garlic squeezed out with the help of a garlic maker. We put, if desired, spicy herbs, salt and chopped chili pepper. Mix everything well and coat the treated carcass with this marinade. The marinating time for meat is approximately 4 hours, after which you can fry the bird in a pan or bake in the oven.

Peking duck marinade


  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • ginger root - 5 g;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • warm water - 50 ml;
  • rice vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • rice wine - 150 ml;
  • cornstarch - 1 teaspoon;
  • Chinese mixture - 3 teaspoons.


Pour rice vinegar, wine into a small saucepan, put honey, add peeled and grated ginger root and spices. We put the marinade on a weak fire, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. At this time, dissolve the starch in warm water, mix and pour into the marinade, lightly beating the mass with a fork. We wait until the liquid begins to thicken, remove it from the heat and coat our duck with the finished marinade.

Marinade for duck with honey


  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - 80 ml;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • mustard with horseradish - 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • spices for duck - 1 teaspoon;
  • curry seasoning - 1 teaspoon;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


We prepare the marinade in any, but not enameled, dishes. First, peel the lemon, squeeze the juice out of it, pour in the soy sauce and mix. Then we put honey and put the dishes in a water bath. While stirring, bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, add and mix. Now we put the saucepan with the marinade on a small fire and slightly warm it up. Squeeze the peeled garlic through a kitchen press, pour it into the boiling marinade, bring to a boil, but do not boil.

As soon as the mixture begins to gurgle, add the chopped curry, roast duck spices, ground black pepper and quickly mix the mass. After that, put the mayonnaise, turn off the heat, remove the saucepan from the stove and leave to cool under a closed lid. After 30 minutes, the honey marinade will be completely ready and it will be possible to fill the duck with it.

Classic duck marinade

In a different way and with different fillings, the choice of a particular marinade recipe is not so important, the main thing is that it be. It is precisely the exposure of duck meat in the marinade that is one of the main components of the secret to the success of cooking this waterfowl in order to get it to the table in a soft and juicy form.

Preparing and marinating duck before roasting in the oven

This important part of the overall process of how to cook a duck so that it is soft and juicy in the oven should begin with the right choice, it would be desirable in this regard to purchase:

A young individual, the presence of white fat in a duck carcass will eloquently tell you about this, its yellowish color just indicates the opposite, and if possible, it is better not to buy such a duck;

A farm copy of a carcass, well-fed and more tender, compared to a wild duck caught on a hunt, but if desired and aware of the intricacies of cooking, you can handle it;

Fresh poultry, as evidenced by the absence of a sharp unpleasant odor from the inside and the absence of mucus on the skin, it is also desirable to verify the presence of a veterinary brand on the carcass.

We must defrost the frozen duck slowly, in the cold for more than a day, the rush in this matter can ruin, when cooking, even the perfectly chosen goose itself, all efforts will end in getting hard dry meat.

So, with the consciousness of the matter, you have acquired the correct duck carcass, now we cut off everything superfluous from it, we also remove the internal fat, which is in excess in the duck. Now you should carefully examine the carcass, if fine hairs are found, singe them on the stove and scrape off the scale.

After cutting off everything unnecessary, we thoroughly rinse the duck carcass under running warm water, both outside and inside, with even greater care, put it back up or put it vertically so that the water is glass. Learning how to cook a duck so that it is soft and juicy in the oven should be practiced, so the whole process will be mastered faster.

We prepare the marinade by choosing one of several options:
- sour cream, egg yolk, ground black pepper, garlic, salt;
- curry, olive oil, ginger, garlic, lemon juice, salt;
- white wine, honey, lemon juice, soy sauce, garlic, salt;
- any spices you like, mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, garlic, pepper, salt;
- mayonnaise, garlic, mustard, pepper, vodka, salt;
- mayonnaise, mustard, garlic, salt;
- orange or pineapple juice, honey, white wine, soy sauce, chili pepper, garlic, salt.

For marinade options for we have specifically listed only the ingredients, for brevity and clarity, and any housewife can determine the quantitative ratio of products, special accuracy is not required here.

The list is far from exhaustive of all possible marinade options, you can even make up and, most importantly, that the marinade be fragrant, contain salt and acid, which, penetrating into the pulp, will allow it to become more juicy and soft when cooked, and also beat off the somewhat unpleasant specific smell of duck .

The duck must be kept in the marinade for at least 12 hours, but it is much better if it stays in it for a day or more.

duck in the sleeve

Question: how to cook a duck so that it is soft and juicy in the sleeve is decided, including by choosing the right method of roasting.


- duck, medium size - 1 pc.,
- apples - 6 pcs.,
- any dried fruits - 300 g,
- lemon - 1 pc.,
- honey - 1 tbsp. + 1 tablespoon,
- soy sauce - 1 tablespoon,
- any marinade - 150 g,
- butter - 1 tbsp.


We prepare and marinate the duck, carefully rubbing the marinade into the skin and bringing it under it, making cuts on the skin, rub the carcass with the marinade from the inside. If the marinade was too salty, and in principle it should be so, then by the time of preparation we wash and dry the carcass.
We prepare the filling, wash the apples, peel the apples from the seeds and cut them coarsely, soak the dried fruits in water for twenty minutes.

We grate the lemon along with the zest, put half of the resulting mixture into a container with apple slices and dried fruits, add a spoonful of honey and mix everything thoroughly, fill the goose with filling. We connect the edges of the skin and sew tightly.

We are preparing a sauce that will help solve the problem of how to cook a duck so that it is soft and juicy in the oven, for which we mix half a grated lemon, another spoon, butter, after melting it, and soy sauce. With the resulting sauce, rub the goose on top over the entire surface and place it in a special sleeve for baking, thoroughly tie both ends and put on a baking sheet, back down.

We turn on the oven and heat it up to 200 * C, put the baking sheet in the oven and bake for about an hour, then take out the baking sheet, turn the goose upside down and make a few punctures in the sleeve, and again put the baking sheet in the oven for an hour, slightly reducing the heat. If you want a crisper crust, then you can cut the sleeve by opening the back of the duck. By the way, it is difficult to establish the exact baking time, it all depends on what quality you have purchased the duck, so after an hour and a half, it is better to control the cooking process with a toothpick, perhaps you will limit yourself to this period of time. If a transparent one flows out of the puncture, then the duck is already ready, in the case of cloudy and bloody, bake it for another forty minutes.

We serve the finished duck with a branded and popular fruit filling to the table, beautifully spreading it on a dish and decorating it, bon appetit!

Duck with rice in the oven

- small duck
- rice - 250 g,
- rice vinegar - 1 tablespoon,
- prunes - 200 g,
- honey - 1 tbsp.,
- lemon juice - 2 tablespoons,
- marinade, any - 200 g,
- butter - 2 tablespoons,
- garlic - 3 cloves,
- salt.


If you do not want to use a sleeve or other covered method of roasting duck in the oven, then be sure to boil it for half an hour in a small amount of salted water. Such a simple but obvious solution to how to cook duck so that it is soft and juicy with rice is very effective. Why rinse the prepared and pickled carcass and put it in a spacious saucepan, fill it with water, no more than 2 liters, salt a little more than suits you. Bringing the water to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the duck for 30 minutes under the lid.
After a little boiling, remove the duck, put it in a colander and let the water drain.

Boil rice in salted water until half cooked, rinse it with cold water and put it in a container, pour over rice vinegar, let it brew, but if you do not need a spicy filling, then this ingredient can be completely excluded.

Add pre-soaked, swollen prunes to rice, as well as lemon juice and honey, mix everything thoroughly and put it inside the duck, sew it tightly, if desired, you can tie the paws and wings.

Mix the melted butter with salt and crushed garlic, rub the duck on all sides, put it back down on a baking sheet, add a glass of water.

We turn on the oven, how to cook a duck so that it is soft and juicy in the oven also depends on the correct temperature. We heat the oven to 200 * C, put the baking sheet, after about forty minutes, remove it and turn the duck over, pour it with melted fat, reduce the fire to 180 * C, bake for another forty minutes, turn it over again, pour it with fat and add water to the baking sheet so that it does not burn fat, we do another turning over, with watering and check the readiness of the meat with a toothpick. We decide on further baking, but if ready, we serve it to the table, effectively revealing a beautiful and tasty filling.

Duck with potatoes

- the duck is small to fit in the ducklings,
- potatoes - 600 g,
- duck fat - 1 kg,
- onion - 2 heads,
- pepper, salt,
- garlic - 3 cloves,
- Bay leaf,
- dry thyme
- allspice peas.


The proposed one allows you to get very tasty duck meat, tender and soft, although the calorie content of this dish will be slightly increased, but sometimes you can afford to enjoy something delicious.

We clean the potatoes and cut them into halves, mix with onion, cut into half rings, pepper, salt, now we know how to cook duck so that it is soft and juicy with potatoes.
We spread the potato and onion filling into the prepared duck, sew it up, trying to make the highest quality seam with an “overlap”, we must tie the paws.
We melt duck fat, if there is no duck fat, then it is quite possible to replace it with any other version of fat.

We heat the oven to 200 * C, put the duck in the duckling, back up, tightly pressing the carcass to the bottom of the duckling, pour it with melted hot fat, this method of roasting meat was invented in France and is called confit. If you want to experience the effect of being in a trendy restaurant, then by all means cook the duck in this way.

After the duck is poured with fat so that it completely covers it, close the lid and put the duckling in a preheated oven, hold for forty minutes and reduce the heat to a temperature of 160 * C, bake for 4 - 5 hours, remove and serve to the table, taking measures to remove excess fat. Effectively and appetizingly decorate it, bon appetit!

duck in foil

It is better to use this recipe on how to cook a duck so that it is soft and juicy in foil, if you have purchased a duck of a sufficiently large size, on the one hand it is very good, usually large farm ducks have more, but on the other hand, bake a giant whole, ungrateful work, something will go wrong, or it will burn, or it will not bake, or both.

In fact, you can, of course, bake the whole duck in foil, but in the event that it is not very large. The process of roasting a whole duck in foil and in pieces is practically no different from one another.

- duck - ½ pcs.,
- garlic - 2 heads,
- pepper,
- mustard - 1 tbsp.


We don’t wash the duck prepared according to all the rules from the marinade, we just make it not so salty, cut it into large pieces, not portioned, but simply into spectacular pieces.
We stuff each piece with pre-peeled garlic cloves, making cuts with a sharp knife and inserting garlic into them, knowing for sure how to cook the duck so that it is soft and juicy in the oven.

We lightly coat all the pieces with a mixture of pepper and mustard, put them in foil, you can use several layers, press it tightly so that there are no holes. We put our design on a baking sheet and put it in an oven preheated to 220 * C, seam up, bake for 45 - 50 minutes.
After that, we remove the baking sheet or just slightly pull it out of the brazier and open the foil completely, continue baking until a beautiful crispy crust forms and check readiness.

We decorate the finished dish and serve it to the table, the meat is incredibly tender and juicy!

Duck with buckwheat

- duck,
- buckwheat - 200 g,
- mushrooms, any - 150 g,
- onion - 1 head,
- vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon,
- garlic - 4 cloves,
- sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
- mustard - 1 tablespoon,
- mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon,
- pepper.


An excellent option for cooking duck in the oven is to bake it

A soft, juicy and fragrant duck in the oven, baked whole or in pieces in foil, a sleeve or a duck dish, diversifies the daily menu and easily copes with the role of a formal dish on the occasion of a festive feast.

How to marinate and how much to bake a bird in a sleeve and foil, the following simple step-by-step recipes with photos and videos will tell you in detail below. Apples, oranges, honey, soy sauce and fruit juices are suitable as related components. Buckwheat and rice are useful for stuffing, and medium-sized potatoes for a side dish.

Experienced housewives will be interested in the method of cooking Peking duck in foil at home. It is more complex and painstaking than other recipes, but the effort expended is compensated by the amazing taste of poultry meat, covered with a crispy honey crust.

How to marinate a duck for baking in the oven so that it is soft and juicy - a recipe with a photo step by step

The recipe with step by step photos describes how to marinate the duck for roasting in the oven so that it is soft and juicy. The main components of the marinade are orange juice, soy sauce, honey and sweet mustard. They soften dense meat fibers and give the bird a piquant taste and a memorable aroma.

Essential Ingredients for Marinating Duck Before Roasting in the Oven

  • duck - 2 kg
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • sweet mustard - 1 tbsp
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp
  • honey - 3 tbsp
  • salt - ½ tsp
  • black pepper - ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to marinate a duck so that it turns out juicy and soft

Marinade for duck with honey and mustard for the night - a simple recipe with a photo in foil

How to prepare duck marinade with honey and mustard for the night, a simple recipe with a photo will teach. The meat, which absorbs the spicy-sweet mixture for 12 hours, will acquire an unusual soft, juicy texture, spicy taste and delicate aroma.

Essential Ingredients for Duck Honey Mustard Marinade Recipe

  • duck - 1.5 kg
  • mustard - 2 tbsp
  • honey - 2 tbsp
  • water - 1 tbsp
  • spices - 1 tsp
  • ground pepper - ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions for cooking duck marinated with honey and mustard in foil

  1. Wash the duck entirely and wipe dry. Combine spices, salt and black pepper and rub the carcass with them.
  2. Mix honey and mustard and coat the bird on all sides. Pour the rest of the marinade inside, put the semi-finished product in a saucepan, cover with a lid and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. In the morning, take the duck out, place it in a mold, pour in a glass of water, cover with foil and send to the oven, preheated to 180°C. Bake for one and a half hours. Once every 30 minutes, open the foil and pour the resulting juice over the bird so that the meat is juicy and soft. Then cover again with foil.
  4. Then remove the foil, turn on the upper fire and brown the carcass until a beautiful crust appears. Serve the whole duck marinated in honey and mustard on a serving platter.

Delicious duck in the oven with whole apples and oranges - step by step video recipe

How to make a delicious duck in the oven with apples and oranges in the sleeve, shows a detailed step-by-step recipe in the video. The author reveals brand secrets and recommends using not only apples and citrus fruits, but also orange juice. The filling based on it turns out to be saturated and gives the duck baked with apples and oranges in the oven in the sleeve, softness, juiciness and a delicate aroma.

Duck baked in the oven with potatoes and apples at home - a step-by-step recipe with a photo in the duck house

To make the duck baked in the oven with potatoes and apples at home soft and juicy, a step-by-step recipe with a photo recommends doing it not in foil or a sleeve, but in a duck under a lid. The container will not allow the bird to burn, and the broth vapors and apples will give the meat juiciness, softness and melting texture.

Necessary ingredients for a recipe for duck with potatoes baked in the oven in a broiler

  • duck - 1 kg
  • potatoes - 1 kg
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 2 pcs
  • apples - 2 pcs
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • salt - 1 tbsp
  • dried herbs - 1 tbsp
  • broth - 2 l
  • ground pepper - 1 tsp
  • spices - 2 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for roasting ducks with potatoes and apples in the oven in the oven

  1. Chop the duck into bite-sized pieces. Salt, pepper, rub with spices and leave for half an hour.
  2. Fry the chicken pieces in sunflower oil on all sides.
  3. Onions, carrots and apples cut into cubes, put on the bottom of the ducklings, sprinkle with salt, pepper and add bay leaf.
  4. On top of the vegetable pillow and apples place slices of poultry and potatoes cut into squares. Pour the broth over everything.
  5. Cover the duckling with a lid and place in the oven preheated to 180°C. Cook for 40 minutes, then lower the temperature to 140°C and bake for another half an hour.
  6. Serve hot, juicy, soft duck baked with potatoes and apples on the table.

Whole duck stuffed with buckwheat in the oven in foil - step by step recipe with photo

Homemade duck stuffed with buckwheat and baked whole in the oven in foil, according to the instructions of this step-by-step recipe with a photo, turns out to be soft, juicy and fragrant. Meat, absorbing pairs of vegetables, apples and citrus fruits, becomes tender and acquires a rich taste.

Necessary ingredients for the recipe for duck in foil stuffed with buckwheat and apples

  • duck - 1.5 kg
  • buckwheat - 2 tbsp
  • carrots - 100 g
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • apple - 1 pc
  • quince - 1 piece
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 800 g
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • honey - 2 tsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • pepper mixture - 1 tsp

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for roasting whole duck stuffed with buckwheat and apples in foil

  1. Rub the whole duck with a mixture of ground peppers, salt and orange juice. Place the carcass in a bag, tie it up and send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  2. Pour buckwheat with boiling water and place on a small burner, making the fire as weak as possible. After 5-7 minutes, turn off and cover with a lid.
  3. Chop onions, apples and carrots into strips and sauté in vegetable oil until soft.
  4. Add buckwheat, mix, salt, pepper and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Then remove from heating and stuff the bird with this composition.
  5. Put foil on a baking sheet, place the stuffed carcass on top, make notches on the skin to melt the fat. Cover with slices of quince and orange, add potatoes and cover with another layer of foil.
  6. Send to the oven, heated to 180 ° C, and bake for 70-80 minutes. Then make an incision on the foil, collect the released juice with a spoon, combine it with honey, pour the bird on top, and pour the rest inside the minced meat.
  7. Cook uncovered with foil for half an hour.
  8. Then take out of the oven the soft, juicy duck stuffed with buckwheat and apples and baked in foil, transfer to a dish, decorate with potatoes and serve.

How to cook a whole Peking duck at home - a recipe in the oven with a photo

The question of how to cook a Peking duck at home in the oven as a whole is answered by a step-by-step recipe with a photo. The process requires attention and a lot of time. But the amazing taste and melting texture of the meat compensate for all the efforts.

Essential Ingredients for Homemade Whole Peking Duck Recipe

  • duck - 2.5 kg
  • honey - 4 tbsp
  • soy sauce - 5 tbsp
  • grated ginger root - 1 tbsp
  • sesame oil - 1 tbsp
  • black pepper - 1 tsp
  • wine "Sherry" - 1 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a delicious whole Peking duck in foil

  1. Before you start cooking Peking duck at home, you will need to rinse the bird and cut off the edges of the wings. Hang the carcass over the sink, pour boiling water over it and let the moisture drain.
  2. Sprinkle the dried bird with wine and leave for 15 minutes to soak.
  3. Grate the duck with salt, put it on a bottle, put it in a bowl and send it to a cool place overnight.
  4. In the morning, drain the released liquid, and grease the whole carcass with honey (2 tablespoons) and put it back in the cold for 12 hours.
  5. Fill a deep and wide form with water, place a wire rack on top, put a duck on it, cover with foil and place in an oven heated to 190 ° C for 70 minutes.
  6. Remove the bird, unfold the foil and brush the skin with a mixture of soy sauce (3 tbsp), black pepper, minced ginger and sesame oil.
  7. Pour water out of the mold, put a grate, place the duck on top, set the temperature to 250-260 ° C and keep the bird in the oven for another 30 minutes so that a crust forms and the meat becomes juicy and soft.
  8. Once again, take out and coat the Peking duck with a mixture of honey and soy sauce (2 tablespoons each) and bake without foil in the “grill” mode for another 10 minutes. Then serve the hot bird to the table.

How to cook duck in the oven in the sleeve so that it is soft, tender, juicy and fragrant

A step-by-step recipe shows how to cook a whole duck in the sleeve oven so that it is softer and juicier than in foil. Of the spices, thyme and marjoram are used, however, they can be replaced with other fragrant herbs that you like more. Taste from this will not deteriorate, but will become brighter and richer.

Necessary ingredients for the recipe for roasting in the oven in the sleeve of a soft and juicy whole duck

  • duck - 1.5 kg
  • apples - 3 pcs
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • duck giblets - 3 tbsp
  • black pepper - 1 tsp
  • salt - 1.5 tsp
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp
  • olive oil - 1 tsp
  • honey - 30 ml
  • dried thyme and marjoram - ½ tsp each

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for cooking soft and juicy duck in the sleeve in the oven

  1. Rinse duck giblets in running water, dry and cut into cubes.
  2. Peel the onion, cut into half rings and fry in sunflower oil until transparent.
  3. Add chopped offal and cook for 4-5 minutes, stirring regularly. Salt a little at the end.
  4. Peel the apples, remove the stalk and seed box, and chop the pulp into cubes. Pour processed apples into a pan with giblets and onions, season with marjoram and thyme, fry for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat.
  5. Wash the bird completely and pat dry with a towel. Mix salt, ground black pepper and olive oil, beat a little with a fork and coat the carcass with this mixture inside and out.
  6. Cut garlic cloves into slices. Lifting the skin, make several deep cuts on the carcass and insert slices of garlic into them.
  7. Stuff the duck tightly with the cooled mixture of giblets, apples and onions. Fasten the bottom hole with toothpicks or sew with a needle and kitchen thread. Spread generously with mayonnaise on top.
  8. Place the whole carcass in the sleeve, bandage the edge, place the workpiece on a baking sheet and send it to the hot oven for 2 hours. Bake at 180°C.
  9. Remove the baking sheet, cut the sleeve and carefully lower the edges to the sides. Dip a culinary brush in honey and brush the entire surface of the bird with it.
  10. Increase the heat to 220°C and cook the duck for another quarter of an hour.
  11. When a beautiful crust forms on the bird, remove the baking sheet.
  12. Transfer the soft and juicy duck, cooked according to a simple recipe in the oven in the sleeve, to a serving dish, garnish with herbs, cranberries and fresh apples, and then serve immediately.

Homemade duck baked in slices in the oven in the sleeve - recipe with photo

Tender domestic duck, baked in slices in the oven in a sleeve with apples according to this recipe with a photo, turns out to be juicy, soft and fragrant. During the heat treatment, the meat does not dry out and absorbs the flavors of apples, citrus fruits and fragrant spices to the maximum.

The necessary ingredients included in the recipe for roasting duck pieces in the sleeve in the oven

  • duck - 1 piece
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp
  • honey - 4 tbsp
  • water - 8 tbsp
  • apples - 3 pcs
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • spices - 1 tsp
  • greens - ½ bunch

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for roasting domestic duck with pieces with apples in the sleeve

  1. Wash the whole duck in running water, dry with a towel and chop into portions. Combine salt with spices, sprinkle the bird with a fragrant mixture and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
  2. After the time has elapsed, put the duck slices in a frying pan with hot oil and fry on both sides until a crust forms.
  3. Peel apples and oranges and cut into cubes.
  4. Combine honey, soy sauce and water and beat with a fork until smooth.
  5. Place the pieces of duck in a deep container, add the chopped apples and oranges, add the honey and soy sauce, mix and leave on the kitchen table for 15 minutes.
  6. Fold the contents of the bowl into the sleeve, twist tightly and shake several times so that the ingredients are evenly distributed.
  7. Place the semi-finished product in a preheated oven and bake in a sleeve for 2 hours at a temperature of 180 ° C.
  8. According to the recipe, 10-15 minutes before turning off, cut the sleeve, pour the slices of duck with the released fat and put under the top fire to brown.
  9. At the end, remove the sleeve and serve the bird hot on the table, decorating with apples, lemon and herbs.

How to bake a whole duck with apples in the oven to be juicy - a simple video recipe

The author of a simple video recipe shows how to bake a whole duck with apples in the oven so that it is juicy, soft and crispy. The secret of cooking is that first the bird is rubbed with spices, wrapped tightly with cling film and left to soak for a while. And then stuffed with apples and rice, placed in a mold, covered with a lid and baked in the oven. The container forms its own microclimate and all the aromas emanating from apples, rice and spices are absorbed into the meat, saturating it with piquant shades. The skin is browned, but does not dry out, and the bird acquires a soft, delicate texture.

How to cook duck in the oven so that it is soft and juicy - the best video recipe up your sleeve

The best step-by-step video recipe shows how to cook duck in the oven so that it is soft and juicy. The author uses not honey and oranges for the marinade, but soy sauce and pineapple juice. First, the carcass is sprayed from above, and then the composition is injected with a syringe into the sirloin and soaks the meat from the inside. Thanks to this processing, the bird, baked entirely in a sleeve or foil, does not dry out and acquires a soft texture.

As in the Beijing-style recipe, minced meat is not used in this case, but if you wish, you can fill the carcass with apples, buckwheat, rice, citrus fruits or stewed vegetables, and spread potatoes nearby. All these components are perfectly combined with duck meat and after baking in the oven in the sleeve they turn out to be very tasty and fragrant.

If sleeves are not available, you can use foil or cook the bird in a simple roaster. A home-baked duck will be soft, juicy and will not yield to the taste of a restaurant dish.

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