How to make soda at home from soda, citric acid and other methods? Carbonated water – product composition, benefits and harms; how to make at home; use in cooking How to make soda chemistry

Carbonated drinks are sold in stores in huge quantities, and their variety is surprising: sweet, salty, fruit water, many derivatives. Today, stores sell soda in all colors and flavors! And half a century ago, carbonated water was called soda, it was sold in vending machines, and in Soviet families it was customary to carbonate drinks at home using a special device: a siphon. A little manipulation with it - and the soda appeared on the table. However, not everyone knows that you can make soda in a very simple way without using a siphon.

Ingredients and materials

One of the easiest ways to carbonate water is by combining baking soda and vinegar. The materials needed to create a homemade apparatus can be found at hand.

You will need:

  • two plastic bottles, larger and smaller (half a liter and one and a half);
  • a tube;
  • small plastic bag;
  • hot glue;
  • drill or sharp knife.

For the drink you will need:

  • sugar;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • lemon or jam.

Carbonation of water

To assemble the carbonation apparatus, you need to make a hole in both caps of plastic bottles, insert the ends of the tube there and secure them securely with glue. Air should not pass through them.

One bottle contains the future lemonade: drinking water, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar (to taste) and lemon juice. You can replace it with some syrup and jam, then the lemonade will acquire a different taste.

The smaller bottle will contain a solution that gives the reaction necessary for carbonation. One-third of the vinegar is poured into it.

A bag is placed on top of the neck and pushed inside to make a small bag. Baking soda is poured into it: 3-5 tablespoons, not tied, but twisted and thrown inside the bottle.

Both caps connected by a tube must be screwed tightly. For a reaction to occur in the second bottle, you need to shake it a little. When they interact, the soda and vinegar will release gas, and the water in the adjacent bottle will become carbonated.

The pressure in the lemonade bottle will quickly build up. After a couple of minutes, you need to shake it vigorously (30-90 seconds), and then wait until the gases stop escaping and quietly open the lid.

Sparkling water is ready.

How to make mineral water at home

You can taste and continue home experiments to create sweet drinks. There will be no doubt about the quality of the product - it is, of course, not healthy, but definitely not harmful and does not have any impurities or additives.

Anyone can make soda at home. To do this, you only need two plastic bottles, soda, vinegar and half an hour of free time.

Anyone who loves mineral water and is not a fan of unnatural flavors can make their own carbonated drink from natural ingredients. Mineral water is indicated for numerous health problems, such as stomach ulcers, inflammatory processes of all gastrointestinal organs. People first learned about soda in the nineteenth century. Since then, water has occupied its gastronomic niche and has ranks of admirers. You can purchase it at any store or make it yourself. The question arises: how to make mineral water at home, what products are needed? Let's try to figure it out.

What you need to stock up on to make mineral water at home

There are several simple, inexpensive options for making mineral water at home. To do this you will need the following components:

  • a small amount of soda;
  • citric acid or lemon juice;
  • plain water;
  • cup.

That's it, no more ingredients are needed.

You can prepare mineral water in different ways; let’s look at the most popular ones.

Making mineral water using stones

Before examining the options for preparing sparkling water, you should distinguish between the concepts of mineral and sparkling water. Mineral water can be with or without gas, gas is added as desired.

To prepare mineral water, you need to stock up on mineral stones, apatite or agate.

Let's consider one of the options for preparing mineral water:

  • two liters of water should be heated over a fire to seventy degrees;
  • when the desired temperature is reached, remove the water from the heat and cool to room temperature;
  • Ideally, you want to pass the liquid through a filter;
  • a sterilized container, it can be a pan or a jar, is filled with dry mineral stones;
  • Prepared water is poured into the container.

Useful properties of elecampane root

After three days, the water will be ready for use. It is recommended to keep the liquid in the sun. Stones can be reused.

How to make mineral water at home

Water prepared in the described way can easily be made carbonated. To do this, add vinegar and baking soda. The action algorithm looks like this:

  • It is recommended to prepare a couple of dark plastic bottles with lids;
  • you need to find a polyvinyl chloride tube about a meter long;
  • holes should be made in the covers for the tubes;
  • You need to insert a tube into the first bottle and fill it with water;
  • in the second bottle soda is placed, in the proportion of forty grams of baking soda per liter of water, seven tablespoons of acetic acid;
  • Carefully pour vinegar into the first bottle and immediately close the lid.

The procedure requires care; it is not recommended for children to make carbonated mineral water.

Preparing large portions of mineral water

First of all, the powder is prepared. To do this you need to do the following:

  • three incomplete teaspoons of soda;
  • three to five teaspoons of powdered sugar, the amount depends on how sweet you like it;
  • six teaspoons of citric acid or the juice of half a large lemon;
  • all components, with the exception of powdered sugar, must be mixed and ground to flour;
  • at the end add powdered sugar;
  • the mixture must be stirred again.

Finally, mix water and powder. The amount of water is selected according to taste, on average from three liters of water. If you mix juice and powder, you get a very tasty and healthy drink.

Production of mineral water by fermentation

In addition to the recipes listed, you can use a rather original one - preparing mineral water by fermentation.

  • after five days of storage, the bottles must be put in the refrigerator or cellar;
  • the drink is ready to drink.
  • The simplest soda recipe

    All of the recipes listed above require certain efforts and rules, but an extremely simple and quick way to prepare mineral water is known: baking soda (a teaspoon) and lemon juice (a few teaspoons) are dissolved in a glass of water. All ingredients must be quickly stirred, the carbonated drink is ready to drink. If desired, you can add honey, syrups, juices. These products will improve the taste of mineral water and benefit the body. It is not difficult to make mineral water at home; you can use any of the many existing recipes. Delicious drinks!

    As you know, people began to carbonate water a long time ago. Nowadays it is customary to do this on a production scale. But in order to try to treat water yourself, you need to carefully understand all the intricacies of the process.

    Good reasons

    Hippocrates also wrote about the benefits of water with gases. He talked about its positive and even healing effects on the body. Nobody tried to carbonate water back then. People took advantage of the gifts of nature. They collected life-giving moisture with bubbles into bottles and took it to places where there were no such sources. Everything would have been fine, but along the way, over time, the water fizzled out, and drinking it in this form turned out to be extremely unpleasant. Since then, many have begun to think about how to re-carbonate water so that natural processes do not affect this factor. Scientists have found that there are two different ways of gassing a liquid: mechanical and chemical. The first is to directly saturate the liquid fraction (ordinary fruit, mineral water or wine) with carbon dioxide. And the second involves the appearance of the same bubbles as a result of chemical reactions: fermentation (beer, kvass, cider and champagne) or neutralization (soda water). Each of them is interesting in some way and has found its place in a person’s life.

    Unstoppable Bubbles

    The English chemist Joseph Priestley was the first to learn how to carbonate water. In 1767, he observed this phenomenon during the fermentation of beer in vats. A little later, the Swede Bergman invented his “saturator,” which used a pump to saturate water with carbon dioxide. But humanity was haunted by the idea of ​​industrial production of “boiling water.” Using previous experience, in 1783 Jacob Schwepp designed a special installation and was the first to put the new production on an industrial footing. A little later, he began to use baking soda as an initial component and became the progenitor of the future popular drink. Over time, he created an entire company and registered the Schweppes trademark. People often ask the question: “Why do you even need to treat water like this?” There are several reasons:

    1) Carbonation neutralizes unpleasant odors and improves the taste of ordinary water. It is known that, for example, mineral water smells bad if you drink it warm and without bubbles.

    2) In warm weather, water treated in this way better quenches thirst.

    3) Carbon dioxide, which is added to the liquid, is an excellent preservative and allows you to preserve any drink for a long time.

    All this causes even greater interest in the problem not only from ordinary people, but also from owners of large industries.

    Option for beginners

    Sometimes you are so thirsty, but have no desire to go to the store. The question arises what to do in this case. How to make sparkling water without leaving home? The simplest method is suitable even for a child. You will need very little:

    • free container (empty bottle or simple glass),
    • baking soda,
    • sugar,
    • lemon acid,
    • plain water.

    In order to make a drink, you need:

    1. Take a little soda, sprinkle a lemon on it (or squeeze a few drops from a lemon slice) and wait a little. As a result, a quenching process will occur.
    2. Now you need to mix all the ingredients. To do this, pour water into a glass, add a spoonful of granulated sugar and stir it quickly. Then add ½ teaspoon of lemon and the slaked soda prepared before. All that remains is to mix everything well.

    This is the simplest option, remembering which, everyone can understand how to make sparkling water. This method was used quite often in Soviet times.

    Precautionary measures

    People are always interested in details. But before you figure out how to carbonate water, you need to decide for yourself whether it’s worth drinking such drinks at all. After all, liquids of this kind are not useful for everyone. There are categories of people for whom they are completely contraindicated. This:

    1) Small children under three years of age, whose digestive system is not yet accustomed to such influences.

    2) People suffering from various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. This includes those in whom doctors have discovered ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis and other diseases. When carbon dioxide gets inside, it causes severe irritation of the mucous membrane and thereby aggravates existing inflammatory processes.

    3) A person prone to allergies or overweight. This category of people should also refrain from drinking “dangerous” liquids.

    Everyone else should think twice before looking at flashy labels at retail outlets or understanding technological processes.

    Familiar devices

    In order to get a nice soft drink, you don’t have to go to the store and stand in line. A special apparatus has long been invented for this purpose. This is a siphon that aerates water. It can be small, used at home, and large, which is often used in bars and cafes. In the Soviet Union, on the streets you could see machines everywhere, which, after pressing a button, filled faceted glasses with a stream of life-giving moisture. Now such devices have gone into oblivion. Only models intended for home use remain. They are designed very simply. The siphon consists of a container with a lever and a cylinder with carbon dioxide. The operation of the device is based on the laws of physics and chemistry. The main vessel is filled three quarters with water. A cylinder is attached to it, which fills the remaining space with carbon dioxide through the inlet valve. And after pressing the lever, the liquid comes out under pressure. As a result, the glass ends up with regular carbonated water. With the help of special syrups and flavorings, you can give it the desired taste or make your favorite cocktail.

    For every taste

    Everyone can choose for themselves the water siphon that they like best. Many years have passed since the creation of the first devices. During this time, specialists have developed devices of various modifications. The most famous of them:

    1) Siphons from the Austrian company “Isi” and the Italian company “Paderno”. They are similar to those produced 40-50 years ago. The only difference is that the body is made of stainless steel instead of regular glass. They maintain the water temperature for a long time and are very inexpensive. But these siphons have a main drawback - danger. The gas canister is inserted manually, which can result in serious injury if used improperly.

    2) “SodaTronic” type device. There is no water in it. This device is designed for carbonating ready-made drinks. The design contains a replaceable gas container, which allows you to adjust the degree of saturation of the product with carbon dioxide.

    3) SodaStream devices. In them, water is poured into a special bottle, which is already included in the kit.

    The choice of device in any case always depends on the wishes of the buyer.

    Carbonated water (soda) or soda has been known to mankind since the end of the 19th century. Previously, it was sold in special vending machines, but soon appeared on store shelves. Today, residents of developed countries cannot imagine life without this drink, and carbonated drink manufacturers successfully take advantage of this, increasing the price of their product. Therefore, we will tell you how to make sparkling water at home and save your money.

    Making homemade sparkling water is a simple and fairly quick process. All methods are based on the addition of carbon dioxide, which has neither taste nor odor. This gas dissolves easily in water, making it taste sour.

    Using special siphons

    To prepare sparkling water, the easiest way is to use a special cylinder or siphon with ready-made carbon dioxide. They are sold in any hardware stores. You can also order online.

    To use a device for carbonating water at home, you need to do the following:

    1. Pour cooled water into the siphon.
    2. Screw on the carbon dioxide cylinder.
    3. Unscrew the valve and wait a few seconds for the carbon dioxide to flow into the siphon.
    4. Twist the bottle and close the siphon to prevent gas from escaping.

    It is very convenient to pour soda from a siphon into glasses. To do this, you just need to press the lever until a sufficient amount of drink is poured. If you compare the cost of purchased and home-made carbonated water, the latter will be more profitable for the consumer.

    Cooking with improvised means

    There are also many ways to carbonate water at home without using a siphon. All the necessary components can be found in the kitchen of any housewife.

    First way:

    1. Place a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass.
    2. Add to it 2 teaspoons of squeezed lemon juice or half a spoon of citric acid.
    3. Fill everything with clean chilled water and stir. Soda is ready!

    Using these ingredients, you can prepare large portions of soda. Plastic bottles or other tightly sealed containers are acceptable as containers.

    To improve the taste of the drink, you can add powdered sugar, syrup, honey and other natural additives. And its basis, instead of water, can be any juices and fruit drinks.

    The second method differs from the previous one by using vinegar instead of lemon juice. For preparation you will need:

    • 1 liter of clean chilled water;
    • 7 tablespoons 9% vinegar;
    • 2 teaspoons baking soda;
    • meter tube;
    • 2 dark plastic bottles;
    • 2 caps with holes with a diameter smaller than the diameter of the tube.

    Cooking method:

    1. Attach the edges of the tube to the two caps.
    2. Fill one bottle with cold water.
    3. Wrap the soda in a napkin and place it at the bottom of the second bottle.
    4. Pour the vinegar solution over a napkin.
    5. Cap the bottles tightly to prevent carbon dioxide from escaping.
    6. Shake the bottle for 5-6 minutes until the gas evolution reaction is complete.
    7. When the water is saturated with gas, close it with a simple lid and place it in the refrigerator.

    This is a very cheap way to make soda. But it is not recommended to drink such water often, since it contains residues of vinegar and bicarbonate acid, which, in high dosages, are irritating to the mucous membranes.

    You can make sparkling water at home using fermentation. To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

    • 4 liters of drinking water;
    • 1 glass of warm water;
    • ½ cup sugar;
    • bread yeast - 1 tablespoon or brewer's yeast - on the tip of a teaspoon;
    • food additives and flavorings to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour the yeast with warm water and leave for 5-10 minutes until completely dissolved.
    2. Transfer the yeast to a container and mix with sugar and food additives (if any).
    3. Slowly pour cold water into the container, stirring constantly. Make sure that all ingredients are well dissolved.
    4. Pour the prepared solution into plastic bottles and close them.
    5. Leave the mixture in a dark place until the end of fermentation (about 5 days), unscrewing the lids from time to time.
    6. After fermentation is complete, the bottles should be stored in the refrigerator.

    The fourth method is to use dry ice. It is not so easy to get, but if you succeed, you need to use it immediately, since it is stored only at very low temperatures. To carbonate, fill a liter jar with water, add a small piece of dry ice, wait a few seconds - and the drink is ready!

    Carbonated water at home is not only cheaper, but also much healthier than store-bought water. In addition, you can add various additives and syrups to it, getting new delicious drinks for the whole family.

    how to make soda: Video

    Carbonated drinks became popular in the 19th century. Then this drink won the love of people around the world. At first these were classic soda drinks. Later they began to add fruit and berry syrups and other additional ingredients, which made this drink more tasty and aromatic. Now you can buy soda in any store, but isn't it better to try making it at home? Typically, you need to use a siphon to make carbonated drinks at home. However, if you don’t have it, then you can prepare an easier, but no less tasty option. We'll tell you a few recipes with which you can make soda at home.

    How to make soda at home - the first method


    • Water 1 l.
    • Baking soda 2-3 tsp.
    • Citric acid 5 tsp.
    • Powdered sugar 5-6 tsp.
    • Lemon optional.


    • Mix soda with powdered sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and grind the mixture until you obtain a powder.
    • Add powdered sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
    • Add the resulting mixture to chilled water and mix everything thoroughly.
    • Place a couple of lemon slices in the water and pour the liquid into a container. Then close it with a lid and put it in a cool place for 2-3 hours.

    How to make soda at home - the second method


    • Cold water 4 l.
    • Warm water 200 ml.
    • Sugar 100-150 gr.
    • Bread or brewer's yeast 1 tbsp. l.


    • Add yeast to warm water and mix everything thoroughly. Wait until the yeast is completely dissolved. To do this you need to wait about 5-10 minutes.
    • Add sugar to the water with yeast and mix everything thoroughly until the sugar dissolves.
    • Add the resulting mixture to chilled water and mix everything thoroughly.
    • Place the resulting liquid in a special container and close it tightly with a lid.
    • Place the drink in a dark and cool place for 4-5 days.

    Homemade berry flavored soda

    To make this drink you will need 2 bottles, which can be connected using a tube and closed.


    • Water 1 l.
    • Fruit drink or berry juice 100 ml.
    • Vinegar 100 ml.
    • Soda 2 tsp.


    • Mix chilled water with fruit drink or berry juice.
    • Pour the resulting liquid into 1 container and lower the tube into it. Then close the container tightly with the lid.
    • Place the baking soda and vinegar in a second container and close it with a lid.
    • Connect the two containers using a carbon dioxide transfer tube. It needs to be installed on top.
    • Shake these two containers for 10 minutes. During this time, carbon dioxide will be released and the water will become carbonated.

    An easy way to make soda at home


    • Chilled water 250 ml.
    • Baking soda 1 tsp.
    • Lemon juice.
    • Citric acid ½ tsp.
    • Fruit syrup optional.


    • Quench soda with lemon juice.
    • Mix soda with citric acid and mix everything thoroughly. You can then add a little fruit syrup if desired.
    • Pour the resulting mixture with chilled water and mix everything thoroughly.
    • You can drink sparkling water after 3-5 minutes.

    There is no doubt that making soda at home is not so difficult. As you can see, it requires fairly common ingredients. If desired, you can add various juices, fruit drinks and decoctions to the drink. This way you can give the soda an unusual taste that you will like. It is better to drink the resulting carbonated water cold. This is the only way you can better taste the drink and quench your thirst.

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