Recipes for puff pastry dough. Puff pastry: what to cook?

They have long been firmly established in our culinary traditions. Unleavened and rich, mixed with sponge and straight, puff pastry and regular - it is widely used for amazingly tasty baked goods. Pies and buns, vertuns and placindas, loaves, cakes, cookies, pastries - every housewife can easily organize everything on her table herself, using some useful recommendations from our article.

Puff pastry

Let's first find out what puff pastry is. What to cook from it - more on that below. The name itself indicates a mixed type of product. This means that it combines both the softness, fluffiness, and airiness of the dough mass mixed with yeast, as well as the consistency features associated with the layered structure of the finished products. True, housewives will have to spend a little more time in the kitchen than always. But if you were able to overcome all the difficulties and get real homemade puff pastry, don’t worry about what to make from the semi-finished product. Any product made from it will be incredibly tasty and tender, literally melting in your mouth.

Let's cope together

What difficulties might you encounter when kneading? Firstly, the yeast, and all other products must be fresh, otherwise the dough will not rise properly and will turn out sour and overstuffed. Secondly, when butter or baker's margarine is placed in it and rolled out, the dough must be cool so that the fat does not melt or leak out. And if you send the workpiece to the refrigerator for cooling, do not keep it there for a long time and do not place it immediately under the freezer. After all, then the oil will harden too much and will tear the rolled layers. And the last “trick”: bakers advise kneading the fat to the consistency of thick sour cream and be sure to add sugar to the butter or margarine, which improves the layering of baked goods. Thanks to this addition, you will get the right puff pastry. What to cook from it? Sweet and These are cheesecakes, pretzels, horns, pies, etc. And the filling can be cottage cheese with sugar and cinnamon, marmalade, jam, poppy seeds with nuts. Or minced fish, meat, cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms. If you want something “sort of”, special, culinary experts recommend adding raisins to puff pastry. Choose what to make from it: buns, bagels, “envelopes”, “ears”. In a word - whatever your heart desires! The main thing is to eat with pleasure!

Basic recipe

Recipes for puff pastry dough may include various components and have different kneading technologies. We will look at the basic, classic method, which, once mastered, will allow you to easily experiment and invent something new. To begin, prepare the dough from 3 cups of flour (750 g), 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of sugar and a small amount of salt, 15 g of yeast and 150 g of warm milk. If it is on a dough, then half the specified amount of flour is poured into the first batch, the rest is added later, when beating the dough. For lamination, you need 3 more spoons of sugar and about 300 g of butter or margarine. As mentioned above, recipes for puff pastry contain instructions to cool the dough to a temperature of +17-20 degrees, and then place it on a work surface sprinkled with flour and roll it out into a layer no thicker than 10 mm.

Apply well-mashed butter at room temperature evenly to the middle of the dough sheet, sprinkle sugar on top. Bend part of the free layer inward and cover half of the oiled area. Place the second oiled half on top. You should end up with something like an envelope. Roll it out, fold it several times again and roll it out again. When they are made from such dough, etc., they should be allowed to rise in a warm place for about 20 minutes, and then put in the oven.

Visiting Carlson

The first dish that we will try to prepare from puff pastry is buns. Yes, yes, the same ones that Carlson ate with such pleasure! If you try, and the baking turns out great, your family will not yield to this favorite fairy-tale character in appetite. You will need approximately 500 g of pre-prepared dough, a bag of powdered sugar, a bag of ground cinnamon, 3-5 tablespoons of sugar. Yes, when you make the dough, put vanilla or vanillin in it. This advice applies to all sweet baked goods.

So, sprinkle a large cutting board with sugar, place the finished dough on it and roll it well into a sheet 20 cm long and 40 cm wide. Mix a few teaspoons of cinnamon with sugar, sprinkle it on the sheet, roll it twice. Roll out again to a thickness of 7 mm. Using a cup or glass, squeeze out identical circles and place them on a baking sheet. Let them rest for 15-20 minutes and bake until golden brown. When the buns have cooled, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and treat them to your family. By the way, the proposed recipe is one of the options that can be quickly prepared from yeast puff pastry, especially if you bought it in a store.

Snack pies

You can serve wonderful pies with borscht or soup, or even with tea. Even the most picky people will not refuse their filling, and all the baked goods together are worthy not only of an everyday, but also a holiday table. For these pies you need sponge puff yeast dough. Recipes for dishes of this type explain that then the baked goods will be softer. For the dough, take 500 g of flour, 100 g of butter or margarine, 10 g of dry yeast, a teaspoon of salt and 2 table sugar. Knead it and bring it to readiness. While you wait for the dough to rise, prepare the filling. For it you need: a kilogram of potatoes, 3 medium onions, 600-700 g of fresh mushrooms, salt and sunflower oil. Boil mushrooms and potatoes separately in salted water. Cool the mushrooms, chop finely and fry with onions, you can add a little garlic. Mash the hot potatoes well and mix with mushrooms. Add more salt if required. Now roll out the risen dough on a floured board to 7 mm thickness, cut into equal circles or squares. Place the filling in the center of each, seal the edges well, and place on an oiled baking sheet. Cover the pieces with a towel to rest, brush with beaten egg and bake until golden brown. Really, gorging?

Christmas bagels

Continuing to look at different recipes with puff pastry, I would like to focus on this dish - bagels with nuts. They are especially often baked for Christmas. The secret of the enormous popularity of the dessert is not only in the delicious filling, but also in the lemon glaze that covers the finished products. Make the dough in a way already familiar to you, using 2-2.5 cups of flour and one and a half tablespoons of butter. Roll out the layer to 7 mm thickness, cut into small rectangles. Grease each one with butter, add the filling, roll into a bagel and place on a baking sheet to rise. Then bake until “blush” forms, and when it cools down a little, cover with lemon glaze.

Now for the filling: mix 200 g of peeled walnut kernels with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Place in a hot frying pan, fry a little, and then crush. Mix in a little vanilla and a few spoons of jam syrup to make a somewhat viscous mass. Bagels are filled with it. And make the glaze like this: pour 100 grams of powdered sugar, 1-1.5 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of hot water into a bowl. Using a wooden spoon, stir the mixture until it becomes smooth and begins to shine. If you don't want to make glaze, you can simply sprinkle the bagels with powdered sugar. In any case, the cookies will be excellent!

Quick dessert

If you are interested in quick baking from puff pastry, we can offer this recipe. The good thing about it is that while the semi-finished products are proofing, you can prepare other dishes. We are talking about puff “curls”. The dough for them is prepared from 500 g of flour. Also, a quarter cup of sugar or chopped almonds is needed for sprinkling the dessert. Roll out the dough layer to a thickness of 10 mm and cut into thin “ribbons”. Weave them two at a time into small braids, stretch them slightly, and make “curls.” Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the cookies in it and leave to rise for 40-45 minutes. Then sprinkle with almonds and sugar or an egg beaten with sugar and bake for about 15 minutes until golden brown. Fast and tasty, right?

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese

However, we will continue to reveal secrets to you about how Recipes, as you may have noticed, are very different, one tastier than the other. For example, these cheesecakes. For the filling, take 200 g of fresh fat cottage cheese, mix with sugar to taste, beat in a mixer, add a few handfuls of raisins. Knead the dough itself from 500 g of flour, be sure to add vanilla, maybe a little cardamom. Roll out into a flat cake 1 centimeter thick, cut into equal squares. Place the filling and seal the corners of the squares. Grease a baking sheet with butter and place the buns, but not tightly so that they do not interfere with each other. To do this, grease the barrels with softened butter. Then beat the egg, brush the cheesecakes and bake. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and bring to the table. In the same way you can bake

Baking with cheese

For lovers of savory dishes, this type of cookie like kruchenki is very suitable. Yes, not simple ones, but with cheese additives. For puff pastry dough, mixed from 600-700 g of flour, you need about one and a half glasses of hard grated cheese with a pronounced taste (like cheddar) and a little for sprinkling, as well as poppy seeds and sesame seeds. Grated cheese should be added to the dough when kneading again. When ready, divide into 12-14 equal parts. Roll them into long ropes, which you then bend in half several times and connect the ends so that they do not straighten out. Let them “rest” for half an hour on the already prepared baking sheet, then brush each one with a beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds and poppy seeds, you can replace them with grated cheese, and bake until golden brown. An excellent addition to beer, I must admit!

Horseshoes baked for luck and good appetite

What else we can offer you to prepare something delicious are cakes with jam in the shape of horseshoes. Toasted, aromatic, they just beg to be put into your mouth. From 650-750 g of flour with added vanillin, knead puff pastry with yeast. When it fits well, carefully roll it out into a sheet 1 cm thick. Cut it into small squares, put thick jam, roll it into rolls, then bend it into horseshoes and place it on a baking sheet, greasing it with oil. When the products have proofed after 15 minutes, brush them with beaten egg and bake. Once the cakes have cooled, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

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