Pickled cucumbers for the winter, in a cold way

Pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars in a cold way

No matter how they cook! Someone, in addition to greens, adds other dry spices (bay leaves, bitter and allspice), someone pours cucumbers with hot brine. In the proposed recipe, everything is very simple, and cucumbers are obtained as barrel ones. Their color is olive, the texture is crispy, and the taste is simply amazing. You can close them with simple plastic lids, but be sure to store them in a cold place. It is known that boiled water contains heavy water, which is not very useful for the human body. Raw, but high-quality water, more suitable for salting. Salt for pickling should be without additives, otherwise the cucumbers will be soft. In such a simple way, you can pickle a large number of cucumbers at the same time, because no heat treatment is needed for pickling.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter crispy in jars for storage in the apartment:

For a 3 liter jar:

Fresh cucumbers - 1.5–1.7 kg

Horseradish leaf - 1 pc.

Dill (green rosettes with seeds) - 2 pcs.

Blackcurrant leaf - 6 pcs.

Cherry leaf - 6 pcs.

Garlic - 2-3 cloves

Brine: for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. a spoon (with a slide) of coarse salt

Output: 3 l

Preparation time - 10 minutes

Cooking time - 20 minutes + ripening time

Prepare all the necessary ingredients. The number of cucumbers is given approximately and depends on their size and the way they are placed in the jar. A 3 liter jar takes about 1.5 liters of brine.

Wash cucumbers. If they are collected the day before, then they should be soaked in cold water for 6 hours so that the final product is not hollow. Freshly picked cucumbers do not need to be soaked.

Soak the garlic cloves in warm water for 10-15 minutes to make it easier to remove the outer skin, then peel and cut in half. Wash greens in running water and chop coarsely.

Put half of the greens and garlic on the bottom of the sterilized jar.

Fill the jar with cucumbers up to the shoulders. Top the cucumbers with the remaining herbs.

Dissolve salt in cold (non-boiled) well water. If there is no well water, then you can take tap water, but first defend it for a day.

Pour the cucumbers with brine and close with a plastic lid.

Put pickles for the winter in jars in a cold way in a cold place. They will gradually dry out and mature. After a month, cucumbers will be suitable for consumption.

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