Raw food diet - a healthy lifestyle or a mistake?

When creating this article, I tried to collect all the most important things for the first dive into the topic, because a new way of life should be built on a solid foundation of knowledge. It's time to learn about all the pros and cons, take into account different opinions and understand whether it is safe to change your diet so drastically.

Briefly about what is a raw food diet

A raw food diet is the most natural type of nutrition for a person. It is this argument that the raw foodists are the first to provide.

Their opinion is not meaningless. Man comes from the family of hominids, which means that primates are closest to us on the evolutionary tree. They are 100% plant-based with little added animal products.

But omnivorousness is rather a way to survive, and not a prerequisite, plus this percentage is negligible compared to the total amount of food. Man has distanced himself from nature as far as no other biological species has ever done. Therefore, the transition to a raw food diet will allow you to return to the natural food intended by nature itself.

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet: table



1. Improving the functioning of the immune system. 1. Hard depression. You will miss junk food.
2. The overall endurance of the body increases, fatigue disappears. 2. Weakness, inconstancy of sleep. The body at first does not understand what is happening to it, in fact it is breaking.
3. The risk of cardiovascular pathologies is reduced. 3. Numbness of hands and feet. The body moves to a new mode of life.
4. The skin is cleansed, toxins accumulated in the body for years are released. 4. Hair loss. It doesn't always happen, but it does happen. Depends on the way of transition, the state of the body. Happens temporarily.
5. Normal weight is restored. 5. Indigestion. Especially if you mix different food groups with each other incorrectly.
6. Sleep sound, healthy. It takes much less time to rest - on average no more than 5 hours.6. Mood swings. Lack of vitamin B negatively affects balance.
7. Emotional dependence on food, the scourge of modern society, goes away and does not return. You eat really little and that's enough for you.7. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. With a sharp, wrong transition.
8. Thermoregulation improves. Heat and cold are much better tolerated. Some raw foodists show amazing resistance to cold, using a minimum of clothing.8. Erosion of tooth enamel. It is observed if the diet is not balanced.
9. Eating this way internal "defensive" systems better protect a person from poisons and carcinogens.
10. clarity of thought, a feeling of joy from every minute of life, incredible optimism. The mental state improves.

Raw food and health

Studying the raw food diet, the benefits and harms for the body, we are faced with a new statement - a significant improvement in performance. The body, freed from the daily burdens of digesting unnatural food, directs its forces to the recovery processes in the body.

Infectious, chronic diseases bypass a person. We are healthy like never before. Plus, the overall endurance of the body increases significantly, fatigue disappears. This is especially noticeable to those who prefer sports and outdoor activities. Laziness, apathy, loss of strength - all this will remain in the past.

Switching to a raw food diet involves a different way of eating

A raw food diet has both benefits and harms, but it is worth focusing on the positive aspects of the issue. Adherents of this menu reduce the risk of cardiovascular pathologies and even cancer.

Many, knowing about the likely heredity, it is because of this that they switch to and share hundreds of positive reviews about excellent health.

The inflammatory processes accumulated in the body for years are stopped. Even the smell goes away, the hair regains its shine and does not get greasy for a long time. Some even wash them once every 2 weeks.

Raw foodists get absolutely all the nutrients from fruits and vegetables, which is not observed during heat treatment.

Normal weight is restored: thin people get fat, overweight people lose weight. Moreover, these are relatively quick results, or other digestive problems, which are common with diets.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Everyone discovers their positive sides, but everything is individual and depends on the state of the body, age, etc.

Considering the raw food diet as a lifestyle, its benefits and harms, it becomes clear that only fresh food is preferred here. And along with this, the same fact carries a whole layer of negativity from the opponents of the raw food diet.

Tip: start this practice only after a well-chosen nutrition program.

Understanding the benefits and harms of a raw food diet

Harm and possible consequences

Even experienced raw foodists know that this is a coin with two sides. And all the "bonuses" listed above do not mean that such food is right for you.

The first thing you will stumble upon is a total misunderstanding of others. And this is not a joke! Family, loved ones, and loved ones will almost certainly say “stop” to your aspirations. Moreover, they can categorically resist this, try to "save" you and return you to normal nutrition.

When I just tossed out the obvious garbage from my food basket and started looking towards the raw food diet, the family seemed to support me (verbally). Noticeable results and a healthy appearance contributed to this, but in fact they began to panic, I would say subconscious horror.

They literally slipped harmful things and pressed psychologically, dissuaded them from a raw food diet, because they were really scared.

This picture, like nothing else, well illustrates the attitude towards food in our society. You can literally be out of society and be the "black sheep" among the crowd. And then one of two things: either everything will work out and help your friends, or quit.

A long and often painful period of restructuring of the body, physiological and psychological, awaits you. After the transition to a raw food diet, the benefits and harms will become apparent and the stronger this effect.

Raw food and vitamins

Opponents of the raw food diet insist that such a set of food is limited and a person does not receive too many vitamins. And this is very dangerous. Everyone is especially concerned about the topic of pernicious anemia.

This rare and serious disease occurs when there is a deficiency. Subsequently, it simply does not get absorbed. The enzymes responsible for its transition to the active phase die. This disease has no cure and can lead to neurological damage and even death.

In contrast, an experiment is given that proves that the relationship of an unbalanced diet with vitamin B12 is a very rare phenomenon.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the issue itself is little studied, and now raw foodists in our country are mostly pioneers who experiment on themselves. On the one hand, this approach is justified; On the other hand, there are no guarantees.

An abrupt transition is very dangerous and unpredictable, and a breakdown in ordinary food threatens with a strong deterioration in health. But it's still a question of who is to blame: junk food or a raw food diet.

Tip: for completeness of information, before switching to a raw food diet, studying its benefits and harms, read the story of the former complete raw foodist Victoria Butenko. Many criticize her for her lack of scientific analysis, but perhaps her experience will help you avoid possible mistakes.

It is important to remember the need for mineral and vitamin balance in the body

Raw food diet - benefits and harms for the pancreas

A terrible disease when destructive inflammatory processes occur in the body. The enzymes produced remain in the pancreas itself and the organ digests itself. As a result, toxins have a destructive effect on the kidneys, brain, liver, etc.

This disease appears as a result of malnutrition and consumption:

  1. Acute
  2. Smoked
  3. frankly harmful
  4. Bold
  5. Preservatives

Fearing the possible consequences, we strive to switch to the right diet. In this case, if your choice fell on a raw food diet, you should not rush, otherwise you can “break wood”.

An abrupt transition can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and a series of attacks. In addition to the fact that the body is not used to digesting food in this form, you are also depriving it of the usual animal protein.

For those who suffer from pancreatitis or are worried about the health of their pancreas, we recommend using the services of a raw food doctor. It will help you create the right, balanced diet for your specific case.

The transition to a new nutritional model should be as gentle as possible.

You should smoothly transition from boiled to raw, starting with proportions of approximately 50 to 50. Avoid foods with coarse fiber, a lot of sugar. The emphasis should be exclusively on vegetables. Avoid tomatoes and citrus fruits completely.

Some raw foodists argue that it will not be possible to completely avoid unpleasant sensations, because the pancreas, even healthy, is also being rebuilt in a new way.

Good to help with that. They do not load the pancreas, since their absorption does not require a large amount of enzymes.

Whether to be treated in this way is up to you. It requires careful monitoring of the reaction to a particular product and specialist advice.

Tip: Whenever possible, eat food grown in your own garden. So you will be sure that you do not aggravate the situation with chemically harmful substances.

Raw food diet - benefits and harms. Doctors' opinion. What does science say about this?

For the most part, official medicine has a negative attitude towards a complete raw food diet. Seeing it as a maximum weekly course of recovery, no more. Most often, they are worried about the lack of a number of useful substances; alternative sources are treated with distrust.

Again, there is concern about the lack of B12, which can only be obtained from animal products. But, in truth, we solve this moment by taking vitamins in a timely manner and periodically taking tests.

Raw foodists, in turn, cannot fully trust the opinion of such interested people who promote completely different forms of recovery.

Most of the negative reviews of doctors are associated with cases where the culprits of the problems were the people themselves, ignoring their own ailments and disturbing symptoms.

These include:

  1. The disappearance of the monthly cycle in women
  2. Improper mental development in raw food children
  3. Violation of the psycho-emotional state

Try to eat only natural products

At the same time, Aleksey Kovalkov, the chief nutritionist of Russia, insists that with the right approach, such a diet is quite acceptable. But at the same time, it is important to correctly calculate exactly how much protein we get from plant foods.

In such conditions, in the presence of a full range of knowledge, a raw food diet will not cause harm. The main thing is that it becomes a part of life, and not a fashionable trend for a day or two, in which case it is better to refrain from undertaking.

The video at the end of the article will help to dot the "i" in the topic "Raw food - benefits and harms". Mikhail Sovetov is a former doctor, and now a fruitarian with 6+ years of raw food diet experience.

He tried this diet and, by his own example, dispelled a number of myths about the dangers of the direction. At the same time, he notes that such a power scheme is not suitable for everyone. The most important thing is to take each step consciously and slowly so that the raw food diet does not entail physiological and mental abnormalities.

He himself claims that a very worthy life goal will be required for a complete transition. For the rest, it will be enough to achieve the fullness of their diet with raw vegetables and fruits in the amount of 70%.

Tip: be sure to do a detailed blood test every six months.

Switching to a raw food diet is an extremely important step.

Transition difficulties

If you decide to embark on this innovative path to wellness, be prepared that things won't go smoothly at first. At this time, the body is completely rebuilt in full harmony.

Approximate transition stages:

  1. At first, there will be a state similar to euphoria. The body will feel light and happy.
  2. You start thinking about food, eating and thinking again. A “zhor” may open when the psyche rather than the body requires saturation.
  3. Depression, apathy, coldness in the extremities. You will be dissatisfied with the situation, perhaps nervous or even aggressive towards your neighbor. Crises and exacerbations of diseases occur precisely at this moment.
  4. Normalization of appetite, obsessive thoughts recede away.
  5. Digestion has completely changed. There is a set of weight, it becomes easier to think, health is normalized and from that moment it only improves.

Tip: if you are interested in this topic, check out the books by Paul Bragg, Ter-Avanesyan Arshavir and Alexander Eliseev ("Raisin").

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