Raspberry cake - step-by-step recipes for making chocolate, biscuit, curd or shortbread. Frozen raspberry pie recipe with photo Sponge cake with raspberries in dough

A sponge cake in the usual sense is the basis for a cake. There are a huge number of biscuit recipes these days. You can add various berries, fruits, nuts or chocolate directly to the dough before baking. The finished sponge cake can be soaked in any syrup and topped with your favorite cream. You don’t have to create complex actions, but eat this biscuit just like that.

According to this recipe, the raspberry sponge cake is not dry. Raspberries fit perfectly into the delicate dough.

I topped my sponge cake with protein cream. It was a great tea party.

Prepare ingredients for making raspberry sponge cake. Boil water.

Beat eggs with sugar into fluffy white foam.

Add sifted flour with baking powder.

Mix gently with a spatula. Finally add oil and boiling water. Mix again.

Pour the dough into a mold (20-22 cm).

I don't grease the silicone mold.

Place the raspberries in the dough, drowning them a little.

Bake the raspberry sponge cake at 170 degrees until done (check with a stick or toothpick).

Approximate time 12-15 minutes.

Turn the mold over and shake out the biscuit. For beauty, I trimmed off the exposed edges.

This is how I “dressed up” my raspberry sponge cake)).

Bon appetit.

Raspberry sponge cake is an ideal baked product that even a novice cook can make. During the season of collecting such aromatic berries, you can prepare it every day, serving a biscuit with tea or coffee, creating delicious cakes or desserts based on it. The number of chicken eggs according to the recipe can vary from 3 to 5 pieces, but the amount of flour and granulated sugar should remain the same and be measured in one container. That is, with the glass you used to measure sugar to create baked goods, you also measure the amount of premium wheat flour. Sift or not sift the flour - as desired. By the way, you can add flavorings to the biscuit dough: vanilla, citrus, etc. The most important secret of preparing a biscuit is to never open the oven door during baking and after it.


  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. wheat flour
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 100 g raspberries
  • oil for greasing the mold


1. Wash the raspberries in water and lightly dry with paper towels. To create a sponge cake, we will choose berries that are not juicy and that hold their shape well. Break the chicken eggs into the bowl of a food processor and add salt and granulated sugar. If you are used to creating a sponge cake by separating the whites and yolks, then beat them separately. If not, then beat the eggs for 4-5 minutes at high speed into a fluffy foam.

2. Sift the premium wheat flour and pour it into the container with the egg mixture, mix at low speed so as not to release air bubbles from the dough. At the same moment, turn on the oven at 180-200 degrees.

3. Grease the pan with odorless butter or vegetable oil, both the bottom and the sides. Pour the prepared biscuit dough into the mold. Let's put raspberries in it in a chaotic order - juicy berries are laid on top of the dough so that they do not have time to settle to the bottom.

4. Immediately place the mold in the preheated oven and bake the sponge cake for about 20 minutes, keeping an eye on the baking surface. As soon as it is browned, turn off the heat and leave the baked goods in the oven for another 10 minutes so that they do not settle due to contact with cool air from the outside.

This is a pie made from sponge dough combined with fruit or berry filling. It is considered one of the simplest, most delicious and fastest desserts to prepare. There can be several dozen variations on this theme. Most often, apples are added to charlotte as a fruit component - this is a classic of the genre.
However, recipes with quince, raspberries, blackberries, currants, apricots, cranberries, cherries, strawberries, blueberries and so on are no less tasty. Any fruit or berries that you have on hand can be used, both fresh and frozen. A friendly duet with fruit can be pieces of nuts, which make the flavor composition even more rich.

Culinary researchers claim that the pie's name comes from the English word "charlyt", which originally meant a dessert made from a mixture of eggs, milk and sugar. There are several versions of the origin of the dish, but the most famous is the romantic story about a cook who is hopelessly in love. It says that a young chef baked an airy apple pie for his girlfriend and named the delicacy after her - Charlotte.

This time I propose to prepare an extraordinary charlotte with raspberries, because right now gardeners’ bushes are hung with this wonderful sweet and sour berry. The raspberry sponge cake has a pleasant sour note; ruby ​​inclusions add bright colors to the light dough. While you have the opportunity, I recommend freezing a couple of plastic containers of raspberries for future use, so that you can treat yourself to similar pies later in the winter.


Recipe information

  • Type of dish: baked goods
  • Cooking method: in the oven
  • 1 hour
  • egg – 3 pcs.
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • flour – 1 tbsp.
  • baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • raspberries – 150 g.


Beat the eggs into a large bowl and add some of the sugar. It is advisable to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up slightly and beat better.

Beat the mixture until foamy and, without turning off the mixer, add the remaining sugar. The mass should double.

Mix flour with baking powder and sift into the dough. If there is no baking powder, you don’t have to add it; the dough will still turn out fluffy due to the beaten eggs and sugar. Mix the dough with a whisk, spoon or spatula. Mix carefully, using smooth movements from bottom to top, so that the dough does not settle. Do not knead for too long, do not knock on the edges of the bowl with an iron spoon, all this helps to collapse the air bubbles formed when beating the eggs with sugar.

The biscuit dough will be more tender and fluffy if you replace 50% of the flour in the recipe with potato starch.

The dough will become softer, with a pleasant creamy taste, if after adding flour you add 60 g of melted butter (cooled) to the dough.

Line a baking pan with parchment. If the mold is detachable, then cover only the bottom and grease the sides with butter. Pour the dough into the mold. Place raspberries on top, distributing them throughout the pie. It will settle during baking, so there is no need to put it on the bottom.

Raspberry pie is no less tasty with frozen berries. However, it is very important to defrost them correctly. This should be done at room temperature, removing the raspberries from the container. If the berry was frozen in a jar with sugar syrup, you can place the jar under running warm water (without opening the lid!) or in a pan with warm water to speed up the process. Never use a microwave oven. Due to exposure to microwaves, water molecules in the tissues of the berry are destroyed, as a result of which a huge part of the vitamins is destroyed. The benefit from such a berry will be small.

Bake raspberry sponge cake at 160-180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. In the first 25 minutes from the start of baking, you should not open the oven door to avoid the dough from settling due to temperature changes. Check readiness with a wooden toothpick or match. After piercing the cake, it should remain dry.

Allow the finished baked goods to cool. The finishing touch is decorating with powdered sugar. It looks beautiful if you pour melted black and white chocolate on top of the raspberry charlotte and sprinkle with almond petals.

This delicious pie is served on a flat dish or a wide flat plate (if the dessert was baked in a round form). If the charlotte was baked in a rectangular pan, you can cut it into pieces before serving.

This dessert goes well with aromatic tea and goes well with hot chocolate and coffee. At a friendly party, charlotte can be served with sparkling champagne.

Cakes have been and will be relevant at any time of the year, but in the summer you want something lighter, rich in vitamins and less in calories. Especially when there are so many healthy berries and fruits on the market. This raspberry, sour cream and chocolate sponge cake is a simple and delicious take on a light summer cake. It may seem like it's hard to cook, but it's not at all. Despite the number of layers, the cake is very simple to prepare. The only thing is that it will take time for the sour cream layer to harden on the gelatin in the refrigerator.

I would like to note that to assemble the cake I used a mold with a diameter of 19 cm and a side tape 10 cm high. Therefore, my cake came out very tall. If you use a mold with a diameter of 25-30 cm, the cake will turn out to be of standard height.

To make raspberry cake you will need:

for biscuit:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 5 tbsp. cocoa;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 tsp baking powder for dough.

for raspberry compote:

  • 300 g fresh or frozen raspberries;
  • 0.5 tbsp. cold water for gelatin;
  • 90 g sugar;
  • 10 g pectin;
  • 10 g gelatin.

for soaking the biscuit:

  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • several raspberries.

for sour cream on gelatin:

  • 1600 g sour cream;
  • 400 g powdered sugar;
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • several raspberries;
  • 1 tbsp. cold boiled water.
  • additionally: 50 g chocolate.
  • a few drops of vanilla extract or a couple of pinches of vanillin;

for glaze:

  • 50 g dark dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter.

Recipe for sponge cake with raspberries, raspberry compote and sour cream.

1. Let's start by preparing a tender berry layer - compote. Essentially, it is raspberry puree with the addition of thickeners: pectin and gelatin. But, despite the thickeners, compote should ideally resemble a cream more than a thick jelly. For raspberry compote we need 300 g of raspberries, cold water, sugar, pectin and gelatin. If you can't find pectin, you can replace it with cornstarch (note that potato starch will not work, only cornstarch).

2. Wash the raspberries under running water, put them in a deep plate and add sugar, mix. Leave for a while so that the raspberries release their juice.

3. Pour 10 g of gelatin into half a glass of cold water and leave it to swell.

4. Transfer the raspberries along with the juice into a saucepan. Mash a little with a spoon so that the raspberries turn into puree. Warm up to about 40-50 °C (the mixture should be hot, but under no circumstances boil yet). Mix sugar with pectin and sprinkle raspberry puree with rain, stirring immediately with a spoon.

5. Let the puree boil and cook for no more than 2 minutes. Then remove the raspberry mass from the heat, let it stand for half a minute so that the puree cools a little and add the swollen gelatin.

6. Mix everything. The gelatin should dissolve.

7. Cover the form for assembling the cake with tracing paper and pour the raspberry compote into it. Let the mixture cool completely at room temperature, and then put it in the freezer until completely set. The frozen solid compote will form an even and beautiful layer of the cake, and when the berry layer is defrosted, in the finished cake it will look like a thick raspberry cream puree.

8. Prepare chocolate sponge cake. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer into white foam. Add flour, baking powder, cocoa powder (if you want the sponge cake to have a chocolate flavor). Pour the biscuit dough onto a parchment-lined baking sheet or a special silicone mat. Bake for 15-20 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 degrees.

9. Remove the finished biscuit from the oven and cool it at room temperature.

10. While the biscuit is cooling, you can cook sweet syrup to soak it. Thanks to it, the biscuit will be moist and tender. For the syrup you will need a glass of water, half a glass of sugar and a few raspberries.

11. Place all the ingredients for the syrup into a saucepan and place on low heat. Mash the berries with a spoon, mix the syrup and cook until the sugar dissolves and boils.

12. Using the base of the springform pan, cut out the sponge cake for the raspberry cake. It is very convenient to do this with a curly knife, as in the photo.

13. Makes 2 cakes. If you use a mold with a diameter of 25 or higher, you will get one cake.

14. The remains of the biscuit will also be useful to us: we will cut them into cubes. We will also grate half of the chocolate bar.

15. Let's prepare everything for the sour cream: low-fat sour cream, fresh raspberries and powdered sugar so that the cream is homogeneous. We will also need gelatin, thanks to which the cream will set, become a little thicker and hold its shape well in the cake. To add vanilla flavor, use vanilla extract, vanillin or vanilla sugar.

16. Pour 40 g of gelatin into a glass of cold boiled water, stir and leave to swell. This amount of gelatin is enough to thicken the cream a little, but it will not be very dense.

17. Place all the sour cream (1600 g) and powdered sugar (400 g) into a deep bowl. Add fresh and washed raspberries, 55-6 drops of vanilla extract or 2 pinches of vanillin.

18. Beat the cream with a mixer at medium speed.

19. Heat the gelatin in a water bath or in the microwave until the grains are completely dissolved and add to the cream. It is very important to ensure that the gelatin does not boil, as this will cause it to lose its gelling properties. Immediately mix the sour cream.

20. Take the frozen layer of raspberry compote out of the freezer and remove it from the mold. Now we will use this mold to assemble the cake.

21. It's time to assemble the sponge cake with raspberries and sour cream. Since I used a small-diameter mold, a high side tape (10 cm) came to my aid.

22. Assemble the springform pan and place the sponge cake on the bottom. Soak it generously in syrup.

23. Spread about 1/4 of the sour cream, sprinkle with half of the grated chocolate.

24. Lightly dip the biscuit pieces into the cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

25. Again a layer of sour cream.

26. Spread the frozen compote, lightly pressing it down and sinking it into the cream.

27. Next comes the biscuit layer; we also soak it in the remaining syrup.

28. Pour in the remaining sour cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator until completely frozen, preferably overnight.

A gray and dull winter, sometimes lasting six months, makes us remember warm days with sadness and nostalgia. Since this time, there has been a shortage of not only sunlight, but also the main joy of summer - fruits and berries. But this problem can be corrected, and today we will talk about recipes that, as if by magic, will take us to the still distant summer months, giving us real berry pleasure, the main ingredient of which will be frozen raspberries. Pie with frozen raspberries is the main character of our article today.

Sponge cake

Sweet soft biscuit dough just goes perfectly with delicate raspberry sourness. You can see this for yourself by trying to prepare this amazing berry treat.

  • Egg - 3 pieces;
  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Baking powder - 1 pack;
  • Raspberries - 300 grams;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  1. Defrost the raspberries and let the excess liquid drain. We subsequently drain this juice. It can be used to make syrup or fruit sauce for pie.
  2. We separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Place the whites in the refrigerator for a while, beat the yolks with sugar until thick foam. As for the amount of sugar, you can vary it according to your own taste. Those who do not like excessive sweetness can safely take half a glass + a couple of tablespoons for sprinkling raspberries.
  3. Sift the flour together with baking powder. Many people believe that this manipulation is only needed to get rid of any debris that may be found there. In fact, the task is completely different, because the quality of modern flour itself is so high that there can be no talk of any garbage here. You need to sift so that the flour is saturated with oxygen and turns the dough into a fluffy cloud.
  4. Add flour to the egg-sugar mixture in small portions and stir until smooth.
  5. Beat the cooled whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form, then very carefully add this airy mass to the dough. We try to knead from bottom to top. The result should be a homogeneous dough, the consistency of thick sour cream.
  6. Grease the pan with butter or line it with baking paper. Silicone molds don’t need to be greased at all, since the dough won’t stick to them anyway.
  7. Distribute the dough evenly over the pan. We lay berries on top, which it is advisable to sprinkle with starch first, and sprinkle them with sugar. By the way, raspberries can be added to the dough itself.

Bake it at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Readiness is checked with a wooden skewer: if you pierce the product and take it out dry, then you can wait until it turns golden brown and remove it. The healthy treat should be served after it has cooled slightly.

Puff pastry pie

The easiest pie recipe using frozen raspberries. Its main advantage is that there is no need to make the dough, which is so unloved by many housewives. 15-20 minutes, and the dessert is ready (of course, subject to preliminary defrosting of all ingredients), however, first things first.

  • Ready-made frozen puff pastry - 1 package (500 grams);
  • Sugar - ½ cup (it all depends on taste preferences and the sweetness of the berries themselves);
  • Raspberries - 400-500 grams; Yolk of 1 egg;
  • Starch - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Butter - for greasing the pan.

When the ingredients are prepared, let's start cooking:

  1. Roll out the frozen dough into thin layers, one of which will be the base, and the second - the top.
  2. You don’t have to defrost the raspberries, but simply sprinkle them with starch so that all the berries are completely covered with it. This move will not only preserve the integrity of the berries during baking, but will also “bind” the flowing juice, turning it into an incredibly tasty jelly;
  3. grease the mold and lay out one part of the dough, making sides (their height depends entirely on the amount of dough, the higher the better);
  4. generously lay berries on top of the base and sprinkle sugar on top;
  5. on the remaining layer we make small cuts and stretch it a little so that it looks like a mesh. If time allows, you can work a little more on decorating the top by making a braid or braid. When laying out the dough, do not forget to pinch the sides.
  6. beat the yolk with a little water and coat the top so that our baked goods are covered with an appetizing golden brown crust.

Baking a pie with frozen raspberries at 180 degrees takes an average of 25 minutes, but start monitoring a little earlier, since ovens can work differently. Once the top is well browned, you can remove it. It is advisable to serve it already cooled, since hot berries can seriously burn you.

Multicooker recipe

Not a single kitchen can function without this assistant, but adapting recipes and understanding operating modes is not always possible. Therefore, we will tell you how to properly prepare such a pie in a slow cooker.

  • sugar - 150 grams (you can use 200 if you like it sweeter);
  • egg - 3 pieces; flour - 250 grams;
  • raspberries - 250-300 grams;
  • salt - a pinch; vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (optional);
  • baking powder - 1 sachet; starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - for greasing the bowl.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Beat the eggs with salt and sugar and vanilla sugar until the grains melt.
  2. Gradually add sifted flour and baking powder.
  3. Carefully sprinkle the frozen berries with starch so that it covers the entire surface and add to the dough. Mix thoroughly so that the berries are evenly distributed.
  4. Coat the multicooker bowl with oil and lay out the dough. Set the “Baking” mode. We wait 40-50 minutes, depending on the duration of the program.

You need to take the cake out after it has cooled, otherwise it may tear. You can serve with powdered sugar, fruit or cream sauce, or a scoop of ice cream.

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