5 best protein shakes at home: recipes. How to make a protein shake at home?

Homemade protein shakes can serve as an alternative to expensive sports nutrition. This diet option is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty!

A protein shake is needed so that the body receives the necessary portion of protein during sports and weight gain. In sports nutrition stores, there are many nutritional supplements of this type, but their high cost is repulsive at first glance at the price tag. Homemade cocktails can be an alternative to store-bought ones.

What foods are used to make homemade protein shakes for mass gain?

People who play sports may have difficulty gaining weight. Most often this is due to malnutrition, which is not able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of trace elements. Modern living conditions dictate many conditions and therefore you need to take the opportunity to prepare a protein shake at home.

The correct weight gain will be only when the calories come in portions and gradually. A protein shake is a great snack that can satisfy your hunger for 3-4 hours. The ingredients that make up the cocktail are the most accessible and familiar to humans, but they have the ability to favorably affect the digestive system. So, you can easily use milk, sour cream, yogurt, eggs, fruits and juices.

What products are homemade protein shakes for weight loss made from?

Protein shakes for weight loss are effectively used in dietetics. This is because the protein composition of the drink prevents fat deposits and contributes to the construction of muscle mass. But do not worry that after drinking such a cocktail you will immediately grow in volume. In order for muscles to grow, they need active physical activity. The simple use of protein shakes helps to smoothly get rid of excess weight, namely:

  • block the feeling of hunger
  • maintain muscle mass
  • improve metabolism

For the preparation of homemade cocktails, they use: fruits, seeds, honey, milk, kefir, berries, butter.

Recipes for making the best protein shakes at home

Stock up on patience, inspiration, the desire to acquire the figure of your dreams and the necessary utensils for storing a cocktail. Try making some delicious and incredibly healthy drinks at home:

banana protein shake at home recipe

Such a drink is able to provoke rapid weight gain during active physical exertion.

  1. Milk - 0.5 liters
  2. Fresh bananas - 300 grams (1-1.5 pcs.)
  3. Any nuts 30-50 grams
  4. Honey - 3 tablespoons
  5. Cottage cheese - 200 grams

All ingredients are placed in a blender bowl and whipped vigorously for 2 minutes. After that, it is poured into bowls and drunk during the day in two doses, between lunch and dinner.

Natural protein shake with cottage cheese at home

Cottage cheese smoothies are the easiest to prepare and the most nutritious for the body. For cooking you will need:

  1. Cottage cheese 300 grams
  2. Milk - 250 grams (one full glass)
  3. 100 grams of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants)

All components are thoroughly whipped in a blender for two minutes and poured into a storage bowl. A cocktail is considered ready when the curd and milk have acquired a homogeneous mass. If desired, two or three teaspoons of cocoa can be added to such a drink.

Milk protein shake recipe

Making a milkshake is easy. You need to have:

  1. Sour cream - 200 grams
  2. Olive oil 2 tablespoons
  3. Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  4. Orange juice - 150 grams
  5. Lemon juice (about half a lemon)
  6. Fruits or berries optional

All ingredients, except lemon juice, are placed in a blender and whipped vigorously. Lemon juice is added to the finished mass. The cocktail is consumed an hour before training or as a snack. This drink contributes to a qualitative set of muscle mass.

Homemade Protein Shake with Ice Cream for Mass Gain Recipe

Sweet lovers can try an unusual cocktail with the addition of ice cream. It is known that Arnold Schwarzenegger himself was engaged in the architecture of his body and often used this drink.

  1. Milk - 300 ml
  2. Powdered milk - 3 tsp
  3. 100 grams of ice cream
  4. 1 egg

All ingredients are whipped in a blender or mixer. This drink is recommended to be consumed an hour before training.

When to drink protein shakes? Protein shakes at night for weight loss

  • A protein shake for weight loss is often consumed in the morning instead of breakfast. Some drink it neat, some drink it with a slice of bread, vegetables or fruit.
  • So we provide the body with the necessary amount of protein in the morning and replenish its lost amount during the night. This prevents the loss of muscle mass, which often occurs with diets.
  • By speeding up the metabolism, protein shakes make the body work harder and spend more calories on it. It must be remembered that protein-rich shakes are useful to us only if we consume enough water per day. With a lack of water, the body can experience stress
  • Drinking protein shakes at night promotes slow but physiological weight loss. Taking a cocktail instead of dinner or before bed can block hunger and save you the occasional snack.

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes: Tips

When preparing a cocktail at home, you need to follow some of the nuances that will allow you to achieve the greatest result in losing weight or gaining muscle mass. So, morning cocktails can be sweetened with glucose or honey, and in the evening they should consist of a minimum amount of carbohydrates.

Another secret is the temperature of the drink. The cocktail should not be cold! Warm temperatures, around 37 degrees, can speed up your metabolism and your stomach. The volume of the consumed drink before training should be at least 300 ml. Adjust the calorie content of the cocktail correctly, depending on the added ingredients.

Homemade protein shakes are the safest cure for being overweight or thin. Regularly consume protein drinks and diversify the diet with milk shakes:

  • Raspberry shake for weight loss

You will need:

  1. Kefir 0.5% fat - 200 ml
  2. Milk 1% - 100 ml
  3. Raspberries - 150 grams

Blend the ingredients in a blender and drink between meals.

  • Shake with kiwi and honey
  1. 200 ml milk 1%
  2. 200 ml kefir 0.5%
  3. 1 piece finely chopped kiwi
  4. honey - one tbsp

Have a cocktail in the morning

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