Herring pate: a classic recipe. Herring pate: recipe for herring pate with carrots

Have you ever tried herring pate? If not, then quickly start preparing it. Believe me, you will like it so much that you will never buy pates in stores again. This taste is crazy!

Classic recipe

How to cook:

  1. The butter must first be removed from the refrigerator so that it becomes soft and can be worked with;
  2. Wash the herring, rip open its belly and remove everything unnecessary;
  3. Next, remove the skin from the meat, and the meat, in turn, from the bones;
  4. Wash and remove bones from the fillet; rinse;
  5. Cut into small cubes and mix with peeled, washed, grated carrots;
  6. Next, transfer this mass to a blender or meat grinder. In the second case, scroll at least twice to achieve the desired texture;
  7. Mix the resulting mass with butter - the pate is ready! All that remains is to season to taste.

Herring pate with butter and egg

  • 3 herrings;
  • 15 g walnuts;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 onions.

Time: 50 min + 12 h.

Calories: 252.


  1. Remove the heads and tails of the fish, disassemble them and remove the bones;
  2. Open the bellies, remove the entrails and wash the inside of the carcasses;
  3. Remove the skin from the herring and cut the flesh into cubes;
  4. Cut the butter, put it in a saucepan and put it on the stove;
  5. Let it melt and then cool to room temperature;
  6. Place the eggs in a saucepan, add water and place over medium heat;
  7. From the moment the water boils, time it for fifteen minutes;
  8. Cool the finished eggs, then peel and cut into quarters;
  9. Peel the onion and cut it into very small cubes;
  10. Pour the nuts into a dry frying pan and heat them until golden brown;
  11. After this, they should be cooled a little and then used further;
  12. Mix fish, eggs, onions and nuts;
  13. Place the mixture in parts into a meat grinder, scroll through a fine mesh;
  14. Repeat the process twice more so that the mass is as smooth and homogeneous as possible;
  15. Add spices to taste, oil to the resulting pate, mix everything;
  16. Place in a resealable container and refrigerate for twelve hours.

Herring pate with melted cheese

  • 140 g carrots;
  • 1 herring;
  • 200 g processed cheese.

Time: 40 min.

Calories: 164.

How to make pate:

Smoked salted herring pate

  • 5 g anchovies (1 piece);
  • 3 g grated nutmeg;
  • 250 g smoked herring;
  • 15 ml cream;
  • 110 g butter.

Time: 35 min.

Calories: 331.

Product processing:

  1. Wash the herring and place in a saucepan with water;
  2. Place it over high heat to quickly bring the water to a boil;
  3. When the water boils, wait a minute, then turn off the heat and drain the water;
  4. Cool the fish, peel the meat from skin and bones, rinse the fillet;
  5. Cut the butter and put it in a saucepan, place it on the stove and melt;
  6. Chop the canned anchovy fillet a little and mix with herring;
  7. Pass through a meat grinder two or three times for a smoother consistency;
  8. Add cream, half the butter, nutmeg and other spices to taste;
  9. Mix everything and put it in a bowl, pour the rest of the butter on top and serve with bread.

Jewish recipe

  • 2 sour apples;
  • 15 ml lemon juice;
  • 1 herring;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 1 shallot;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 g fresh ginger.

Time: 35 min.

Calories: 156.

Preparing the pate:

  1. The fish must be washed and then cut along the spine;
  2. Pull out the ridge and trim the meat from the bones;
  3. Cut them into small pieces and set aside temporarily;
  4. Wash the apples, peel and cut the pulp into cubes;
  5. Sprinkle them with citrus juice and stir;
  6. Peel the onion and cut it into rings;
  7. Peel the ginger and grate it or crush it;
  8. Place onions, herring, ginger and apples in a blender and blend until smooth;
  9. Stir soft butter into the resulting mass;
  10. Boil the egg until tender, add only the grated white to the pate;
  11. Beat all ingredients again until smooth;
  12. Season to taste, stir, place in a container and put in the refrigerator.

Recipe for herring pate with cottage cheese

  • 2 fish fillets;
  • 10 walnuts;
  • 220 ml milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 270 g of fat cottage cheese.

Time: 20 min.

Calories: 214.

Preparing snacks:

  1. We used store-bought fillets, but you can buy two whole fish and cut them yourself. The only important thing to remember is to check for bones;
  2. Cut the finished, peeled herring meat into cubes;
  3. Pour the nuts into a dry frying pan, dry them until golden brown;
  4. Then cool a little and exfoliate as much as possible with your hands;
  5. Mix nuts with cottage cheese, milk and fish;
  6. Pass all this through a meat grinder at least two, and preferably three times. This amount of grinding guarantees the uniformity of the future product;
  7. Add spices and soft butter to the pate, which was previously removed from the refrigerator;
  8. Mix everything with a spatula or use a mixer.

Since the pate contains butter, of course, it will freeze well in the refrigerator. Therefore, we advise you to place the pate on cling film, shape it into a sausage and put it in the refrigerator in this form. Before use, either remove it shortly or cut the prepared snack into rings.

If the fish you bought is too salty, then this can be corrected. It is necessary to wash it and soak it in regular milk or strong black tea for not two, but preferably three hours. After this, the product, of course, is washed and used further for its intended purpose.

Many people like the consistency of pate, but there are certainly people who like to stand out. It is for these people that we suggest chopping the fish fillet into minced meat with a sharp knife and not using a meat grinder. Then the pieces of fish will be felt, and the taste will be special.

Herring pate can be used for more than just greasing bread. It is perfect as a cream for savory cakes. They can also be used to stuff eggs or boiled/baked jacket potatoes and even pancakes!

To make the taste of the snack even more unusual, we suggest adding pieces of pickled or fresh onions to the list of ingredients. You can also add onions poached in butter or salted/pickled cucumbers. Agree, this is unusual!

If you have never made homemade herring pate before, then you should pick up the best of our recipes for yourself as soon as possible in order to be surprised at what deliciousness you can prepare at home in a few minutes!

It happens that sometimes you want something... that we don’t know what... And something that’s salty, and something tasty to spread on bread... There’s a recipe! Today we will prepare a very tasty and tender herring pate. It will be complemented with processed cheese, boiled carrots and butter. The spread turns out moderately salty and very, very tender. Adjust the amount of salt (I didn’t add it, the saltiness of the fish was enough for me). You can serve the pate on toast, or in tartlets, or you can just eat it with a spoon. Well, it turns out very tasty.

Let's prepare ingredients for herring pate with carrots and melted cheese. Carrots need to be boiled in advance and cooled. Only herring fillets are suitable for this recipe; they need to be pitted as much as possible. It is advisable to remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance; it should be soft.

Peel the boiled carrots and cut them randomly into circles.

Place all the ingredients in the bowl of a blender (food processor) - herring fillets, butter, processed cheese and carrots. The attachment is a metal knife.

Grind all the ingredients. Adjust the degree of grinding yourself - more or less. Also taste it - add more salt if necessary. The saltiness of the herring was enough for me.

Here is the finished herring pate with carrots and melted cheese. Transfer it to a container. Store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. But it will fly away from you much faster. It's very tasty.

To serve, I toasted pieces of baguette on a grill pan and spread it with pate - fabulous!

Bon appetit!

This is a delicious pate! It is non-standard, but very tasty. Creamy fishy taste, delicate consistency... Many people don’t even immediately understand that it’s just from herring. It seems that a noble red fish is “involved” here. You will fall in love with this recipe, I promise. Three minutes and such a thrill.

Herring fillet - 400 gr;
carrots - 4 small pieces;
processed cheese in triangles - package (140 g);
butter - 150 gr;
refined sunflower oil (odorless) - 2 tbsp.

Let me explain why I prefer cheese in triangles. The regular melted one in boxes is very liquid and viscous for this option. And the “Soviet” versions, cheese curds in foil, are now a cheese product, not processed cheese. If you find normal ones, take them. This time, for speed, I took herring in oil without “flavors”, classic or matieu. You can buy a whole one and peel it.

You will need to do two things in advance: take the butter out of the refrigerator (it should be completely soft) a couple of hours beforehand and cook the carrots. So, peel the cooled carrots, chop them coarsely and put them in a blender. If you don't have one, use a meat grinder.

We cut the herring coarsely and also put it in a blender.

Grind at low speed for 2-3 minutes. Then add butter and vegetable oil.

Grind for another 3-4 minutes, I open and stir a couple of times so that it grinds evenly. You should get a relatively homogeneous mass. I'm not looking for homogeneity.

Serve with toast from white or your favorite bread. Rrrrrrr!

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Fish paste for sandwiches is a delicious spread on bread that can be easily prepared even without any culinary experience! Herring pate with melted cheese, carrots and dill will keep well in the refrigerator, and you can easily prepare yourself a quick snack at any time, having a piece of fresh bread on hand. You can use ready-made salted fish for cooking or salt the herring at home. Mackerel or pink salmon are also suitable for the recipe for herring pate with melted cheese. Cooking time: 20 minutes Quantity: 1 jar with a capacity of 500 ml Ingredients for herring pate with processed cheese: 400 g lightly salted herring; 200 g carrots; 100 g butter; 150 processed cheese; a bunch of dill; black pepper, sea salt. Method for preparing herring pate with melted cheese. Any lightly salted herring is suitable for this recipe. I advise you to pickle it at home - no hassle, but a complete guarantee of quality. Here's how to simply salt herring. We take frozen fish, cut off the head and tail, remove the entrails, and rinse thoroughly under the tap. Cut the fish into three parts and place in a clean glass jar. Add 3 teaspoons of salt, bay leaf and mustard seeds. Pour cold boiled water and a tablespoon of 9% vinegar and put it in the refrigerator. After 3-4 days, you will have quality home-salted fish on your table. We run a sharp knife along the ridge and remove the skin. Divide in half, remove the skeleton and small visible bones. Now that the fish is filleted, you can prepare the pate. Place the fillet pieces on a cutting board and use a sharp knife to cut them into very small cubes. I do not recommend using a blender, it turns out a viscous mass. We peel the carrots, cut them into circles, and place them in a pan of boiling water. Blanch for 5-8 minutes until it becomes soft, then place on a sieve and cool. Grate the blanched carrots on a fine grater and place them in a bowl with the chopped herring. Now add the melted cheese. Choose its variety according to your taste, but remember that any fish from the herring family has a rather strong smell, so the aroma of cheese is unlikely to overpower it and the expensive variety will simply get lost against this background. Chop the cheese finely or simply separate it into small pieces with your hands and add to the bowl. Cut the softened butter (fat content at least 82%) into cubes and add to the rest of the ingredients. All that remains is to season all our products with finely chopped dill. We tear off the branches, chop them, add them to the bowl. Thoroughly knead and mix the products with a fork or tablespoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If you like a smooth pate consistency, you can grind all the ingredients in a food processor. But, in my opinion, the beauty of home-cooked food is that we see what we are eating! Therefore, if there are small pieces of fish, carrots or cheese in your pate, there is nothing wrong with that. Place the herring pate with melted cheese in the refrigerator, after about 30 minutes you can make sandwiches. Bon appetit!

Many people love sandwiches with red caviar, but, unfortunately, they mostly only allow themselves to buy such deliciousness on holidays. I suggest housewives take note of the recipe for a delicious and very easy-to-prepare herring pate that tastes like red caviar. All we need besides herring are carrots, butter and melted cheese. This herring pate, often called Jewish, can be used as a spread on sandwiches. It looks very nice, tastes like everyone’s favorite red caviar, and is easy to prepare at home.


  • herring – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • processed cheese - 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 100 gr.

The first thing you need to do to make the dish tasty is to choose the right ingredients. This is what we will do first.

It is better to choose herring for pate that is medium salted and large in size. There will be fewer bones in it and it will be easier to cut such a fish.

I advise you to choose a soft cheese for the pate, such as “Friendship”.

Well, try to choose bright orange carrots. The rich, beautiful color of the finished pate will depend on the color of the carrot.

Of course, it is better to choose natural butter; the spread can give the pate an unpleasant aftertaste.

How to make herring pate like red caviar

And so, we remove the head and entrails of the herring. Then, we rinse the herring carcass under cold running water and cut the fish lengthwise along the ridge: first remove the skin from the herring, and then divide the carcass along the cut into two halves and remove the bones with your hands.

We need to boil the carrots (but not overcook them), cool them and peel them. Then, cut the carrots into large pieces.

We release the processed cheese from the packaging and cut it into four parts.

Place the herring fillet, carrots and melted cheese into a blender.

First, grind these ingredients at high speed/

And then, add butter and turn on the blender for another 2-3 minutes.

That's all, we spent literally half an hour and a delicious herring pate with melted cheese and carrots, reminiscent of red caviar in taste, is ready.

Spread it on bread and serve. We will store the herring pate in the refrigerator in a closed container (a bowl or just a glass jar) for no more than a week.

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