How to arrange a fasting day without harm to health

One or two days without food or with minimal calories is an effective way to keep fit.

Such a diet will not bring much benefit when you need to lose more than 5-7 kg, if there is such a task, then it is better to sit on. Weekly restrictions are more suitable not for those who dream of losing weight on fasting days, but for those who want to keep fit and not gain extra pounds. To get the result and not mock your own health, you need to choose the right products for the diet day.

It is important to know that absolutely hungry fasting days do more harm than good. Short fasting leads to the accumulation of uric acid, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, and disruption of the digestive system.

  • In no case should you eat up in the evening on the eve of a fasting day, consoling yourself with the fact that tomorrow everything will be digested and burned. On the contrary, in the evening you should have dinner no later than 17-18 hours with some light low-calorie dish.
  • The total calorie content of the daily diet on the day of unloading should not exceed 1000 kcal. The entire daily menu of the fasting day must be divided into 5-6 meals, planning the last meal for 18 hours.
  • To distract yourself from thinking about food, you need to come up with some interesting activity. You can do needlework, read or spend the evening learning something new. However, it is better not to plan serious studies - this will inevitably cause a feeling of hunger.
  • Be sure to drink water. The minimum amount of water is 2.5 liters. For overweight people, it can be increased. It is better not to run across to diuretics - they will create an additional burden on the kidneys.
  • Salt and spices on a fasting day are contraindicated - food should be fresh and lean.

How to spend a fasting day? If possible, wake up later and go to bed earlier. For this reason, fasting days are best spent on weekends. It is highly undesirable on this day to lead an active lifestyle and engage in physical education.

Protein fasting day

Protein fasting days are transferred very easily. Due to the fact that protein foods are digested for a long time and perfectly saturate the body, the feeling of hunger is absolutely not felt. The ideal product for this mini unloading is chicken breast, cooked according to the same principle as for - without skin, salt and spices. It is better to immediately divide the cooked fillet into 6 equal parts and consume it during the day.

Kefir unloading day

In the effectiveness of this product, most likely, every girl who is keen on losing weight has already managed to make sure. For a kefir day, you need to buy one and a half liters of a fermented milk product and drink it in six doses, one glass each.

Many people find it difficult to go a day without solid food. This is due to the fact that chewing movements create an additional effect of saturation, and liquid food does not allow you to perform the usual chewing. In this case, it is recommended to replace part of the kefir with low-fat cottage cheese.

apple day

It should be noted right away that a fasting day on apples is far from easy for everyone. Some women feel even more hungry. If you feel a brutal appetite after eating heavenly fruits, it is better to choose some other product.

For an unloading apple day, you will need one and a half kilograms of sour apples, which will also need to be divided into six equal portions and eaten for the entire period.

Unloading day on rice

To spend a fasting day on rice, you need to cook one glass of unpolished cereals without adding salt and oil. You need to cook not until fully cooked, but until the state when the grains still remain a little hard.

In this case, complex carbohydrates will not have time to be converted into simple ones, and saturation from eating will last much longer.

Buckwheat one day diet

Buckwheat fasting day is ideal for those who want to cleanse the intestines, as well as improve the condition of the skin and hair. For one-day unloading, a glass of cereal is enough. Porridge is also boiled without salt, oil and sugar and consumed without any flavor enhancers.

vegetable mini diet

Among losing weight ladies, a fasting day on vegetables is very popular. It is best to take a salad, popularly referred to as a “brush”, as a basis. It consists of fresh cabbage, carrots, beets, green apples. If the task is not only to cleanse the intestines, but also to lose weight, you need to season the salad with lemon juice.

Girls who are not obese can fill the dish with linseed or olive oil. You can’t salt the appetizer, but seasoning with herbs and pine nuts is allowed.

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