Scrambled egg recipe. Scramble eggs - a great breakfast solution

If you want to cook a delicious and hearty breakfast, scrambled eggs are an ideal option. But try to cook it in a special way, please yourself or your family with scramble eggs.

What it is?

Scramble eggs are a real classic of American cuisine, which is usually served for breakfast. But at its core, this is the most common scrambled eggs, or rather, even an omelet, prepared not in the usual way, but with periodic mixing, or rather shaking. But in order for the dish to turn out exactly the way it should be, you need to follow some rules.

How to cook?

How to cook scramble eggs? For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 milliliters of milk;
  • 40 grams of butter (can be replaced with vegetable oil);
  • ground pepper and salt to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Heat a small amount of butter in a frying pan.
  2. Whisk the eggs and milk vigorously in a bowl until fluffy.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into the pan, spread it over the bottom.
  4. When the eggs begin to curl a little, start stirring them and do this at intervals of about 7-10 seconds. Then light airy egg flakes are formed.
  5. Cook the dish for about two to three minutes.

Common Mistakes

Many try to simplify the cooking process or change the properties of the dish, but make mistakes. The most common of them:

  • Insufficient agitation. If this important process is not completed, then there will be no air foam, that is, scramble eggs will not turn out airy.
  • Premature addition of salt. This can make the dish tough, almost killing all of its airiness, so salt and season the scrambled eggs after cooking, already on the plate.
  • Pre-beating. You should not beat the eggs in advance, because the foam will "settle", the air bubbles will evaporate, and you will not achieve the desired consistency.
  • Too long cooking time. If you cook scramble eggs for too long, they will lose their tenderness, lightness and airiness inherent in the dish, becoming hard and almost “rubber”. So it’s worth removing the pan from the heat at the moment when it seems to you that the squirrels and yolks are about to be cooked.
  • Cooking over high heat. It should be medium, otherwise the eggs will burn quickly and the breakfast will be spoiled.
  • Use of unsuitable utensils. If the pan is too large, the dish will not come out airy. The same can be said about small dishes.

Some useful tips:

  1. To make scramble eggs more airy and tender, you can increase the amount of proteins.
  2. You can change the recipe and add a variety of ingredients to scramble eggs, for example, tomatoes, corn, green peas, ham, cheese, greens, and so on.
  3. You can serve such a breakfast with a vegetable salad or, for example, with toast.
  4. For frying, use refined vegetable or high-quality butter, as unrefined or low-quality butter can give breakfast an unpleasant taste and smell.

Enjoy your meal!

Sunday breakfast gave me the idea to write about scramble. As a matter of fact, the recipe is a trifle and probably many people know it, but the taste, the taste does not allow you to pass by. Usually I eat it just like that, without anything, for breakfast, because it takes 5-7 minutes from start to finish, very convenient in the morning! There are several secrets, and if you cook it correctly, then the most delicate product is obtained. As in all simple recipes, when there are few ingredients, the product can easily be spoiled, the main thing here is not to be distracted))

Ingredients for 1 serving:
Egg 2 pcs
1 tablespoon cold water (bottled or boiled)
a pinch of salt
Butter on the tip of a knife, literally grease the surface of the pan.

First, I will clarify all the important points.
1. The pan should be well heated over medium heat.
2. The egg must be well beaten
3. It is necessary to interfere with the chatterbox immediately as soon as it gets into the pan and do not stop
4. Do not overcook! 30-50 seconds in a frying pan is enough
5. Fry one portion at a time - the pan is heated, the second, along with beating the egg, will take another 2 minutes.

Break the egg into a bowl, add salt and water (water is needed for better beating of eggs), and beat with a whisk until smooth.

Put the butter in a preheated pan, when it melts, spread it over the entire bottom of the pan. Pour the scatter into the pan and immediately begin to mix with smooth and quick movements in a circle, passing over the entire surface of the pan

Once the chatter has stopped flowing, everything is ready! This is about 40 seconds in a frying pan.

Your egg is ready, immediately transfer to a plate and serve. Yes, all vegetables are prepared in advance and separately, here)

Today we are going to make scrambled eggs, also known as scrambled eggs. We will cook the dish in two versions: in English and American styles.

In itself, this dish is very simple, but there are several nuances and subtleties in its preparation, having studied which, you can cook not just the usual scrambled eggs, but the most delicate and delicious dish that will invariably delight you and your loved ones. Let's start?!

Prepare the ingredients for the scrambled eggs.

To make American-style scramble eggs, crack the desired number of eggs into a bowl. The standard serving is 2 eggs per person.

Mix the eggs thoroughly with a fork. Lush foam is not needed here, the main thing is to mix the yolks and proteins very well to get a homogeneous mixture. Always beat eggs just before cooking. So the egg mixture will be enriched with oxygen and the dish will taste more airy and tasty.

Melt the butter over low heat and pour in the egg mixture. Wait a few seconds for the mixture to set slightly, and then begin to gently move the mixture with a spatula, as if drawing a figure eight (see the video version of the recipe for more details).

Always cook the dish on low heat, add salt only at the end of cooking, and turn off the heat a few seconds before the egg mixture is fully cooked. The mass should remain slightly moist and shiny. These are the key points to make scramble tender and juicy in taste.

After turning off the heat, add salt to taste and leave the eggs in the cooling pan for a few more seconds. The residual heat from the pan will bring the egg mixture to a boil without overcooking and retaining its natural juiciness.

Serve scrambled eggs topped with crispy toasted bread, fresh herbs and vegetables of your choice.

Now let's make an English-style scramble. In a saucepan, melt butter over low heat.

Break the desired number of eggs into a bowl and mix thoroughly.

When the butter has melted, pour the egg mixture into the saucepan. Wait a few seconds for the mass to seize slightly, and then mix. Continue to cook the mixture over low heat, stirring about every five seconds.

Turn off the heat a few seconds before it's ready. As in the previous version, the mass should remain slightly moist and glossy.

Add 1 tbsp. sour cream and 1-2 pinches of chopped green onions. Cold sour cream will lower the temperature of the egg mixture and stop the cooking process, as well as add creamy notes to the taste of the dish.

Once again, mix everything well, and then serve the dish to the table.

Try it, choose the option to your liking and cook with pleasure! Scrambler is ready. Enjoy your meal!

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Scramble eggs. scrambled eggs recipe

But let's get back to our eggs)) Yes, I consider eggs for breakfast to be a great start to a working day. Firstly, egg protein is the most perfect in terms of amino acid composition, it is not heavy and quickly digested, and the yolk is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and minerals that we need so much and that we lack so much, as well as a bunch of healthy fats and lecithin in the yolk.

By the way, do not be afraid of cholesterol, which is also very high in eggs. It is not absorbed all, but only a small part of it, and besides, it is not cholesterol that is to blame for atherosclerosis, but something else ...

There are a lot of recipes for scrambled eggs and other egg dishes and I will post new options on the blog, and you can try something new every morning. Today I will tell and show how scrambled eggs are prepared.

For some, it will seem that this is a simple omelet, but an omelet is something else, later there will be such a recipe. Eggs cooked in this way are very tender, airy and tasty. The dish is prepared quickly and easily. Since I'm on a high fat diet, I'll be eating as much fat as possible to keep me in ketosis.

To make scrambled eggs you will need:

  • 2-3 village eggs
  • 30-40 ml 33% cream or regular full fat milk
  • refined olive oil or coconut oil (this time I took refined olive oil, because I ran out of coconut oil and I just ordered it)
  • tomato, avocado and greens for garnish or any other fresh vegetables

Please note that you need to salt the eggs only after cooking, but not at the time, because salt in this case will not give airiness to the dish.

The process of making scramble eggs

You can cook them in a frying pan or in a non-stick heavy bottomed saucepan. I have a stone-coated skillet. The main idea is not to let the eggs fry, they need to be carefully turned over all the time so that they do not stick to the bottom.

So, wash the eggs with soap (I always do this, I don’t know how much it saves from salmonellosis, but this is already a ritual), break it into a bowl, add cream and beat with a fork, not a blender. The goal is that the yolk and protein do not become homogeneous, the streaks of the protein should be visible.

Preheat a frying pan with oil and pour the resulting mass. It is important to always be near the stove during the entire cooking time. After you have poured in the eggs, you need to wait a few seconds until the protein at the bottom begins to curl. Then you gently, as it were, shift the curdled protein, pressing with a spatula to the bottom and moving it in different directions. And so you repeat from all places: scraping towards the center or from the center, from the sides to the other side. Give the protein a little curl at the bottom and immediately move it so that it does not get baked and a crust does not form.

Then you get a jelly-like shapeless lump, which may need to be turned over, some water may stand out - this is whey if you use milk, not cream. When this happened, it means that the eggs are ready.

Do not keep on the stove for a long time, otherwise they will dry out and you will not get an airy treat. Cook over medium heat, if you see that it is baking strongly and quickly, then you can remove the dishes from the fire for a few seconds and, just shifting the mass, continue cooking, then put it on the fire again and so on every time until the eggs are ready.

In this way, scramble eggs cook very quickly, you can remove from the heat even when the protein is not all curdled, since it will still be curdled in your plate. And now I present you a step-by-step photo.

We take a frying pan, stewpan or other type of dishes with a non-stick coating and a thick bottom and heat it on the stove, adding oil.

Whisk the eggs and cream briefly with a fork in a separate bowl and pour out of the pan.

We wait a few seconds for the protein to begin to curl at the bottom. With a spatula, we carefully begin to shift the egg mass to the center or from the center, preventing the eggs from sticking to the pan, bake and fry.

We continue these movements until almost all the protein is curtailed. If you see that the eggs are burning, then remove the pan from the heat for a few seconds, and then return it, while constantly separating the eggs from the surface of the dish.

This is what a finished scrabble egg looks like, with streaks of protein tastier than when the mass is homogeneous. The pan is absolutely clean, there are no stuck eggs on it.

We put it on a plate, cut the vegetables quickly and quickly and wash the greens, because the scrabble eggs cool quickly, and then the taste is not at all the same. And enjoy)) Bon appetit! I am sure that only ... nothing will remain on the plate!

I hope you enjoy the scrabble egg recipe. There are many more variations, it can be done with cheese, for example. This recipe is the easiest. I tried to make with mozzarella and parmesan (separately). Also very, very tasty. You can also add salmon, tomatoes, zucchini, etc. Each option will have its own unique taste. Fantasize and eat *NO!

*NUP - low-carb diet

And finally, I suggest you look at another recipe for this scrambled egg, but it is cooked a little differently, that is, even easier and faster, and besides, with fragrant bacon, fresh tomatoes and basil.

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva

Scrambled eggs - a dish known to many as "scrambled eggs" - is not the most popular dish in our country. For some reason, we traditionally prefer regular scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs or boiled hard-boiled eggs. In European countries, for breakfast, they most often eat just scrambled eggs.

As you know, the melody of the song Yesterday came to Paul McCartney in a dream, and when he woke up, he hastily came up with a text for her that sounded like this: Scrambled eggs, oh, my baby how I love your legs…(“Scrambled eggs, baby, how I love your legs…”). For a long time, Paul could not write normal poems for her, and she was still listed by the Beatles under the working title Scrambled Eggs.

This is one of my favorite types of scrambled eggs (apparently like Sir Paul), so I took the time to learn how to cook it perfectly. At first glance, it may seem that this is just a “broken omelette,” as my friend once called it, that is, eggs beaten with milk and mixed in a pan, but not everything is so simple. There are a huge number of recipes for making "scramble", both on our sites and in English, but not all of them take into account the main nuance. It is not so much the ingredients that are important here - whether to add, say, cream or milk to it, but a certain technology, and then - and only then - the chatter will turn out to be very tender and tasty.


Scrambled eggs can be made from the eggs alone or by combining them with a liquid base. What you take is a matter of taste. It can be milk, cream of any fat content, or even plain water. To determine my preferences, I tried different options. Fried eggs with cream turn out to be denser in texture, more fatty and, accordingly, more high-calorie, with milk - lighter and more airy, but on water - almost fat-free. As a result, my choice is chatter with milk or even from eggs alone.

If I make scramble eggs from one egg, then I take two pieces per serving, if with milk, then for two - three eggs and three tablespoons of milk. Milk (cream or whatever you will use there) can be added less, but more is undesirable, otherwise the scrambled eggs will come out too liquid.


1. Break into a bowl eggs, add to them milk(cream / water / nothing - optional) and lightly beat - vigorously, but not for long.

2. Add a pinch salt. We do not mix salt with eggs - we will lose consistency, everything will be mixed in a frying pan.

3. Heat a piece in a pan over medium heat butter, and as soon as it melts, pour the egg mixture into it.

4. Let's wait a few seconds until the eggs "grab" (scientifically speaking, until the protein begins to coagulate). You will see when this happens: our future scrambled eggs will harden a little around the edges.

5. As soon as this happens, gently move the mixture to the edge of the pan with a wooden spatula. It will turn out that everything that has time coagulate, will be on the side, and the liquid will again spill over the surface. As soon as she grabs, we move her again in the same direction. It is very important to work with a spatula carefully, with the maximum tenderness and love that you can only apply to, sorry, eggs. :-) This is the first important point. The technology can be understood from the video.

6. The second important point is to determine the readiness of the chatterbox in time and turn off the gas. Chatterboxes should never be overexposed! The eggs are ready as soon as they have stopped spreading, but they look slightly damp. It may seem to you that they are “underprepared”, but do not worry and do not be afraid: this is how it should be. The fact is that heated eggs will continue to cook from their own heat even after you remove them from the stove, and will “reach” on your plate while you lay out the scramble in portions and call your family for breakfast. The texture of the perfect scrambler should be slightly moist when you try it - you'll understand why: it comes out very tender, airy, just delicious!

That's all. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to adapt. Be sure to try the scrambled eggs and you won't regret it!

Bon appetit and delicious breakfasts!

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