Is it possible to harm from a raw food diet: the bitter truth is the uterus!

16.09.2015 Vladimir Zuykov Save:

Hi all! Vladimir Zuykov is in touch with you again. Dear friends, as you know, there is a lot of information on the Internet about the benefits of a raw food diet, enthusiastic and laudatory reviews. Today you will learn about the dangers of a raw food diet. Yes, there is, and it's a big one. They try not to talk about it, but it is impossible to bypass this issue.

You can leave and read reviews about the dangers of a raw food diet in the comments, and now let's look at the reasons why live food is harmful and which one.

Harm of a raw food diet: reasons worthy of attention!

For example, in order to replace animal protein, a novice raw foodist begins to try hard to replace it with vegetable protein. As a result of skin problems, belly fat appears, potency decreases in men, menstruation disappears in women. Also on the face is a clouded brain, a bad appearance. People around say that you look terrible, but the person does not believe and writes off everything as a temporary phenomenon.

In fact, you don’t need to worry about protein, but make a competent diet for the transitional stage individually for yourself. When compiling, be sure to take into account the state of your health, the speed of transition, product preferences and other important points. Without such a program, a raw food diet is ineffective and even harmful!

Personally, it took me almost a year of living nutrition to come to the compilation of an individual diet for myself. I hadn't thought about this before. But in vain. An individual diet at times improves the quality of a raw food diet and sets the right course.

Guys, be sure to make a diet for yourself so as not to be among those who are harmed by a raw food diet. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced one, it doesn't matter. Everyone should have their own diet! If you find it difficult to compose it yourself, you can contact me for help in compiling it.

3. Wrong combination of products

Most beginner raw foodists do not even think about the combination of products with each other. This is a global mistake, friends. I have already written and repeated many times that such a raw food diet is very harmful and always a dead end. Rollback to the boil is inevitable.

You will object to me: but how is it, there are a lot of blogs with raw recipes on the Internet, everyone praises and everything seems to be fine. Friends, 97% of these recipes are incompatible, indigestible and even unhealthy in the long run. The first month or two everything is more or less good, and then the problems begin.

Such a raw food diet causes not only heaviness in the stomach and poor digestion of food. These are flowers, folks. Berries appear later in the form of constant crises, zhora and new diseases.

And in such conditions, does a person want a raw food diet to bring him health and benefit? Many complain about problems with CE and eternal crises. It is necessary to remove the causes - indigestible mixtures, and it will become much easier to live.

There is another extreme - a monotrophic raw food diet. This is when one food is eaten at one meal. For example, for breakfast only apples, for lunch only carrots, for dinner only bananas.

This type of food is bad because many people cannot eat greens monotrophically, and without it, a raw food diet turns into a flawed diet. And besides, usually such nutrition is unbalanced + the correct microflora is not formed.

Of course, separate food is not an easy task. There are many nuances and pitfalls here. Therefore, I have compiled a raw food diet combination table for you.

Unique development! Download and enjoy. This will help you avoid many mistakes from the wrong combination of products.

4. Lack of the concept of daily routine

There is a lot of information on the Internet that raw foodists can sleep many times less, and without consequences for the body. For example, many raw foodists say that 6 or even 4 hours is enough for them to sleep. Of course, I can tell you from my own experience that this is true. Could be so.

But what does a beginner raw foodist do? Having read the experience of "smart brothers", he now also sleeps little. But why act so ignorantly towards your body?

You switch to live food, which means you increase the load on the body, which, on the contrary, now needs to sleep more. If the sleep / wakefulness regimen is not followed correctly, the consequences are always sad. Inhibition in action, drowsiness during the day.

I admit, I myself did not understand the importance of sleep before. I will also write an article about sleep on a raw food diet. Subscribe to updates not to miss this article!

5. Failure to comply with elementary hygiene

I have already written many articles about teeth, oral cavity, hygiene. Raw foodists have decayed teeth, they do not observe basic body hygiene and generally believe that they do not need to wash. It happens.

About body hygiene. Some raw foodists do not bathe, justifying this by the fact that their body does not emit unpleasant odors. Yes, it is true, with proper nutrition. Body odors disappear almost completely after about 2 years of a raw food diet.

Guys, everyone needs to wash anyway! The environment is not so clean, and all this dust and negativity of the city settles on your body. Draw your own conclusions. Remember, cleanliness is the key to health!

6. Bigotry, usually imposed

Very often you can meet the calls of fanatics, both open and veiled. Something in the spirit: "let's quickly go on a raw food diet, stop eating boiled slag."

And a lot of raw food beginners fall for this ignorant nonsense. By forcing things, they rush... and make a lot of mistakes. Sometimes they also become the same crazy fanatics and zombies, imposing a raw food diet on relatives and everyone around them. There was a man as a man, and now an insane sectarian ...

That's where the doctors' reviews about the abnormality of vegans and raw foodists come from. Because of the fanaticism of the latter.

The body and consciousness must be given time to get used to new food, to a new way of life. Everything must be done gradually and wisely. Fanaticism does not lead to anything good. There must be a clear awareness of the raw food diet.

More about this has already been discussed in our transition audio course with Pelagia. You can download it absolutely free by clicking on the picture:


That's all for today, dear friends. As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for CE to do harm. And this is not all the reasons, these are only the most basic and common. Don't let it hurt you!

I hope my instructions are clear to you. A raw food diet is harmful if a person uses free general advice. Use your transition tactics and create a personalized diet.

And then the raw food diet will be beneficial, not harmful. If you approach live nutrition wisely, then it will also bring joy + incredible achievements in other areas of life. Verified personally!

Dear reader, what are your thoughts and questions about the article? Write in the comments, I will be glad to answer and suggest if there are any difficulties with something. Also write your experience and feedback. Well, it's time for me to go pick and eat delicious grapes in my garden. All health!

Z.Y. Subscribe to blog updates– there is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

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