How many days to salt the bleak before drying. Dried bleak recipes. Salted dried bleak

Someone who, and amateur fishermen, definitely knows more than one recipe for how to cook bleak. Because in the catch this fish is one of the most common trophies of the fisherman.

Of the traditional ones, of course, you can clean up bleak recipes: salted, pickled, fried, baked (on a fire or at home in the oven), stewed.


To prepare bleak sprats on our own, we need the following products, which can be found in every home or in the nearest store: 500 grams of bleak, 100 grams of refined vegetable oil, 1 bouillon cube, salt, 3 black tea bags, pepper and bay leaf.

1. We remove the heads and bellies from the caught bleak.

2. Brew tea bags with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

3. lay out the bleak in even layers in a frying pan.

4. fill with tea leaves, crumble the cube, salt, pepper, add the mashed bay leaf and oil.

5. Stew for about an hour under the lid on the slowest fire until the liquid evaporates from the pan and only oil and fish remain in the pan.

6. put the finished bleak sprats in the refrigerator for complete cooling.

Spicy salting


1 kg bleak
100 - 150 gr salt
5 - 6 bay leaves
25 - 30 black peppercorns
a teaspoon of red pepper and other spices to taste

Spread the fish in layers in an enameled bowl, salting, and laying peppercorns, parsley leaves, sprinkling a little with red pepper. Leave to stand for 5-6 hours at room temperature, covered with a lid, and then take the container to the balcony for a day, after which the fish is ready for use.

in tomato


0.5 kg perched water (bleak)
100 gr. vegetable oil (unscented if possible)
1-2 cups tomato juice
carrots and onions, so that you can cover the bottom of the dish with one layer
a few leaves of lavrushka.
a few peas of black or allspice.
salt to taste.

In this case, the fish is also not cleaned, but remains in scales. I still cut off the heads and pulled out the insides
cold water. The next stage is the preparation of vegetables: onions, carrots. Their number is determined at your discretion, depending on the volume of fish and your love for vegetables. After that, carrots and onions are cut into circles.

Vegetables are placed on the bottom of an enamel pan or cast-iron pot in one layer, then fish - also in even layers. Bay leaf, peas, black or allspice peas, salt are added. Who wants, again vegetables and fish. And so on until the container is filled. I just made a "pillow" at the bottom of the cauldron. In the course of laying, gradually pour tomato juice into the pan, mixed with half a glass of vegetable oil and salt. We cover the pan with a lid, put it on the stove or in the oven, bring to a boil, then over low heat until cooked. The languor time is 3.5-4 hours. But it's best to try. If the bones are stewed and they are soft, the “sprat” is ready.

in a frying pan

The small size of the bleak allows you to clean it at times. In order for a crispy fried fish not to taste bitter, you need to get rid of the gills. Before direct frying, salt it, season it with fragrant spices and forget about cooking for a quarter of an hour.

Next, put your freshwater inhabitant on a hot frying pan, you can do this with a jack and literally pass it on each side for a couple of minutes. To make the finished fish crunch on your teeth, before combining the dish on a plate, you should hold it on a kitchen towel until the excess oil is absorbed into the napkins. Further, to give a restaurant touch, you can decorate the fried bleak with ripe tomatoes (cherry), lemon slices and fresh herbs.

This spring, my son and I learned how to catch bleak on a float rod. He, like a proper fisherman, neatly folded each fish and carried it home. He will go without me or with me, at least he will catch one, he drags it home anyway, he says, - we will fry! As a result, we collected this fish of a kilogram and a half - two.

Yes, all large, selected.

Fried bleak is a very tasty fish, but I wanted to try to cook it like a sprat of spicy salting, to see what happens in the end and whether it is worth cooking it for foam parties later. Looking ahead, I will say - it's WORTH!

So, the composition of the brine:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 3 - 4 bay leaves;
  • 1 clove;
  • 8 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • 10 - 15 black peppercorns;
  • a bunch of green dill.
  • a tablespoon of "hops-suneli"

Bring the brine to a boil, reduce the gas, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat,

let it cool down to a temperature of 60 - 70 degrees and fill in the thawed bleak (head).

After cooling to room temperature, we remove the container in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

All. After the specified time, you can safely collect a beer party. The taste of the fish is better than any sprat, the only thing I had to do was to clean the fish from the scales. I figured the hot brine would do it for me, so I didn't clean it. I advise you to clean and, if you want, remove the insides. We had fish all with caviar, which is why there was no special need to open it.

Bleak of spicy salting is stored in brine for an indecently long time and is taken out for consumption as needed. I laid out 10-15 pieces on a plate, ate, went for more. If you immediately get all the fish, then in a day it becomes oversalted.

Bon appetit.

Drunken salted bleak... well, of course, spicy... This appetizer cannot be compared with the spicy store-bought sprat, which is not known how long it has been on the supermarket shelf.

Spicy salted bleak - a snack is always fresh, cooked by hand, without preservatives. Insanely delicious and fragrant appetizer.

And there is nothing complicated in its preparation.

Step by step cooking

  • First of all, you need to go fishing, where you can catch bleaks. In extreme cases, you can run to the nearest market and buy bleak there, from local fishermen.
  • Bleak must be cleaned of scales and gutted each fish. Each fish must be cut off the tails and head, otherwise the taste will deteriorate.
  • After cleaning, the fish should be frozen. The minimum freezing time is 24 hours. Do not neglect this procedure, since all microbes are killed during the freezing process.
  • While the fish is defrosting, you need to prepare the tuzuluk - pickling brine. Water (about 1 liter) must be brought to a boil and put there: 4 tablespoons of coarsely ground table salts, 2 tablespoons of table sugar, 10 bay leaves, 15 - 17 black peppercorns and the same amount of allspice, 1 teaspoon of dill seeds and for a touch of chili pepper flavor. Let everything boil for 2-3 minutes.
  • After defrosting, the bleak should be washed under running water.
  • You need to wait for the brine to cool down to 40-45 ° C, and then fill it with bleak and leave the fish in brine at room temperature for 6-7 hours.
  • After you need to remove the fish in the refrigerator for a day.

The fish is almost ready

  • Ready bleak can be taken out of the refrigerator. Drain the brine from it and beautifully put on a dish.
  • Drizzle the fish with vegetable oil and lemon juice. Garnish with thin onion rings.

Bon appetit!

It remains to get a misted bottle of vodka from the freezer. Pour yourself 50 grams (after all, drunken salted bleak) and you can start tasting. Bon appetit!

I love this little fish. Catching it is very easy and interesting. It is caught in huge quantities, so you can prepare as much as you need.
So this summer I somehow caught, well, just a lot of good, large bleak. I used some and froze some. At what, and whole fish and processed - cleaned and gutted.
Today I will talk about frozen bleak, which was without processing. I put it in a bag while still floundering and put it in the freezer.

He took out a briquette and put it in the refrigerator to defrost.

As the fish separated from each other - salt with coarse salt without iodine.

We put a small load and put it in the refrigerator for a day or two.

The fish should become "hard", the brine should be transparent.

We wash the fish thoroughly in cold water, you can soak it a little.

In order to hang the fish, you do not need to pierce it through the eyes or something like that, just put a paper clip behind the gill cover.

We hang to dry. What is good about this fish is that it is very easy to dry it in a city apartment. I hang it on a glassed-in loggia, open the window and literally the next day it is already a tarragon.

My wife loves to eat it the next day.

And I like drier, it's on the second or third day.

In general, fish and enjoy.

Bleak, or Bleak, is a small fish, 12-15 cm long, that most fishermen use as bait. But not everyone knows that it can be an excellent beer snack. This fish contains a lot of fat, and if it is dried correctly, it will pleasantly surprise you with its taste. Dried bleak is a simple, easy-to-cook dish that is not inferior to bream in taste.

In order for the fish to dry well and turn into an excellent snack, you need to use some simple tips in the cooking process:

  • For drying, always use coarse rock salt.
  • If the fish is not gutted before cooking, then the taste will acquire a slight bitterness. Don't like bitterness? In this case, it is better to first remove all the insides from the bleak.
  • When drying, the fish must be hung in such a way that they do not touch each other.
  • The fish should be well salted before drying, it should be firm and not run out of fat. Otherwise, the cooking process will be delayed.
  • Pay attention to the eyes of the fish: if they fall through, it means that the bleak has gained enough salt.
  • It is preferable to store ready-made fish in glass jars or paper bags in a cool place, avoiding sunlight.
  • It is best to dry fish caught in early spring, late autumn or winter.
  • If the withering process took place in the summer, then you should think about how to protect the fish from fly larvae. To do this, before hanging, the bleak can be slightly dried and dipped in a solution of 3% vinegar. For hanging, you can make boxes from boards and gauze, or simply wrap the fish with gauze in several layers.

In order for the fish to dry quickly and evenly, it is better to hang it upside down.

There are several ways to wilt a fish. We will introduce you to the most common ones.

Ukrainian way

First of all, you need to choose a container for drying. It should be large enough so that all the fish can fit in there, but the lid should be smaller in diameter.

An important point: when choosing dishes, pay attention to the material of manufacture. It can be plastic or stainless steel. Do not use containers made of aluminum or tin.

Before salting, the bleak does not need to be washed. Cover the bottom of the container with a thin layer of salt and put the fish so that it covers the bottom. Next, the bleak is laid in layers, alternating the fish layer with a layer of salt. For the last layer of fish, a little more salt is taken than for the rest. The dishes are closed with a lid, an oppression weighing about 3 kg is placed on top and sent for two days to a cold place (in a cellar or refrigerator). The fish should firm up a bit. The bleak is washed well with cold water, strung on a thread and dried.

Before you hang the fish, you can put it on paper. Within a few hours, excess moisture will drain from it, and it will dry out a little.

Usually the drying process takes place outdoors in a dark, well-ventilated place and takes three days. With high humidity, the process can take up to seven days. Do not hang the fish in the sun, otherwise it will turn out not dried, but dried.

A good option for withering bleak is a special dryer. In it, you can cook fish easily and quickly: just put it on the shelves

You will need: bleak, salt. Use coarse salt per 1 kg of fish:

  • In winter - at least 50 gr.
  • In the summer - 100-150 gr.
  • In autumn and spring - 50-100 gr.

Salted dried bleak

This recipe will appeal to those who love tender, lightly salted fish. Unwashed bleak should be covered with salt, put in a prepared container under oppression and put in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Add sugar to salt, this will make the fish more tender.

Then wash the fish, hang them on the balcony for 3-5 days. Put the finished snack in a bag and put it in the refrigerator. Since less salt is used in cooking, care must be taken to ensure that the place where the fish is dried is dry and well ventilated, otherwise it may rot.

Dried bleak - a wonderful snack for beer

You will need: bleak - 10 kg, salt - 1 kg, sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

Properly cooked dried bleak can become a welcome delicacy and an original snack. Choose the method that is most convenient for you and enjoy the delicious fish.

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