Riga balsam where to buy in Riga. Riga balsam is the main symbol of Latvia. Benefits and healing properties of balm

Its exact recipe is still not known, but it is still used today both for medicinal purposes and as an aperitif or a pleasant and healthy additive to main food and drinks. In this article you will learn how to drink Riga balsam correctly, about some of its components, as well as how it is used in medicinal purposes.

A little history

This drink was invented by a Riga pharmacist in the 18th century and presented it as a cure for colic to the Russian Empress Catherine 2. Then it was called “Kunze Balm” and had a simpler recipe and a slightly different composition than now. Then the composition became more complex and the balm changed its usual taste and composition. Its main components were an alcohol tincture, several herbs such as lavender, sage, dill seeds and many other herbs.

In 1847, a factory for the production of this balm was created in Riga, the recipe of which was carefully classified until the beginning of the Second World War. It was only in the 50s that this recipe became known and Riga balsam went on sale again. But its exact recipe is still known only to its manufacturers.

Modern composition of the balm

Today it is known for sure that Riga balsam consists of 24 components, among which are purified and specially prepared water, ethyl alcohol of the highest standard, berries such as blueberries, raspberries and lingonberries, sugar, Peruvian balsam, ginger, honey and many useful herbs. On sale you can find regular Riga balsam in a brown bottle and black Riga balsam with a rich blackcurrant aroma, which is stronger in concentration than regular Riga balsam.

Many components included in the balm have a strong tonic effect. But since its composition is kept in the strictest confidence, it is difficult to understand whether those who suffer from herbal allergies can drink it for medicinal purposes. Therefore, before using it, try to find out if you are allergic, for example, to raspberries or linden blossom, as well as to other herbs included in the balm. Also, traditional Riga balsam has several varieties, such as:

  • classic Riga balsam. It is sold in a branded brown bottle, which has the traditional composition of Riga balsam. It is useful for both medicinal and culinary purposes and is often purchased for such purposes.
  • black Riga balsam. It is sold in a black bottle with a company logo and has a richer balsamic taste and composition. Many people clearly feel the taste of black currant in it, which is why it is used more for culinary purposes than for medicinal purposes. This balm is often added to coffee or drinks in small doses, as it has a very rich taste and bright aroma.
  • black creamy balm. This is a cocktail version of black Riga balsam with a pronounced creamy taste. It, like black Riga balsam with pronounced notes of black currant, is used for culinary purposes, although it can have a pronounced anti-cold effect. It is also added to various cocktails, coffee, ice cream and desserts, both home-made and restaurant-made. There are other types of Riga balsam that are rarely found on sale or are produced in limited editions.

How to use for medicinal purposes

Initially, it was used to improve the overall tone of the body, so in the old days Riga balsam was prescribed to patients with anemia, loss of appetite, as well as some colic or colds. Since Riga balsam has a composition with many herbs, it also helps with some inflammatory skin diseases, but before using it externally, you should consult a doctor.

Riga balsam has a pronounced anti-cold effect, only the balm should be applied immediately as soon as you feel unwell. To do this, you just need to add a tablespoon of balm to hot coffee or tea with lemon, or even better, to a hot blackcurrant drink. To do this, mix a tablespoon of balm with blackcurrant jam, then pour boiling water over everything and take in slow sips. This drink helps fight the first signs of a cold.

Tonic effect. If you take Riga balsam a tablespoon before meals, it not only helps to cheer you up, but also significantly improves the absorption of food, and also increases vitality. Some people suffering from anemia and experiencing lethargy note vigor and a surge of strength after taking Riga balsam, therefore, to increase vitality, Riga balsam is added to morning coffee, ice cream or juice. Only this drink should not be taken before classes or work, since the balm has a pronounced smell of alcohol, so experts advise taking it in small quantities or not taking it at all.

Anti-hangover. If you mix Riga balsam with cranberry juice, you get a tonic drink that will help you not only relieve a hangover, but also improve your body tone. Therefore, such a drink is very suitable to take after the holiday.

Antidepressant. Recently, scientists have proven that Riga balsam helps with depression, which is confirmed by many customers who regularly take Riga balsam. It not only helps relieve fatigue, but also apathy, which is often characteristic of people suffering from depression, both organic and situational. But it should be used only if, in a lethargic state, you are not taking medications or medicinal antidepressants, since the balm contains a high degree of alcohol.

To improve appetite and improve intestinal tone. At the very beginning, when Riga balsam had a more simplified composition, it was used for medical purposes, including for the treatment of intestinal atony and normalization of its condition. Then, when herbs and other beneficial substances began to be added to the balm, they began to use it as an aperitif before meals. But if you have intestinal problems, colic, mild intestinal infections, as well as loss of appetite after surgery, then you need to take a little Riga balsam on an empty stomach as a medicine to tone the intestines. But, before use, you should consult your doctor.

Use for culinary purposes

Any Riga balsam, especially with various aromatic additives, can be added to ready-made dishes. Most often it is added to cocktails and low-alcohol drinks, to various creams and fillings for desserts, to ice cream and cake fillings, as well as to various dressings for exotic salads.


Riga balsam should be used with caution (or not used) in the following cases:

  • if you have heart disease, heart pain, or have recently had a heart attack or stroke;
  • if you have a severe allergy to herbs, honey or berries, for example, raspberries;
  • if you suffer from alcohol addiction, have suffered a traumatic brain injury, or lose control when drinking alcohol;
  • if you are breastfeeding or pregnant.

In such cases, you should not take Riga balsam at all or take it rarely and in small quantities.

Don't know what Riga balsam is? And you ask your parents or grandparents.

Surely you will be pleased to listen to the story about one of the most worthy alcoholic drinks of the Soviet intelligentsia.

The peak of popularity of Riga balsam coincides with the time of total shortage in the Soviet Union, and such a drink was equated with a number of the most exquisite aperitifs, although it was originally created exclusively for medicinal purposes.

Riga balsam is still loved and respected by many generations today for its unforgettable taste, rich aftertaste, pleasant lightness in the body and tangible healing effect that it gives to its admirers.

Its exact recipe is kept strictly secret, the range of applications is very wide - from medicine to cooking, the strength is approximately 45 degrees.

Therefore, the drink has direct age restrictions: even for the purpose of improving one’s health, drinking it is strictly prohibited for people under 20 years of age.

A little history of Riga balsam

For many years, Riga balsam has been the hallmark of Latvia - all guests who come to the country are treated to it, and guests, in turn, always buy the drink as a gift or as a useful souvenir.

The original is bottled in authentic clay bottles of various sizes and sealed with oak stoppers..

The creator of the original version of the Riga balm is considered to be the pharmacist Abram Kuntze, who made the drug in 1752 and called it “Kuntze Balsam”.

In describing the pharmacological properties of his balm, the pharmacist indicated that it copes well with wounds of various origins - punctures and cuts, helps with colic, and saves from feverish phenomena.

Promotes recovery from bites of poisonous animals, relieves headaches and insomnia, treats tumors, frostbite, and closed fractures. The strength of the drink was only 15-16 degrees.

It is unknown what the fate of the mixture would have been if Catherine the Great herself had not tried it.

The balm coped well with her migraines, fatigue and colic, so the pharmacist received great advertising from the empress herself and the privilege to produce the balm without restrictions or fees.

Centralized production of the balm, now more improved and with a strength increased to 40 degrees, began only in 1845.

I must say that they drank it more as alcohol than as medicine. And in medicine they used it for external compresses.

The Second World War almost became fatal for the Riga balsam - its recipe was lost, and everyone was afraid that it would be lost forever.

However, from the remains of the unsold product, it was possible to recreate a similar composition, thanks to which to this day people have the opportunity to enjoy this amazing drink.

Chemical composition

As already mentioned, the manufacturer keeps the full list of ingredients included in the balm and the technology for its production in strict confidence.

It is known that it contains about 25 components - herbs, essential oils, special water, elite alcohol, extracts of berries and plants.

They say that initially Riga balsam included as many as 113 items of plant origin - herbs, flowers, roots, fruits that grew in the protected area of ​​​​Belarus.

However, after the Chernobyl disaster, it was no longer possible to obtain suitable raw materials from there, so the recipe was revised again and an attempt was made to replace individual components with analogues.

The balm contains vitamins A, D, C, and mega-useful minerals - cobalt, copper, potassium, zinc, magnesium and iron.

Riga balsam - benefits

1. In case of loss of strength, drowsiness, decreased performance, take it as a tonic - 1 large spoon in the morning on an empty stomach, or two teaspoons in coffee or tea.

2. At the first signs of a cold, it helps to neutralize the disease at the initial stage; in acute cases, it helps to alleviate the condition.

3. Prescribed as an antidepressant for depressed, apathetic states, after suffering stress. Used in monotherapy - apart from it, you cannot take any auxiliary agents.

4. Best for hangovers. The balm is mixed with juice.

5. Prevention of intestinal diseases and infections.

6. An excellent remedy for the absence or weakening of appetite.

7. Heals wounds well, including those from burns and frostbite, and moderate bedsores.

8. Relieves rheumatic pain, improves heart function, and renews the quality of blood.

9. Proven to help with migraines and tension headaches.

10. Prescribed for insomnia.

11. Helps with nervous disorders.

12. Promotes the outflow of bile, prevents its stagnation, thickening and stone formation.

13. Prevents peptic ulcers. When taken on an empty stomach, the antiseptic components of the balm and astringent properties inhibit pathogenic intestinal microflora and envelop its walls.

15. Acts as a good immunomodulator.

The balm normalizes all metabolic processes very well. For maximum effect, you must take it in strict accordance with the instructions or prescriptions of your doctor.

Riga balsam - harm

First of all, it is necessary to remind you about the dangers of alcohol in principle, and Riga balsam is real alcohol, enriched with special additives.

In this regard, there is a taboo on its use for:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing;
  • those suffering from alcohol addiction;
  • serious nervous disorders and diseases.

In addition, the components of the drink will be of dubious benefit to people with liver and kidney diseases, after a stroke or heart attack.

Moderation and adherence to dosage are the main components of successful treatment, this should never be forgotten. Be healthy.

In ancient times, many diseases were treated with balms. The alcoholic drink is infused with a large number of herbs. In the modern world, bartenders have adopted balm as an addition to most cocktails. There are also those experts who prefer to use balms in their pure form.

Basic rules for using balms

In its purest form

  1. Balms are often drunk in small quantities before and after meals. In the alcoholic world, the drink is consumed from liqueur glasses. It is customary to savor the balm in small sips.
  2. Many lovers prefer to combine high-quality balm with expensive tobacco (cigars). Experts say that the drink should not be eaten as a snack, otherwise you will not be able to taste all the notes.

Balm with coffee, tea

  1. Some people prefer to brighten up hot drinks with a small amount of balm. To tone the body and lift your spirits, just pour in 15 ml. alcohol in tea or coffee.
  2. After using this drug you will not feel intoxicated. The effect will definitely please you; this product is much more pleasant than classic coffee and cognac.

In cocktails

  1. In the bar world, there are a lot of cocktails with the addition of balms. A fairly simple and popular recipe translated from English is called “Night Black Dancer”.
  2. To make a cocktail, you will need to add 30 ml to the shaker. Riga black balsam, 7 ml. fresh lemon juice, 60 ml. Cola and 15 ml. dark currant syrup.
  3. Shake the shaker and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Serve the cocktail in a martini glass with a wedge of lime or cherry.

With alcoholic drinks

  1. Such use of balms is not very developed in Russia. Fashion migrated to us from the West. If you don't like pure vodka, brighten it up with a few drops of balm.
  2. Original combinations can be obtained with almost any alcohol. Try adding a small amount of balm to popular drinks in our homeland. You definitely won’t remain indifferent, believe me.

As a medicine

  1. Balms are also common as a product for treating digestive system disorders. The drink copes well with colds and nasal congestion.
  2. The alcoholic drug increases the tone of the body as a whole and strengthens the immune system. If you have chronic illnesses, consult a specialist before using the balm.

How to drink Riga balsam correctly

  1. Riga balsam is considered one of the strongest drinks among its brethren. The composition has 45 revolutions. The drink migrated to us straight from Latvia.
  2. The ceramic container helps to preserve the beneficial and taste qualities as much as possible from the influence of external factors.
  3. There are no special ways to use the balm; just cool the drink, pour it into a glass and savor it. The composition can also be mixed into hot drinks or ice cream.

Classic way

  1. Jägermeister is often consumed by true connoisseurs in its pure form. Place the container with the balm in the freezer a few hours before serving. Do the same with shots.
  2. Pour the liqueur into a chilled glass and sip the drink in one sip. After the freezer, Jägermeister acquires a pleasant stickiness and sweetness.
  3. Also, the presence of alcohol is not felt in the chilled drink. After using the balm, a pleasant aftertaste of the herbal mixture remains in your mouth. Jägermeister is often used as an aperitif.

Warm way

  1. Few people use the balm in its pure form. The Jägermeister must reach room temperature, after which it is served in shots. The drink tastes bitter, but the aroma of herbs is felt better than when chilled.
  2. Sip a shot of the balm, and in just a few minutes you will feel an increase in appetite and mood. More often, the drink is consumed as a preventive measure against colds. In terms of healing properties, Jägermeister is similar to Riga balsam.

The basis of cocktails

  1. Many lovers of alcoholic beverages prefer to dilute a strong balm. Popular variations of cocktails are simple; just combine Jägermeister with citrus juice, Sprite or mineral water (1:1 proportions).
  2. The Black Blood cocktail is also especially popular. To prepare it, just add 50 ml to the shaker. Blue Curacao liqueur, 20 ml. Jägermeister and 25 ml. Sprite. Shake the ingredients and pour into a martini glass with ice.
  3. The Cucumber cocktail is no less popular. So, 130 gr. Chop fresh cucumber into thin strips and place in a shallow glass with pieces of ice. Add 50 ml to the shaker. balm and 145 ml. Sprite. Mix the ingredients and pour into a glass.
  4. Also, don’t ignore the Jägermonster drink. It is enough to pour 30 ml into a whiskey glass. balm, 140 ml. orange juice and 35 ml. pomegranate syrup. Stir the ingredients and enjoy.

How to drink Karelian balsam correctly

  1. The drink is not very strong if you compare the balm with similar ones. The strength is about 40 degrees. The drink migrated to us from Karelia. The balm is produced in glass containers. The price of the drink is average, the taste will not leave anyone indifferent.
  2. There are no special rules for use. Add balm to tea, coffee or Cola. The drink goes well with natural cherry juice.
  3. The balm contains active ingredients, which in large quantities can be very harmful to health. You should not abuse the drink.

Read the general rules for using the balm. Recommendations have been developed for all alcoholic drinks of this kind. Enjoy the rich aftertaste by drinking a glass of pure potion. Prepare a cocktail based on Jägermeister, Riga or Karelian balsam.

Video: how to drink Jägermeister in its pure form and make cocktails with it

Black Riga balsam is the hallmark of Latvia. This strong drink belongs to the category of bitters and, with its bitter-sweet taste, is loved not only by local residents, but also by guests of the capital. And hardly anyone returned from a trip without a souvenir in the form of a ceramic bottle of tincture.

History of the drink

Initially, this balm was considered exclusively a medicinal product, the production of which was launched by the pharmacist Abram Kuntze back in 1752.

This “elixir of health” came to Russia thanks to Catherine II, when in 1789 she tried on herself the effects of “Kunze Balm”, which is what this herbal infusion was originally called.

The drink became what it is now only in 1845, when Albert Volschmidt opened a factory for its production in Riga, and the recipe was kept in the strictest confidence by the Schrader family of liqueur masters. And when they left for Germany in 1939, the original recipe was not revealed even to the new owner of the plant.

Until 1954, the masters of the Riga plant tried step by step to restore the taste of the balsam, and through trial and error they succeeded. Today the company belongs to the company “Latvijas balzams”.

Varieties of Riga balsam

  1. Riga Black Balsam– the soft and velvety taste of the original drink will open up a whole world of sensations with its 24 ingredients, including herbs, roots, berries and fruits.
  2. Riga Black Balsam Current– the magical composition of the original balm and natural blackcurrant juice creates a unique bouquet of flavors.
  3. Riga Black Balsam Element is a successful union of ancient traditions and preferences of modern consumers, which is based on an original recipe with the addition of high-quality rum.
  4. Riga Black Balsam Cherry– this drink has an original, modern and unique aroma obtained from combining “Riga Black Balsam” with cherry juice. This combination creates a harmonious balance between the sweetness and bitterness of the drink with a characteristic cherry aroma. The addition of ginger gives the drink a fresh feeling.

The design of the clay bottle of the balm, which is a tribute to many years of history and protects the drink from temperature changes, has not been changed for more than 100 years. Only in 2005 did they change the design of the cork

How many ingredients are in Riga balsam?

Classic Riga balsam black is made exclusively from natural ingredients. It contains 24 components, including: grain ethyl alcohol, water, sugar, brandy, honey flavoring and Peruvian balsam oil. Also, there were spices and plant extracts (ginger, raspberries, St. John's wort, linden blossom, mint, nutmeg, blueberries, berry fruit drinks, etc.).

The characteristic black color of the drink is given by burnt sugar, which is added during the preparation process. Despite the fact that all the components of the drink are known, its recipe is a closely guarded secret and is known only to the master of the liquor workshop and his two assistants.

Strength of drinks Riga balsam

  1. Riga black balsam – 45 degrees
  2. Riga currant balsam – 30 degrees
  3. Riga balsam element – ​​40 degrees
  4. Riga cherry balsam – 30 degrees

Interesting fact

The prototype of the Latvian elixir “Balsam Kuntze” was produced with a strength of no more than 16 degrees.

Shelf life of Riga balsam

Initially, the guaranteed shelf life of the drink was only 3 months, and for products that were exported - 16 months.

But, thanks to the modernization of technological processes, the shelf life of black balm is 5 years.

The benefits and harms of the Riga balsam drink

Despite the fact that the drink we are considering is an alcoholic product, it has many beneficial properties. It is recommended to be used for:

  1. Cold
  2. Heart diseases
  3. Chronic fatigue
  4. Stomach problems
  5. Depression
  6. Gallstone disease
  7. It slows down the aging of the body

The medicinal dose of balm for women should not exceed 20 ml, and for men – 30 ml.

Interesting fact! Riga black balsam is officially included in the manual for Latvian doctors as a medicine.

People with diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system and pancreas should use the drink very carefully. And before you start tasting, consult your doctor.

Do not forget that this is an alcoholic drink and excessive consumption can cause a hangover.

How to drink Riga balsam + cocktail recipes

  1. The drink can be served in small liqueur glasses as an aperitif or digestif to improve digestion.
  2. The balm is used for medicinal purposes from 2-3 drops to 30 ml.
  3. In the morning you can drink Riga balsam with coffee, and after a hard day at work, brew tea with Riga balsam.

Snacks are not served with this drink, so as not to interrupt the delicious taste and aroma; if anything is combined with the balm, it is only expensive cigars.

Tram of Desires


  1. Riga Black Balsam Element – ​​40 ml
  2. Pomegranate juice – 120 ml
  3. Orange slice
  4. crushed ice

Cooking method

  1. Fill a highball glass with ice.
  2. Pour in the balm and pomegranate juice and stir.
  3. When serving, garnish with an orange slice

Black Night Dancer


  1. Riga Black Balsam – 20 ml
  2. Blackberry syrup – 10 ml
  3. Coca-Cola – 40 ml
  4. Fresh lemon – 5 ml
  5. crushed ice
  6. Cocktail cherry

Cooking method

  1. Black Riga balsam, blackberry syrup, lemon juice and ice must be shaken in a shaker.
  2. Pour the contents of the shaker into the Coupe glass through a strainer.
  3. Add cola and garnish with a cocktail cherry before serving.

Riga's Fruity Summer


  1. Riga Black Balsam Currant – 40 ml
  2. Lemon – 1/2
  3. Orange – 1/2
  4. Lemonade Ginger Ale – 100 ml
  5. crushed ice

Cooking method

  1. Using a Mudler bar pestle, squeeze out the juice from the lemon and orange.
  2. Pour ice into a highball glass and pour Riga currant balsam.
  3. In a shaker, beat citrus juice and lemonade.
  4. And fill the empty space in the glass.

Mulled wine with Riga balsam


  1. Dry red wine – 750 ml
  2. Riga Black Balsam – 100 ml
  3. Cinnamon stick – 1 pc.
  4. Cloves – 3 pcs.
  5. Honey – 4 tbsp. l.
  6. Nutmeg – 1 pinch
  7. Orange – 1 pc.
  8. Cardamom - to taste

Cooking method

  1. In a saucepan, mix Riga balsam black, wine and all spices.
  2. Over low heat, bring the mixture to 50–60 degrees, add orange slices and simmer a little more, without bringing to a boil.
  3. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and let sit for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Before serving, strain the drink through a strainer and add honey.
  5. It is better to serve mulled wine in warm glasses.

Black Shooter


  1. Riga Black Balsam – 20 ml
  2. Peach juice – 20 ml

Cooking method

  1. Using a bar spoon, pour peach juice into the shot, and then black balm, forming 2 layers.
  2. You need to drink the shot at once.

Riga balsam: how to spot a fake

Some important tips on what you should pay attention to when purchasing balm outside Latvia.

  1. The original bottle is made of baked clay, no glass or metal elements.
  2. The bottom of the bottle does not have any identifying marks or convex elements.
  3. The balsam stopper resembles a cognac stopper.
  4. The neck and stopper must be covered with branded film.
  5. The Latvian code (475) is always indicated on the back label.

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Riga balsams have been the hallmark of Latvia for many years. This is an alcoholic strong drink with a rich sweet-bitter taste, belonging to the category of bitters. It is made from natural leaves, herbal extracts, roots and berries.

The popular drink is produced in ceramic containers, which protect it very reliably from changes in temperature and light. Riga balsams have received worldwide recognition throughout their history. They have earned about fifty international awards. Balsam is the main souvenir purchased by tourists in Latvia.


Riga balsam, the price of which is 3-10 euros, contains 24 ingredients, as well as specially prepared water. The drink contains natural plant extracts (ginger, raspberry, linden blossom, St. John's wort, lingonberry, etc.), high-quality ethyl grain alcohol, cognac, sugar, natural honey flavor, Peruvian balsam oil.

Despite the fact that the ingredients of the balm have been known to us for a long time, its recipe is kept secret. Representatives of the company “Latvijas Balzams” claim that only three people know the recipe for the national drink: the master of the liquor workshop, as well as two apprentices.

The taste of the balm is maintained at the highest level. This is due to strict adherence to a long-standing unique recipe and the use of only high-quality ingredients to make the balm. For example, the birch buds that are included in the composition are taken exclusively from Latvian birch trees, which grow in the Kemeri Nature Reserve.

Benefits and healing properties of balm

Riga balsam, the price of which is low, was first sold by Abraham Kuntze, a Riga pharmacist. The product was positioned by them as a miraculous elixir that helps against various diseases. The healing properties of the balm have been confirmed repeatedly over several centuries.

It is interesting that Riga balsams are currently included in a manual on various medicines in Latvia, intended for doctors.

The medicinal properties of the product are difficult to overestimate. It actually has pronounced medicinal properties.

Balsam Riga black

This remedy is a traditional version of the drink, famous since 1752 in Europe. This is a strong dark balm that has unique healing properties. He has received numerous international awards and worldwide recognition. Available in bottles of 0.04-3 liters.

Riga Balsam “Element”

It is a slightly modified composition of the product, which has retained the quality and uniqueness of the original recipe. The masters of Latvijas Balsams, relying on the modern preferences of customers, slightly changed the ingredients of the drink with a 300-year history. The composition of "Element" is also based on 24 ingredients with the addition of some original ingredients and rum. The strength of this drink is 40 percent.

Riga balsam currant

Currant Riga balsams began to be produced in Latvia not so long ago. At the same time, they are already very popular among guests of the country and local residents. The drink, created on the basis of traditional black balsam with ginger and natural blackcurrant juice, has a strength of 30 percent. It has a delicate aroma and an original pleasant taste. This drink successfully combines 2 favorite flavors - ginger with black currant and Riga balsam.

Black creamy balm

He represents another species. The drink has the taste of sweet cream liqueur. The classic taste of black balsam is diluted with vanilla-caramel aroma and a creamy composition. The strength of this drink is 17 percent.

How to drink the balm?

Riga balsam is usually used in its pure form and as part of a wide variety of cocktails. The residents of Latvia will be happy to tell you how to drink it, but we will look at the most common methods.

Mostly in Latvia it is served in small, cute glasses along with coffee or tea. Riga balsam is especially useful with hot green tea.

Not everyone knows how to drink it. You can do this in one gulp to experience its unique taste and interesting warming effect. It is added to ice cream, milk, desserts and sweets. Latvians themselves prefer to experiment with this drink. They add it to champagne, Coca-Cola, even regular tomato juice. Cocktails based on this balm are incredibly popular here.

Balm bar

In recent years, among the main attractions of the Latvian capital, a balm bar called Riga Black Magic has taken its place, and, by the way, deservedly so. It is located in the very center of Old Riga, next to the Town Hall Square.

The interior of this establishment is designed in the interesting style of an ancient pharmacy of the eighteenth century, while the staff wears beautiful historical costumes.

Buying Riga balsam

You can buy it in large supermarkets, Latvijas balzams stores and others. There are only fifty specialized stores open in Latvia. You can recognize them by the brown inscription Latvijas balzams, placed on a yellow background.

The price of Riga balsam primarily depends on the capacity. It fluctuates between 2-7 lats. When making a purchase worth more than 100 lats, customers in stores are given a 10 percent discount.

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