Dog buns with sausage. Sausage buns are a fun food for kids. Yeast buns with sausage and cheese in the oven

Pour yeast and sugar into warm milk, stir and leave for 10-15 minutes so that the yeast “starts” (a fluffy “cap” appears on the surface).

Then add the egg, vegetable oil and salt. Using a whisk, mix the mixture well. And, gradually adding sifted flour, knead an elastic, soft dough that does not stick to your hands. Place the dough in a bowl greased with vegetable oil, cover with a towel, and place in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.

During this time, the dough should approximately double in volume.

Knead the risen dough and divide into 17-18 equal parts. Roll each piece of dough into a ball. Cover with a towel and leave for another 10 minutes in a warm place.

Now let's start shaping our New Year's buns in the shape of funny dogs. Cut the sausages into circles, slightly diagonally (as in the photo).

On a floured board, roll out each piece of dough into an oval shape.

In the center, at the bottom of the flatbread, place a piece of sausage, pressing it slightly onto the dough (as in the photo).

Make a small cut in the top of the flatbread, opposite the sausage.

Fold the dough so that the top cut is on the sausage.

Make cuts on the sides to create the “ears” of the dog, move them slightly to the sides (as in the photo).

Seal the dough at the bottom well. Use raisins to make eyes and a nose.

In this way, blind all the “dogs”. Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment, cover with a towel and leave for 7 minutes.

Brush the top of the dog-shaped buns with beaten egg. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes (until a beautiful golden brown color). Baking time will largely depend on your oven.

Very beautiful, tasty, funny “Dogs” buns are ready. Let them cool slightly and you can serve. They do not taste very sweet, so they are suitable for first courses, instead of bread, and for tea.

Bon appetit! Prepare and surprise your family!

Show me a child who will voluntarily give up. You won't find one! This is a universal food to take on the road on a big or small trip, take to school as a snack, or just have a quick and tasty breakfast. Bun with sausage- this is such a wonderful invention of mankind, with the help of which you can bribe any child and, by skillfully manipulating him (yes, yes, I’m so terrible!), achieve the result the parent needs. Well, and besides, in such a funny performance, it’s just a holiday in itself: funny, interesting, cheerful.

From Bash-org:
- Well, how was the bun delicious? At least he asked if I wanted it too.
- Do not want. Yesterday you yourself asked me to make my cheeks smaller in the photographs, which means you don’t want to.

Today I will try to cook these miracle dogs - would you like to join? I think that if you wish, you can prepare the dough according to your own proven recipe, just using the idea and assembly technique as a basis. buns with sausage, which will result in puppies and doggies. I look forward to the delight of my children!


400 g flour;

5 g dry instant yeast;

220 ml water;

40 g sugar;

70 g softened butter;

sausages or sausages;

First - the dough. In a large enough bowl, mix all the ingredients except the oil. Then add butter and knead a soft, elastic dough - this will take about 10 minutes; if you have a bread machine, you can use its services and do all the manipulations on the “dough” program.

(NB from me - if you have regular granular yeast, not an instant version, I advise you to first dissolve it in water, otherwise it will remain nasty beige specks in the dough).

Cover the bowl with the dough with cling film, a lid or a towel, hide it in a warm place and wait until it doubles in size (about an hour on average).

Meanwhile, soak the raisins in water, rinse, dry - the eyes and nose are ready. We cut the sausages diagonally to form flat, oblong ovals.

Sprinkle the working surface with flour. Lay out the risen dough. Divide it into equal pieces weighing approximately 60 g, round each, cover with film or a towel and leave for 15 minutes.

After this, we roll each piece into an oval. On one side we place a piece of sausage (dog tongue), and on the other side we cut it slightly vertically. Fold in half. We make cuts for the ears.

Transfer the “dogs” to a baking tray lined with baking paper, cover with cling film (towel) and leave to proof for 40 minutes. At the end, put raisins in place of the eye-nose and press them in lightly.

If desired, brush the buns with beaten egg and bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the buns are a nice golden brown color.

The recipe and idea were found, where you can also see step-by-step photographs of the process of preparing buns with sausage in the shape of puppies.

At first glance, it may seem that the recipe is not simple, however, such dogs are easy to make once or twice.

Yeast dough made with milk turns out tasty and soft.

Such funny dogs always attract children. If desired, they can be involved in this process and then the preparation of such dogs will become even more fun than the dogs themselves).


Preparation steps:

1. Sift the flour and add warm milk, yeast, salt, sugar, eggs, melted butter and knead the dough. Leave it for 60 minutes in a warm place.

2. Divide the dough into small pieces, round them and leave for 15 minutes.

3. Slice the sausages slightly diagonally.

4. Form the dogs: roll each piece of dough into an oval cake and make a small cut in the upper part of the cake, and put a piece of sausage on its lower part and roll the dough so that the top cut is on the sausage. We make cuts on the sides and move them slightly apart - these are the ears.

5. Cover the dogs with a towel and leave to proof for 30 minutes.

6. Using raisins, we form the nose and eyes of the dogs.

7. Brush the buns with egg.

8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Sausage buns are one of the simplest baked goods in terms of ingredients and preparation that you can treat your loved ones to.

Yeast buns

Take warm yogurt and add yeast to it, then leave it in a warmer place for about 15 minutes. Next, add egg, salt and vegetable oil to the resulting dough. Mix. Then add flour in portions, making sure to mix. Knead the dough and put it all in the same warm place so that it rises.

When it doubles in size, knead it and wait until it rises again. After this, divide the dough into small balls - approximately 10-12. Next, roll out the cakes so that they are slightly oblong, roll them into a roll and roll them out again, but just a little, just to compress them. We connect the ends of the thick roll to form an oblong bagel - put a whole or half of the sausage in the middle.

Yeast buns with sausage and cheese in the oven

First, dissolve yeast and sugar in warm milk. Then add vegetable oil, salt, kefir and egg - mix thoroughly to obtain a completely homogeneous mass. Next, add flour in parts, mixing thoroughly. At the end, you need to knead the dough and leave it to rise for an hour and a half.

After it rises, knead it thoroughly and divide it into ten equal parts. Roll out the pieces of dough into flat cakes about a centimeter and a half thick.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and cut the sausage into any shape - preferably, of course, with a salt shaker. We spread the filling on top of our flatbreads in the very center. Next, we fasten the edges of the cake in the very center, making a thick and strong pinch so that it does not come apart.

Then turn the bun over, seam side down, and place it on a baking sheet, slightly flattening it with your hand. Sprinkle grated cheese and finely chopped bacon on top.

Puff “Rosochki” with sausage

Before cooking the buns, defrost the puff pastry.

When it is ready, put it on the table and cut it into strips, approximately 2-2.5 cm wide. The thickness should be about 2 mm.

Next, lubricate the pieces of dough with ketchup, which is needed here to give a great taste sensation. The layer should not be too thick - just apply it with a silicone brush. If you don't like ketchup, you can easily do without it.

Then cut the sausage into rounds, which we divide in half. After this, simply lay the sausage on top of the dough, so that its rounded part sticks out slightly - you need to lay it along as much as the length of the dough allows.

Then we simply roll the dough together with the sausage into rolls, making them look like rosebuds. The edges of the dough can be moistened with water for better gluing.

Buns “Dogs” with sausages

First, mix milk with water and yeast. Place the resulting mixture in a warm place for about 20 minutes. After the time has passed, add the beaten egg, salt and sugar to the already fermented yeast. Stir until smooth and begin adding flour, stirring constantly.

We take the dough and roll it into a sausage, cut it into layers, which in turn roll out so that they are slightly larger than the sausages. Then we lay out the sausages in layers and fasten them on all sides.

Both ends of the sausage in the dough need to be sharpened to create a long tail and a sharp muzzle. We make small strips from the remaining dough and attach them to the sausage - two at the bottom, like paws, and one closer to the face, like ears.

For the face we will use half an olive instead of a nose and small pieces of cheese for the eyes with pupils made from halves of peas. But this is after the oven, but for now we put the sausages in the dough into the oven on a baking sheet with parchment. They need to be baked at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Tulip buns recipe

First you need to prepare the dough. Mix a glass of flour, yeast and milk, then put them in a warm place for 20 minutes.

As the dough rises, add the egg, salt and butter - you can simply heat the butter a little and mash it with a fork or spoon to make mixing easier. Next, when everything is mixed, we begin to add the remaining flour - always in parts, constantly stirring.

After this, cover the resulting dough with something like a napkin and leave to rise in a warm place for another hour.

Once the dough is ready, divide it into 8-10 parts, depending on your preferences and the size of the purchased sausage. After this, cut the sausage into thin pieces (although you can also make thick ones if it tastes better to you) - there should be two pieces of sausage per part of the dough.

Next, take and divide each part of the dough into three equal pieces and roll them into a pancake slightly larger than a sausage. One bun is made like this - put sausage on a piece of dough, another pancake of dough on top, again sausage and dough on top - you get three layers of dough and two sausages. We mold the edges of the dough so that the sausage is not visible.

Then we make five longitudinal cuts, but not all the way, so that it looks like a zigzag and its edges need to be overlapped (look at the photo).

The buns are ready. Grease them with egg and put in the oven for 0.5 hours at 180 degrees.

  1. For a golden brown crust, you can brush the buns with beaten egg;
  2. It is advisable to place parchment on a baking sheet;
  3. Don’t be afraid to diversify the shape of the bun; if you have children at home, they will appreciate it;
  4. Such pastries can become either a regular sandwich for lunch or a delicious table decoration;
  5. Don’t be afraid to improvise with dressings (cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.) – it’s difficult to mess up such baked goods.

Bon appetit!

Forming doggie cookies, i.e. I saw cookies in the shape of dog faces on the blog of a famous online store of ready-made mixes for bread and pastries. The technology is simple. All you need are heart molds and dough of two different colors: light and dark with cocoa.


  1. I advise you to use healthy types of flour, such as whole grain, oat, bran, etc., which you mix with regular wheat in equal parts.
  2. There are two options for preparing the dough. Or first make a light dough, then divide it into two parts and mix cocoa into one of them. Or prepare two doughs separately, i.e. Divide all the ingredients into two parts and add cocoa to one of the parts.
  3. To make the color of cocoa brighter, you can pour boiling water over it - 4-6 tbsp. spoons, mix and add the mixture to the dough. In this case, you need to add a little flour to the dark dough.
  4. The cookies are not very sweet, but if you want to increase the amount of sugar, be prepared that the light dough will brown more during baking and the contrast between the dark and light dough will be less pronounced.

Ingredients for Dog cookies.

First, mash the pieces of butter with sugar.

My daughter helps me, or rather, I help her))

Then add eggs, sour cream and mix.

Combine flour with baking powder (here wheat and whole grain) and add to the previously obtained mass.

Knead soft dough.

Divide the dough into two parts and mix cocoa or carob into one of them.

The finished dough should be covered and refrigerated for 20 minutes.

Then roll out the dough to about 5 mm thick (we have something thicker...)

Use a cookie cutter to cut out light and dark hearts.

Whole hearts are muzzles, and half hearts are dog ears. Combine muzzles and ears in different color combinations. Make noses and eyes from tiny balls of dough.
Place the cookies on a greased baking sheet, baking paper or baking mat and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the dough.

Roll out the dough scraps thinly, fold them into two or more layers, alternating colors, and cut into simple rectangular cookies or cut out with cookie cutters. In the second case, you will again get scraps suitable for cookies in a marble-type color.

The "dog" cookies are ready.

Enjoy your tea!

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