Salad with pollock, carrots and onions. Salad with pollock Salads with boiled fish pollock

I tried this salad at my neighbor’s and really liked it both in taste and ease of preparation. You can use any fish, but you should give preference to less bony ones. Instead of red pepper, you can use yellow or orange. Quail eggs also work very well. Pollock salad with egg, potatoes and sweet peppers is best served molded using a molding ring. Beautiful, appetizing and tasty!

To prepare the salad, you need to take fresh pollock, red bell pepper, potatoes, chicken eggs, mayonnaise, refined sunflower oil and salt.

Wash the potatoes, add hot water and boil until soft.

Cool the potatoes, peel and cut into small cubes.

Gut the fish, rinse thoroughly, cut into pieces, place in hot salted water and boil for 25 minutes.

Cool the finished fish and disassemble it into small pieces.

Pour the eggs with cold water and boil for 10 minutes, counting from the start of boiling of the liquid, and then lower them into cold water, peel, cool and cut into small cubes.

Peel the sweet pepper from seeds, cut into several strips, and then finely chop each strip crosswise.

Place the peppers in a frying pan with heated oil, cover with a lid, simmer until soft and cool.

Combine fish, peppers, potatoes and eggs.

Mix everything.

Season the mixture with mayonnaise.

Mix the salad. When serving, you can place it in a molding ring and decorate it as you wish.

Pollock fish salad is ready. Bon appetit!

Detailed description: salads with pollock recipes from available ingredients and detailed preparation information taken from several sources.

We suggest preparing a very simple salad that your loved ones will certainly enjoy.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of pollock; it contains micro and macroelements. When boiled, 100 grams of product contains 1.5 g of calcium and only 50 mg of cholesterol.

Pollock is boiled, fried, stewed, baked with potatoes and vegetables. You can buy both fillets and the whole carcass in any supermarket in the fish department, frozen or chilled. Moreover, this fish is affordable for anyone.

Our recipe is suitable for regular meals for every day and for the holiday table.


Pollock fillet - 300 g

Cucumber - 1 pc.

Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.

Mayonnaise - to taste

Potatoes - 1 pc.

Salt - to taste

Dill - 1 sprig

Cooking time - 0 h 30 min

First you need to boil the potatoes in their jackets. Wash the tubers, place in a saucepan and fill completely with cold water.

Boil over high heat, then reduce to moderate, cover with a lid and cook until fully cooked, about 15-20 minutes, the time depends on the type of potato.

Cool, peel and cut into small cubes.

Hard boil the eggs, peel and chop into medium pieces, you can use a coarse grater, it doesn’t matter.

Cut the cucumber into small squares.

Rinse the fish flesh, put it in a saucepan and add water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, add salt and cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes.

Remove the fillet from the broth, cool and chop into small pieces with a knife; you can separate it into fibers with a fork.

Wash and chop the dill into smaller pieces, add salt to taste, and season with mayonnaise.

Stir and you can serve. This dish can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

Salad with boiled pollock is ready. Bon appetit!

I want to learn how to cook delicious fish dishes. So far I haven’t tried many recipes. Here I start fish with vegetables and cheese.

I bought pollock fillet and telapia fillet. I immediately decided to cook it with two types of fish.

I didn't feel much of a difference. I also heard that this dish is very tasty when cooked with pink salmon and trout. It's very easy to prepare and turns out quite filling.

For me, with mayonnaise, the dish turned out a little greasy.

Products for cooking pollock with carrots and onions :

  • fish fillet 700 grams;
  • carrots 3-5 pieces;
  • onions 3 heads;
  • mayonnaise 100 grams;
  • hard cheese 200 grams;
  • vegetable oil for frying vegetables;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • freshly ground black pepper and salt.

Recipe pollock with carrots and onions :
Wash the fish fillet, place it on a board, pat dry with a paper towel to remove excess liquid, then sprinkle with lemon juice. Salt each piece to taste and sprinkle with ground black pepper.

Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.

Cut the onion into quarter rings.

Fry vegetables in vegetable oil until soft. It's not worth frying.
At the bottom of the pan in which you will bake the fish, place a layer of fried vegetables, half the portion. Then lay out a layer of fish cut into pieces.

The next layer is the remaining vegetables.
Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.
Cover the form with vegetables and fish with a mesh of mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Bake the fish at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Serve the dish hot. Bon appetit.

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Pollock stewed with carrots and onions

We invite you to prepare for dinner, lunch or breakfast a delicious and very simple dish called “Pollock stewed with carrots and onions”. This dish was often found during the years of perestroika; it was what could be tasted in restaurants, resort holiday homes or small cafeterias.

The taste of the fish is unobtrusive, very pleasant with an appetizing aroma of vegetables and spices!

Ingredients for preparing pollock stewed with carrots and onions:

  1. Pollock (fresh frozen without head) 1 kilogram
  2. 2 carrots (large)
  3. Onions 2 pieces (large)
  4. Sour cream 1 cup
  5. Tomato paste 1 tablespoon
  6. Wheat flour (sifted) approximately 150–200 grams or as needed
  7. Vegetable oil 100 milliliters or as needed
  8. Purified water 2 cups
  9. Salt to taste
  10. Ground black pepper to taste
  11. Cloves to taste
  12. Bay leaf to taste

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Kitchen knife - 2 pieces, Cutting board - 2 pieces, Plastic bag, Glass (capacity 200 milliliters), Paper kitchen towels, Bowl - 2 pieces, Deep plate, Deep bowl, Stove, Frying pan with lid - 2 pieces, Kitchen spatula - 2 pieces, plate

Preparation of pollock stewed with carrots and onions:

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

First of all, put freshly frozen pollock in a plastic bag, put it in a deep bowl, fill it with cold running water and thus defrost it within 30–45 minutes. time may vary depending on the size of the carcasses. Next, we wash the fish, dry it with paper kitchen towels, place it one by one on a cutting board and remove the fins, tail, and, if desired, the ridge from each one.

Then cut the pollock into portions of the desired size, place them in a small bowl, season to taste with salt and ground black pepper, mix everything and leave it like that until use.

Meanwhile, use a clean kitchen knife to peel the onions and carrots. We wash and dry the vegetables.

Place the onion on a new board and chop it into rings, half rings, quarters or large cubes up to 1 centimeter thick.

Grate the carrots on a medium or coarse grater into a small bowl. After this, we place on the kitchen table a deep plate with sifted wheat flour and the rest of the products that will be needed to prepare the dish.

Step 2: prepare the gravy.

Now put a deep frying pan on medium heat and pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into it. When it warms up, put the carrots and onions in there.

Fry them until translucent and soft, stirring occasionally with a kitchen spatula. This process will take 2–3 minutes .

Then put sour cream and tomato paste into the frying pan and simmer them together after boiling. One minute. Then pour the resulting mixture with two glasses of purified water and season it to taste with salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, and cloves.

Step 3: fry the fish.

While preparing the sauce, heat a clean frying pan with 50–60 milliliters of vegetable oil over medium heat. At the same time, carefully roll the fish pieces in wheat flour.

Later 2–3 minutes Place the first batch of pollock in hot oil and fry it on all sides until golden brown.

There is no need to bring it to full readiness at this stage; as soon as the fish is browned, transfer it to a plate and fry the rest in the same way.

Step 4: simmer the fish in the sauce.

Then put the fried fish in a frying pan with gravy and increase the heat under it to medium. After boiling again, reduce its level to low again, cover our dish with a lid and simmer it 10–12 minutes .

During this time, almost all the moisture will evaporate, and the fish will be fully cooked and imbued with a pleasant vegetable aroma. Turn off the stove and let the food continue 5–7 minutes. then put it in portions on plates and serve it at the table.

Step 5: serve pollock stewed with carrots and onions.

Pollock stewed with carrots and onions is served hot as a main second course. The ideal side dish for this dish is boiled, steamed rice, as well as jacket potatoes, mashed potatoes or a salad of fresh vegetables.

The fish turns out spicy, with a slightly sour taste and a subtle aroma of vegetables. Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

When preparing this dish, you can use any spices for fish;

An ideal replacement for sour cream is cream;

very often leeks or red Bulgarian are used instead of onions;

You can cook any fish using the same method.

Stewed pollock with vegetables

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Jellied fish in tomato

Fried fish with vegetables

Fried fish with carrots

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Fish under a fur coat in the oven

Pollock with sauce in a slow cooker

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Stewed pollock with carrots and onions

Today I’ll tell you the recipe for another anti-crisis dish, which means a tasty, nutritious, and at the same time quite dietary dish made from inexpensive ingredients. At the same time, the active cooking time (working at the stove) of stewed pollock with carrots and onions is no more than ten minutes.


  • pollock 1 kg.
  • carrots 200 gr.
  • onion 200 gr.
  • sour cream 1 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • pepper to taste
  • salt to taste


A short recipe for preparing pollock stewed with carrots, onions and sour cream:

Chop the onion and carrot. Divide the pollock into portions.

Fry onions and carrots, season with sour cream and stir. Place pollock on the bottom of a saucepan or frying pan, add salt and pepper. Place fried vegetables on top.

To cover with a lid. Simmer over medium heat for 20-30 minutes.

For curious people, the text of the detailed recipe below, as always, contains a few highlights.

Selection of ingredients:

Take either defrosted pollock or fillet (if you have a trusted supplier). The quantity of carrots and onions can be taken approximately equal.

If you have more of one type of vegetable, it’s not a big deal.

Onion slicing:

Chopping carrots:

Sliced ​​pollock for stewing:

As you can see, I have pollock fillet. Even if you have a whole fish, cut it into portions.

It is not necessary to make fillets.

Roasting vegetables:

Fry onions and carrots in a small amount of vegetable oil. There is no need to fry the vegetables.

It's enough to just become soft. Add a tablespoon of sour cream to the prepared vegetables.

Add salt, pepper and mix well. Additionally, tomato paste or tomatoes can be added to the vegetables indicated above. One or two cloves for a unique aroma.

I put the prepared vegetables in a deep bowl.

Laying out pollock:

Placing vegetables on top of pollock:

Stewing pollock with vegetables:

Cover the pan with a lid. No need to add water.

Simmer until done for 20-30 minutes over low heat. You can serve this dish with potatoes, boiled rice, or even on its own.

Fried pollock fillet

Pollock fillet cutlets

Pollock stewed with carrots and onions. Recipe

Did you know that fish dishes are not only very tasty, but also very healthy for all members of your family. Therefore, it is imperative to include them in your menu, and prepare stewed or steamed fish, as well as light fish soup, at least several times a week.

Our recipe for cooking pollock will tell you how to do this correctly. stewed with carrots and onions. This dish turns out incredibly light, tender and very tasty; try preparing it for your loved ones and perhaps it will soon appear among your signature treats.

So, pollock stewed with carrots and onions recipe.

Ingredients needed to prepare the dish:

– fresh frozen pollock 500 grams (about 4-5 pcs)

- carrots 3-4 root vegetables;

- onions 2 bulbs;

- sour cream 200 grams;

- vegetable oil (sunflower or olive)

- ground black pepper to taste.

1. Cut the cleaned pollock carcasses into small portions and carefully place them in a baking dish pre-greased with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil.

2. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. If the onions are very large, you can cut them into half rings.

3. Peel the carrots, wash them and grate them on a large vegetable grater. You can use a grater to prepare Korean carrots, this will make the dish more original and beautiful.

4. Next, fry the carrots and onions well in vegetable oil until a light golden hue forms, then add sour cream to the vegetables, salt and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Keep everything together on the fire for several minutes.

5. Then pour the prepared sauce over the prepared pieces of pollock and send it to bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes until fully cooked.

6. Stewed pollock with vegetables ready!

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I liked the soup, but it turned out to be very thick (I made it as in the recipe). Therefore, you either need more water or less pearl barley.

  • I baked pancakes for breakfast for the children according to your recipe! They turned out delicate, delicate, with holes like my mother’s when she was a child! Children don’t eat sour cream, but cherry jam is a great idea! tastes like thick yogurt. The children didn’t even suspect my cheating!
  • I baked pancakes for breakfast for the children according to your recipe! They turned out delicate, delicate, with holes like my mother’s when she was a child! Children don’t eat sour cream, but cherry jam is a great idea! tastes like thick yogurt. The children didn’t even suspect my cheating!

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    Salmon and green pea salad

    Ingredients: 200 g canned salmon, 200 g canned green peas, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 onion, salt and pepper to taste.

    Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it. Mash the canned salmon with a fork.

    Mix fish, canned green peas and onions, add mayonnaise. Salt, pepper, stir and place in a salad bowl.

    Salad of canned salmon and boiled vegetables

    Ingredients: 200 g canned salmon, 3 potatoes, 2 carrots, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 onion, each. a bunch of dill and parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the potatoes and carrots, boil, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it.

    Wash the dill and parsley and chop finely. Mash the canned salmon with a fork. Mix fish, potatoes, carrots, herbs and onions.

    Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper, stir and place in a salad bowl.

    Herring salad with mustard dressing

    Ingredients: 200 g salted herring fillet, 4 potato tubers, 2 eggs, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 1 bunch of parsley, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1-2 teaspoons mustard, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the potatoes and carrots, boil in salted water, cool, peel, and cut into cubes. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings.

    Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop. Wash the parsley and chop finely. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces, mix with potatoes, carrots, eggs, onions and parsley.

    Season the prepared mixture with salt and pepper and place in a heap in a salad bowl. To prepare mustard dressing, mix vegetable oil, lemon juice, mustard and sugar.

    Pour the prepared mixture over the salad.

    Instead of ready-made mustard, you can use mustard seeds to dress the salad, which must first be lightly crushed in a mortar.

    Herring and beet salad

    Ingredients: 200 g salted herring fillet, 1 beet, 1 onion, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 bunch of parsley, pepper to taste.

    Wash the beets, boil, cool, peel and grate on a fine grater. Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it.

    Wash the parsley and chop finely. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces, mix with beets and parsley.

    Add mayonnaise, pepper, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Herring and fresh vegetable salad

    Ingredients: 200 g salted herring fillet, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, 1 onion. a bunch of parsley, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the cucumbers and cut into strips. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices.

    Wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds and stalk, cut into strips. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings.

    Wash the parsley and chop finely. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces, mix with cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and bell peppers.

    Add vegetable oil, salt, pepper, stir. Place the prepared mixture in a heap on a dish, sprinkle with parsley.

    Herring salad with potatoes and pickled cucumbers

    Ingredients: 200 g salted herring fillet, 4 potato tubers, 2 pickled cucumbers, 1 onion, 1 bunch of dill, 2 tablespoons of canned green peas, 2 tablespoons of canned corn, 100 g of mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the potatoes, boil in salted water, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Cut the cucumbers into strips. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings.

    Wash the dill and chop finely. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces, mix with potatoes, cucumbers, green peas, corn, onions and dill.

    Salt, pepper, add mayonnaise. Stir and transfer to a salad bowl.

    Polish pike perch salad

    Ingredients: 300 g boiled pike perch fillet, 2 eggs, 1 bunch of green onions, 100 g butter, 1 tablespoon ground wheat crackers, salt and pepper to taste.

    Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop. Wash the green onions and chop finely.

    Cut the pike perch fillet into small pieces and place on a plate.

    Sprinkle with chopped eggs and green onions, salt and pepper. Melt the butter, pour it over the salad, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

    Butter will not burn if you melt it in a water bath.

    Pike perch salad with cucumbers

    Ingredients: 300 g boiled pike perch fillet, 3 cucumbers, 1 onion, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 bunch of dill, salt and pepper to taste.

    Cut the pike perch fillet into cubes. Wash the cucumbers and cut into strips.

    Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings. Wash the dill and chop finely. Mix pike perch fillet, cucumbers, onions and dill.

    Pike perch salad with eggplant

    Ingredients: 300 g pike perch fillet, 2 eggplants, 2 onions, 1 bunch of parsley, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the eggplants, peel them, cut them into small cubes, fry them in a frying pan in vegetable oil, add salt. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings.

    Wash the parsley and chop finely. Cut the pike perch fillet into cubes, mix with eggplant, onion and parsley.

    Season the prepared mixture with salt, pepper, stir and place in a salad bowl.

    Pike perch salad with seaweed

    Ingredients: 300 g boiled pike perch fillet, 150 g canned seaweed, 2 carrots, 1 onion, 1 bunch of parsley, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the carrots, boil, cool, peel and cut into semicircles. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings. Wash the parsley and chop it.

    Cut the pike perch fillet into small pieces, mix with seaweed, carrots and parsley. Season with vegetable oil mixed with lemon juice, salt and pepper, stir and place in a salad bowl.

    Pike perch cooks very quickly, so the cooking time should not exceed 7–10 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.

    Fried pike perch salad with sauerkraut

    Ingredients: 500 g pike perch fillet, 200 g sauerkraut, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 onion, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the pike perch fillet, dry it, cut into thin narrow pieces. Season with salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

    Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it. Wash the parsley and chop it. Mix pieces of fish with sauerkraut, onion and parsley, add cumin and mayonnaise.

    Spicy fried pike perch salad

    Ingredients: 500 g pike perch fillet, 50 g wheat croutons, 1 bunch of green lettuce, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 onion, 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, each. teaspoon ground coriander and curry. teaspoon ground red pepper, nutmeg and salt to taste.

    Wash the pike perch fillet, dry it, cut into thin narrow pieces, and add salt. Mix flour with coriander, curry, pepper and nutmeg.

    Roll the pike perch pieces in the prepared mixture and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil (3 tablespoons). Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it. Wash the parsley and chop it.

    Wash the green salad and chop coarsely.

    Mix pieces of fish with onion, lettuce and parsley, stir, place in a salad bowl. Mix the remaining vegetable oil with lemon juice and pour this mixture over the salad.

    Catfish salad with potatoes and green peas

    Ingredients: 300 g of boiled catfish fillet, 200 g of canned green peas, 150 g of sour cream, 4 potato tubers, 1 bunch of green onions, 1 bunch of dill, 1 tablespoon of ketchup, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the potatoes, boil in salted water, cool, peel, and cut into cubes. Wash the green onions and chop finely. Wash the dill and chop it.

    Cut the catfish fillet into cubes, mix with potatoes, green peas, green onions and dill. Salt, pepper, add sour cream mixed with ketchup.

    Stir and place in a salad bowl.

    Cut boiled fish for salad across the grain, then the pieces will be neat.

    Catfish salad with mustard sauce

    Ingredients: 300 g boiled catfish fillet, 4 eggs, 1 onion, 1 apple, 1 bunch of parsley, 3 tablespoons mustard sauce, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt to taste.

    Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop. Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it.

    Wash the parsley and chop it. Wash, peel, core, cut the apple into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice.

    Cut the catfish fillet into cubes, mix with eggs, onion, apple and parsley. Season with salt, stir, place on plates and pour over mustard sauce.

    Pollock, potato and corn salad

    Ingredients: 200 g of boiled pollock fillet, 100 g of canned corn, 4 potato tubers, 1 bell pepper, 1 onion, 1 bunch of parsley, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the potatoes, boil in salted water, cool, peel, and cut into cubes. Wash the bell pepper, remove the stem and seeds, and chop finely. Peel the onion, wash it, chop it.

    Wash the parsley and chop finely. Cut the pollock fillet into cubes, mix with corn, potatoes, bell pepper and onion.

    Salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Pollock salad with rice and tomatoes

    Ingredients: 300 g boiled pollock fillet, 100 g rice, 100 g mayonnaise, 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 bunch of sorrel, 1 bunch of parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

    Rinse the rice, boil in salted water, place in a sieve, and cool. Wash the tomatoes, cut into cubes. Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it.

    Wash the sorrel and parsley and chop finely. Cut the pollock fillet into cubes, mix with rice, tomatoes, onions, sorrel and parsley.

    Salt, pepper, add mayonnaise, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Rice for salads should not be overcooked. During cooking, add a little milk to the water, then the rice will remain white.

    Fried pollock salad with pickles

    Ingredients: 400 g pollock fillet, 3 pickled cucumbers, 2 eggs, 1 bunch of green salad leaves, each. a bunch of green onions and dill, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1–1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the pollock fillet, dry with a napkin, cut into small pieces. Season with salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan in heated vegetable oil.

    Hard-boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut into slices.

    Cut the cucumbers into slices. Wash the green onions and dill and chop finely.

    Wash the green salad, dry it, and place it on a plate.

    Place pieces of fried pollock, cucumber slices and egg slices on lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with green onions and dill.

    Sea fish salad with soy cheese

    Ingredients: 300 g boiled sea fish fillet, 250 g soy cheese, 1 bunch of green lettuce, 1 bunch of green onions. a bunch of parsley, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce.

    Cut the fish and soy cheese into small cubes. Wash the salad and chop coarsely. Wash the green onions and parsley and chop them.

    Mix fish, soy cheese, lettuce, green onions and parsley.

    Add vegetable oil and soy sauce, stir, place the prepared mixture in a salad bowl.

    Sea fish salad with beans

    Ingredients: 300 g boiled sea fish fillet, 200 g canned red beans, 1 bunch of green onions, each. a bunch of dill and parsley, 100 g of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of spicy tomato sauce, salt to taste.

    Wash the onion, parsley and dill, chop finely. Cut the fish fillet into cubes, mix with beans, onions and herbs.

    Add salt, add mayonnaise and tomato sauce, stir and place the prepared mixture in a salad bowl.

    Cod and green pea salad

    Ingredients: 250 g boiled cod fillet, 200 g canned green peas, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 onion, each. a bunch of dill and parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

    Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it. Wash the dill and parsley and chop finely. Cut the cod into small pieces, mix with green peas, onions and herbs.

    Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper, stir and place the prepared mixture in a salad bowl.

    Cod salad with vegetables

    Ingredients: 250 g boiled cod fillet, 3 potato tubers, 2 carrots, 2 eggs, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 onion, each. a bunch of dill and parsley, 1 tablespoon of grated horseradish, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the potatoes and carrots, boil, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop.

    Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it.

    Wash the dill and parsley and chop finely. Cut the fish into small pieces.

    Mix fish, eggs, potatoes, carrots, herbs and onions. Add mayonnaise and grated horseradish, salt and pepper, stir and place in a salad bowl.

    Fried cod salad with tomatoes

    Ingredients: 350 g cod fillet, 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 bunch of green lettuce, each. a bunch of dill and parsley, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the cod fillet, cut into small pieces, add salt and pepper, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan in heated vegetable oil. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings.

    Wash the lettuce, dill and parsley, chop finely, mix with fish, tomatoes and onions. Salt the prepared mixture and place in a salad bowl.

    Canned squid salad with green peas

    Ingredients: 200 g canned squid, 200 g canned green peas, 100 g mayonnaise, 2 eggs, 1 onion, each. a bunch of dill and parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

    Hard-boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop. Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it. Wash the dill and parsley and chop finely.

    Chop the squid, mix with green peas, eggs, onion, dill and parsley. Salt, pepper, add mayonnaise, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Canned squid salad with potatoes

    Ingredients: 200 g canned squid, 4 potato tubers, 100 g sour cream, 2 eggs, 2 pickled cucumbers, 1 onion, each. a bunch of dill and parsley, 1 teaspoon mustard, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the potatoes, boil in salted water, cool, peel, cut into small cubes. Hard-boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop. Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it.

    Wash the dill and parsley and chop finely.

    Cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes. Chop the squid, mix with potatoes, eggs, cucumbers, onions, dill and parsley.

    Salt, pepper, add mayonnaise and mustard, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Boil or fry the squid for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise they will be tough.

    Squid salad with rice and carrots

    Ingredients: 400 g squid, 100 g rice, 100 g mayonnaise, 2 carrots, 1 clove of garlic, 1 bunch of parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the carrots, boil, cool, peel and cut into cubes.

    Rinse the rice, boil in salted water, place in a sieve, and cool. Peel the garlic, wash it, chop it using a garlic press.

    Wash the parsley and chop finely.

    Mix squid with rice, carrots and parsley, salt and pepper. Add garlic and mayonnaise, stir and place in a salad bowl.

    Squid salad with rice and corn

    Ingredients: 400 g squid, 100 g rice, 100 g canned corn, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 bunch of green onions, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 tablespoon of ketchup, salt and pepper to taste.

    Rinse the squid, pour boiling water over it, remove the skin. Boil in salted water, cool, cut into strips.

    Rinse the rice, boil in salted water, place in a sieve, and cool. Wash the green onions and parsley and chop finely. Mix squid with rice, corn, onion and parsley, salt and pepper.

    Add mayonnaise mixed with ketchup, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Squid salad with cucumbers

    Ingredients: 400 g squid, 3 cucumbers, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, 1 bunch of dill, salt and pepper to taste.

    Rinse the squid, pour boiling water over it, remove the skin. Boil in salted water, cool, cut into strips.

    Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it. Wash the dill and chop finely.

    Wash the bell pepper, remove the stem and seeds, cut into strips. Wash the cucumbers, peel them, cut into strips. Mix squid with cucumbers, bell peppers, onions and dill, add salt and pepper.

    Add mayonnaise, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Squid salad with carrots

    Ingredients: 400 g squid, 3 carrots, 2 cloves of garlic, 100 g mayonnaise. a bunch of parsley, salt to taste.

    Rinse the squid, pour boiling water over it, remove the skin. Boil in salted water, cool, cut into strips.

    Wash the carrots, peel them, grate them on a coarse grater. Peel the garlic, wash it, chop it using a garlic press. Wash the parsley and chop finely.

    Mix squid, carrots and garlic, add salt, add mayonnaise, mix. Place in a heap in a salad bowl, sprinkle with parsley.

    Squid and white cabbage salad

    Ingredients: 300 g squid, 300 g white cabbage, 150 g canned corn, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 carrot, 1 bunch of parsley, salt to taste.

    Rinse the squid, pour boiling water over it, remove the skin. Boil in salted water, cool, cut into strips. Wash the cabbage, chop it, grind it with a little salt.

    Peel the carrots, wash them, grate them on a fine grater. Wash the parsley and chop it.

    Mix squid with cabbage, corn, carrots and parsley, add mayonnaise, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Instead of mayonnaise, fish salads can be seasoned with sour cream or natural yogurt mixed with lemon juice.

    Squid and green bean salad

    Ingredients: 300 g squid, 300 g frozen green beans, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.

    Rinse the squid, pour boiling water over it, remove the skin. Boil in salted water, cool, cut into strips.

    Boil the beans in salted water, place in a sieve, cool, and cut into small pieces. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings and sprinkle with vinegar.

    Mix squid, beans and onions, add salt and pepper, season with vegetable oil, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Spicy squid salad

    Ingredients: 400 g squid, 2 eggs, 200 g Korean carrots, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, each. a bunch of parsley and cilantro, salt to taste.

    Rinse the squid, pour boiling water over it, remove the skin. Boil in salted water, cool, chop finely. Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop.

    Peel the garlic, wash it, chop it using a garlic press. Wash the parsley and cilantro and chop finely.

    Mix squid with eggs, Korean carrots, garlic and herbs. Add vegetable oil, mix, transfer to a salad bowl.

    Shrimp salad with rice and apples

    Ingredients: 200 g boiled peeled shrimp, 100 g rice, 100 g mayonnaise, 2 apples, 1 onion. a bunch of parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

    Cook frozen shrimp without defrosting. Place them in boiling water, add salt and spices to taste.

    Rinse the rice, boil in salted water, place in a sieve, and cool. Wash, peel, core, and cut the apples into strips. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings.

    Wash the parsley and chop finely. Mix shrimp, rice, apples, onions and herbs.

    Salt, pepper, add mayonnaise, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Shrimp and fresh herbs salad

    Ingredients: 200 g of boiled peeled shrimp, 100 g of sour cream, 2 eggs, 1 bunch of green salad, 1 bunch of sorrel, each. a bunch of dill and parsley. bunch of green onions, salt to taste.

    Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop. Wash the green salad and sorrel and chop coarsely.

    Wash and chop green onions, dill and parsley. Finely chop the shrimp, mix with eggs, lettuce, sorrel, green onions, dill and parsley.

    Add salt, add sour cream, stir, place in a salad bowl.

    Shrimp and cucumber salad

    Ingredients: 250 g of boiled peeled shrimp, 3 cucumbers, 1 bunch of green onions, 100 g of mayonnaise. teaspoon ground paprika, salt to taste.

    Wash the cucumbers, peel them, cut them into cubes. Wash the green onions and chop finely.

    Chop the shrimp, mix with cucumbers and green onions.

    Add salt, add mayonnaise and paprika, mix, put in a salad bowl.

    Krill meat and rice salad

    Ingredients: 150 g canned krill meat, 100 g rice, 100 g mayonnaise, 1 onion, 1 bunch of parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

    Rinse the rice, boil in salted water, place in a sieve, and cool. Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it. Wash the parsley and chop it.

    Mix krill meat with rice, onion, parsley. Salt, pepper, add mayonnaise, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Krill salad with corn and bell pepper

    Ingredients: 150 g canned krill meat, 150 g canned corn, 100 g mayonnaise, 2 bell peppers, each. a bunch of green onions and parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the bell pepper, remove the stem and seeds, cut into strips. Wash the green onions and parsley and chop finely.

    Mix krill meat with corn, bell pepper, green onions and parsley. Season with salt and pepper, add mayonnaise, mix, and place in a salad bowl.

    Krill salads will be more juicy if you add fresh vegetables to taste.

    Krill salad with apples

    Ingredients: 150 g canned krill meat, 2 apples, 1 onion, each. a bunch of parsley and dill, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the apples, peel them, remove the core, cut into strips, sprinkle with lemon juice. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings. Wash the dill and parsley and chop finely.

    Mix krill meat with apples, onions and herbs. Salt, pepper, add olive oil, stir and place in a salad bowl.

    Krill meat salad with seaweed

    Ingredients: 150 g canned krill meat, 150 g canned seaweed, 100 g Korean carrots, 1 onion. a bunch of parsley, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it. Wash the parsley and chop it. Mix krill meat with seaweed, Korean carrots and onions.

    Add vegetable oil, stir. Transfer the prepared mixture to a salad bowl, sprinkle with parsley.

    Scallop salad with leeks

    Ingredients: 200 g canned scallop meat, 1 leek, po. a bunch of dill and parsley, 2 tablespoons of canned green peas, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the leeks and cut into thin rings. Wash the dill and parsley and chop.

    Cut the scallop meat into small pieces, mix with onions, herbs and green peas. Salt, pepper, add vegetable oil, mix and place in a salad bowl.

    Scallop salad with fresh vegetables

    Ingredients: 200 g canned scallop meat, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 red onion, 1 bunch of green lettuce, each. a bunch of dill and parsley, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers, cut into semicircles. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings.

    Wash the green salad and chop coarsely. Wash the dill and parsley and chop.

    Cut the scallop meat into small pieces, mix with tomatoes, cucumbers, green salad, onions, dill and parsley. Salt, pepper, stir and place in a salad bowl.

    Mix olive oil with lemon juice and pour the prepared mixture over the salad.

    Salads that contain fresh vegetables should be salted and seasoned immediately before serving.

    Scallop and egg salad

    Ingredients: 150 g canned scallop meat, 3 eggs, 1 bunch of green onions. a bunch of parsley, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.

    Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop. Wash the green onions and parsley and chop finely. Cut the scallop meat into small pieces, mix with eggs, green onions and parsley.

    Salt, pepper, add sour cream and mayonnaise. Stir and place the salad in a heap on a dish.

    Salad of mussels and tomatoes

    Ingredients: 200 g frozen mussels, 3 tomatoes, 1 onion, each. a bunch of parsley and celery, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and ground red pepper to taste.

    Fry the mussels in a frying pan in vegetable oil, add salt and pepper. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices.

    Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings. Wash the parsley and celery and chop it.

    Mix mussels cooled to room temperature with tomatoes, onions and herbs, add salt, and place the prepared mixture in a salad bowl.

    How to prepare fish salad with carrots and onions, recipe?

    Depends on what it is of course fish. but I know a recipe for very tasty salted fish. You need to take a salted fish, clean it of bones and skin.

    Then fry the onion and carrots (it’s better to grate them with a long grater, like for carrots) in vegetable oil. After everything has cooled, put carrots and onions, tomato paste or ketchup, and spices for Korean carrots into the fish.

    And all this should stand for a while.

    By the way, that’s what the recipe is called. salted fish with carrots and onions .

    Just recently, while visiting, we were treated to a very tasty, quite light and satisfying fish salad with carrots and onions. I adopted this recipe.

    And get ready fish salad with carrots and onions quite quickly and does not require special costs.

    • white fish, fillet (pollock, hake, cod, pike perch and others),
    • fresh carrots,
    • onion 2 heads or one large one,
    • vegetable oil
    • light mayonnaise,
    • peppercorns,
    • laurel,
    • hard cheese,
    • Clean the fish, rinse and boil in slightly salted water with bay leaf and pepper;
    • Peel the carrots and onions, chop them and fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil;
    • Place a layer of boiled fish (chopped) on the bottom of the dish;
    • coat with mayonnaise (I took light and diluted it with a little more water);
    • then a layer of fried carrots with onions + mayonnaise;
    • again a layer of fish + mayonnaise;
    • layer of overcooking + mayonnaise;
    • Sprinkle the top layer with grated cheese.

    • On a festive, and especially on a festive buffet table, there are never enough salads. And for a buffet table, salad in tartlets is very convenient. The somewhat unusual combination of white cabbage in the squid salad makes this salad stand out among similar salads. The defining taste […]
    • Bulgur - Red Hill salad Ingredients Bulgur Mistral - 100 grams Beets - 1/2 pcs. Walnuts - 4 tbsp. Garlic - 4 cloves Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. Salt - sugar to taste Greens - to taste How to cook 1. Boil the bulgur according to the instructions on […]

    Dishes featuring marine life are extremely tasty and healthy. It is not for nothing that people who have long settled on the coasts have eaten many types of fish. Here is pollock salad in its most varied manifestations - the dish is very tasty, and one might even say dietary. There are few calories, and the main ingredient contains the famous Omega-3, which brings undoubted benefits to our body. That’s why we will be happy to prepare pollock salads today. And, undoubtedly, each of the following appetizers will become a real decoration of any holiday table, even the most sophisticated one!

    A little about pollock fish

    Navaga and haddock, whiting and cod, whiting and pollock, traditional cod - all these are representatives of the cod family, and some of them are quite frequent “guests” of the counters of fish stores and supermarkets. And, of course, pollock, which lives mainly in the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean, the Barents or Norwegian Sea. Such fish reach a length of a meter and weigh up to 6 kilograms. As a rule, stores receive specimens no larger than half a meter (with head). Pollock itself, like other cod fish, has a very pleasant, delicate taste. In addition, the meat of this fish is rich in various minerals, proteins, and amino acids. It also contains vitamins of various groups. Contains iodine, chromium, cobalt. And all this, imagine, is in pollock salad. It is recommended to eat such healthy and tasty fish for people suffering from thyroid diseases and cardiovascular diseases to cleanse blood vessels and normalize the functioning of the heart muscle. It has a relatively low calorie content (72 kcal/100 grams) and is often included in diets for baby food.

    Salad recipe with pollock and onions

    Today you will learn how to properly make various types of salads from this fish. In fact, they are not much different from preparing similar ones with any cod. But still, the taste of pollock is slightly different. So let's get started. You need to take: half a kilo of freshly frozen fish fillets, a couple of carrots, a couple of onions, fresh parsley, vegetable oil and 100 grams of any hard cheese (not necessarily the most expensive). And also: olive mayonnaise sauce, spices, laurel and salt.

    How to cook a dish

    1. It's quite easy to make with pollock. Rinse the fish fillet in running water and cut into pieces. Transfer to a saucepan, add onion, bay leaf, ground pepper (black), and some herbs.
    2. Cook the fish until done.
    3. We clean the carrots, wash them and grate them coarsely, and then lightly fry them in vegetable oil in a well-heated frying pan. Cut the onion into half rings and fry them too.
    4. Grate hard cheese coarsely.
    5. Cool the boiled fillet (if you are using just fish, you need to remove the bones), cut into cubes.
    6. Pollock salad should be laid out in layers in a prepared dish. Sequence: fish, a little mayonnaise, onion and carrots, fish again, coat with mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese.
    7. Decorate the appetizer with grated egg yolk, cheese, chopped herbs or sprigs of parsley and dill. In general, show your culinary imagination!

    Corn with pollock and potatoes (without mayonnaise)

    To prepare this pollock salad, we will need the following ingredients: 200 grams of fish fillet, a jar of canned corn (sweet), bell pepper, onion, three medium potatoes, a little hot pepper, salt and dill, as well as a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    How to cook

    1. Boil the fillet and cut into cubes.
    2. Drain the corn into a colander and let the liquid drain completely.
    3. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and stems, cut into half rings.
    4. Finely chop the onion.
    5. Peel the potatoes and boil them in salted water, then cut them into cubes.
    6. We pluck the dill from the branches with our hands.
    7. We combine all the prepared above ingredients together in a spacious container. Salt and pepper. Mix carefully. Decorate with dill sprigs and serve as an original holiday dish.

    Recipe with photo: pollock liver salad

    The liver of this fish is a delicious and healthy product, almost similar in properties to cod. It contains many microelements and vitamins that are beneficial to our body. And now, a simple and relevant recipe for salad with pollock liver is in front of you. Shall we try to cook? For this we will need: a jar of canned fish by-product, three eggs, several cucumbers (fresh), half a jar of sweet corn, half a glass of white rice, Provencal mayonnaise, herbs and salt. If desired, fresh cucumbers in the recipe can be replaced with pickled ones.

    Let's start cooking

    1. Place the fish liver on a napkin and let it drain a little.
    2. Boil the eggs hard, cool and peel them. Then we chop them into smaller pieces with a knife.
    3. Boil the rice until done.
    4. Finely chop the cucumbers (can be cubes). Break the liver into small pieces with a fork.
    5. Chop the greens with a knife.
    6. In a bowl, mix all the prepared ingredients and season them with mayonnaise. Let the dish sit for a while (at this time you can decorate it with grated egg, cheese, herbs) - and you can serve!

    This is a fairly simple recipe for liver salad; the dish is prepared very quickly, especially if you already have boiled eggs and rice on hand. This dish is very tasty and, as a rule, is used for a festive meal. But you can pamper your family too - just make it for dinner. In addition, this salad can also be used as an original paste on croutons or sandwiches. Or put it on tartlets, decorating with green leaves.

    With tomatoes and rice

    This appetizer is no less easy to prepare. You need to take the following ingredients: a jar of pollock liver, mayonnaise, a couple of tomatoes, half a glass of rice, one onion (take a red one - the end result will look better), herbs and salt and pepper.

    How to cook

    1. Boil the rice in salted water until fluffy. Then place the grains in a colander to allow the moisture to drain.
    2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skin from them, and cut the pulp into thin slices.
    3. Open the jar of liver and remove excess liquid. Mash the liver into small pieces with a fork.
    4. Cut the onion into half rings.
    5. We tear the parsley and dill by hand (you can also use cilantro).
    6. We combine all the components in a suitable container for the future dish. Salt and pepper at personal discretion. Season everything with mayonnaise (you can use homemade sauce, which is less fatty) and mix thoroughly but gently. Let the dish sit for a while at the bottom of the refrigerator. Pollock is very tasty! And in half an hour you can serve it!

    Hit of the season: pollock with cucumbers

    A light summer version of the salad - for those who are used to watching their figure. The dish is prepared without mayonnaise, with olive oil dressing. And all the ingredients contained there will not add extra pounds to you. What shall we take? 400 grams of pollock fillet, 3 fresh cucumbers, green onions, lettuce, 3 eggs, juice of half a lemon, fresh herbs - parsley, dill, cilantro - to choose from. Salt and pepper, according to individual preferences (you can do without this procedure altogether).

    Let's prepare a simple diet salad!

    1. Defrost the pollock fillet and boil it in a saucepan (about 15 minutes, no more - by this time it will already have a tender taste). Cool and cut into pieces.
    2. Wash the cucumbers and grate them coarsely.
    3. Cut green salad (leaves) into long, thin strips.
    4. Cut the green onion into strips 2 centimeters long.
    5. Boil the eggs hard, cool, finely chop with a knife.
    6. Now let's prepare the dressing. To do this, mix the juice of half a lemon, olive oil, hot pepper and salt (to taste).
    7. In a large bowl, mix all the previously prepared ingredients and mix thoroughly.

    Place the dish on the bottom of the refrigerator and let it sit for a while. And we decorate this dietary salad with fresh dill and grated yolk.

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