Raw food diet with Victoria Butenko - green smoothies, their benefits and harm. Are there any contraindications? Green smoothie made from nettle and peach

Modern realities are such that we should always feel good, have beautiful figure, well-groomed skin and hair.

This used to be a big problem, but not anymore! Good result can be achieved using healthy food, or rather, raw.

The author of this book, Jason Manheim, proved through trial and error that it is not necessary to torture yourself with diets and fasting, you just need to add green smoothies to your diet. They are a tasty mixture of greens, vegetables and fruits.

It is important to note that they are easy and quick to prepare. Here you will find many green smoothie recipes, recommendations and accompanying illustrations.

The big plus is that they can be consumed with any food; they are easily digested and absorbed.

It is with them that you will receive many nutrients, which will strengthen your immunity and give you a beautiful appearance.

We wish you pleasant juice consumption!

Natural greens- a truly unique group of food products. Green plants have valuable properties, which help our body easily adapt and recover, turn on our natural guidelines when we are naturally drawn to a healthy lung plant foods, and “takes away” from heavy, tamasic food that pollutes the body.

Green plants are natural restorers of a person’s overall energy potential and functions. nervous system. Natural greens are incredibly nutritious and are excellent antioxidants.

Almost all wild-growing greens, which nature so generously rewards us with every spring and summer, have beneficial properties - nettles, chives, dandelion leaves, the ubiquitous woodlice, plantain, clover flowers and leaves, coltsfoot, wormwood, linden leaves. You can continue this list of plants with life-giving properties yourself...

For modern man It would be a great omission to refuse such a generous healing gift of nature.

The benefits of green smoothies

Start a simple nutrition program with daily intake one green smoothie every morning. This way you initiate the process of cleansing your body. And then gradually increase your consumption of the life-giving drink to 2-3 cocktails every day. You can feel the effect within the first month - a feeling of lightness in the body, a surge of energy, improved digestion and skin condition.

Eating green smoothies gives your body real rest, since the beneficial substances contained in ground greens are very easily and quickly absorbed.

The body receives a large amount of fiber, enzymes, high-quality proteins, enzymes, chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals in a form convenient for it. This is why green smoothies are so popular among vegetarians and people on a raw food diet.

Green smoothies: benefits and harm

1. Green plants are rich in chlorophyll. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of this element. Chlorophyll molecules - absorbers of sunlight energy - work real miracles in our body:

  • saturate the body's cells with oxygen;
  • promote the development of beneficial aerobic bacteria that are involved in the synthesis of vitamins and amino acids;
  • thanks to the action of chlorophyll, erosions, ulcers, and wounds heal quickly;
  • chlorophyll cleanses the body of fungi, pathogenic bacteria and cancer cells,
  • chlorophyll is an excellent assistant when switching to a vegetarian or raw food diet: it allows you to very quickly replace the intestinal microflora with a more favorable one.

2. Due to the high-quality proteins contained in greens, smoothies made from green plants, incredibly nutritious.

3. Antioxidants contained in large quantities in green smoothies, promote overall health and rejuvenation of the body, prevent the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

4. Greens contain the most beneficial type of fiber for our body, which normalizes the intestinal microflora, promotes its restoration and cleansing of toxins and waste.

5. In addition, each type of greenery has its own unique set of microelements and vitamins and has a healing effect on the entire body.

Green smoothies: contraindications

  1. You should gradually introduce green smoothies into your daily diet. The starting norm per day is one glass.
  2. Suitable for making green smoothies: fresh herbs.
  3. Consume the drink immediately after preparation and do not store it in the refrigerator for more than a day.
  4. Please be aware that some plants may cause an allergic reaction.

How to make green smoothies

Making green smoothies is easy and fun. In spring and summer, a real scope for creativity opens up before us: in addition to the usual dill, parsley, lettuce, radish leaves, arugula, spinach and celery, at this time we can create interesting options cocktails made from wild greens.

There are several features of preparing green smoothies from herbs:

  • To prevent the taste of grass from seeming so intrusive and intense, you should add some fruits or vegetables to the greens.
  • To give liquid consistency In a cocktail, you can replace some of the fruit with squeezed juice or simply add drinking water.
  • Beginner lovers of green smoothies are recommended to add more fruits, berries and even honey at first.
  • You should not add both fruits and vegetables to one smoothie.
  • All ingredients for the cocktail - stems and leaves of plants, pieces of fruits and vegetables - are thoroughly mixed in a blender until it becomes a liquid slurry.

Green smoothies: recipes for every day

If you decide to include green smoothies in your daily diet, you begin to discover a world of green variety: medicinal herbs, wild greens, tops, a variety of options for greens grown in greenhouse conditions... You shouldn’t limit yourself to traditional parsley or dill.

Suitable bases for preparing cocktails include sorrel, spinach, leaf salad, cilantro, celery, wild greens. Fruits are added to the base. Bananas, apples or kiwis work best with the flavor of greens. The most successful in their own way taste qualities are vegetables such as cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, as well as carrots and beet juices. In summer, a few leaves of currants, strawberries or raspberries will add variety.

We offer several options simple recipes green smoothies for every day.

  • Celery, apple, nettle leaves, peeled sunflower seeds, a spoonful of honey and a little water.
  • Snooze, fresh banana, radish leaves, sorrel and water.
  • Cucumber, tomato, parsley and dill leaves, water.

Recipes for health and energy

For maximum benefit you can alternate different recipes green smoothies, experimenting with basic greens, adding more every day different fruits, vegetables, berries and even seeds.

Try to diversify your green smoothie with flax or sunflower seeds, a few slices walnut or almonds. All this increases nutritional properties cocktails and adds an interesting flavor note every time.

There are also special recipes green smoothies for winter period. In winter and autumn, you can add more spices and honey, which have a warming effect on the body. Ginger is perfect for fighting off flu and colds, as it also helps improve digestion and has a detoxifying effect. You can always create your own own recipe green cocktail, based on your needs and body characteristics.

Victoria Butenko is the author of the popular and world-famous bestsellers “Twelve Steps to a Raw Food Diet” and “Greens for Life.” Today, the book “Greens for Life” has been translated into 24 languages, and its total circulation in the world is 400 thousand copies.

The book "Twelve Steps to a Raw Food Diet" opens up new possibilities for beginner raw foodists. In this book Victoria Butenko for the first time raised the current topic of the dependence of many people on boiled food.

Victoria Butenko lives with her family in Ashland, Oregon. Victoria teaches classes on raw food diet And healthy image life at Southern Oregon University, and also travels around the world with his lectures. Victoria Butenko conducts Scientific research in the field of natural human health. Results research shares in his books.

Victoria Butenko resorted to a raw food diet back in 1994, in the hope of curing herself and her family from chronic diseases.

Victoria also suffered from cardiac arrhythmia, her husband from arthritis, and her children from diabetes and asthma. New food system - raw food diet, allowed Victoria Butenko's family to overcome health problems.

Victoria Butenko considers green smoothies to be the basis of a raw food diet. Her green smoothie recipes are popular all over the world.

Victoria Butenko highlights a number of benefits of green smoothies for maintaining human health:

  1. Green smoothies are very nutritious. Optimal ratio for humans: 40% fresh greens to 60% ripe c.
  2. Cocktails based on greens are quickly digested and absorbed in the body. During the period of chopping fruits and greens, most of the cell membranes are torn, and valuable substances are easily absorbed by our body.
  3. Unlike juices, green smoothies contain fiber, making them a complete, balanced meal. Fiber is essential for the proper functioning of our excretory system, prevention cancer diseases and heart disease.
  4. Green smoothies are a palatable food for people of all ages. Green-colored drinks are very tasty.
  5. Three glasses of green smoothie throughout the day will provide your body with the necessary daily norm nutrients. According to the teachings of the famous Dr. Anne Wigmore, consuming chlorophyll is similar to a healthy blood transfusion.
  6. Green smoothies are quick and easy to prepare. To prepare two liters of green smoothie, you will spend less than 10 minutes, including cleanup.
  7. Children love green smoothies. Cocktails can be introduced to babies from six months, but gradually and carefully so as not to cause food allergies.
  8. If you consume greens in the form of green smoothies, you will significantly reduce daily diet amount of salt and fat.
  9. Daily use cocktails based on greens and fruits, forms a habit, include more in the diet raw foods. If you drink green smoothies for two weeks, you will have a natural craving for greens.
  10. It is best to drink cocktails fresh, only prepared. At low temperatures beneficial features cocktails can be stored for another three days. This is very convenient if you need to take them to work or on a trip.

Cocktails are better Total cook in a blender. Can also be used For preparations greendrink mixer. Before chopping, the fruits are peeled and finely chopped, the greens are washed well and also chopped. After cooking drink preferably strain.

Recipes for various cocktails by Victoria Butenko.

Don't be afraid to substitute the suggested ingredients with your favorite fruits and herbs.

Sweet cocktails

Family Green Smoothie: a bunch of spinach, you can use parsley or, two ripe medium apples, the juice of one lemon, a glass of water.

Spring Green Smoothie: two bunches of quinoa or other wild herb, peeled banana, mango and two glasses of water.

Freshness: eight green salad leaves, a glass of red grapes, a banana, an orange and two glasses of water.

Joy: three stalks of celery, a banana, four peeled kiwis and two glasses of water.

Flavored cocktail: half a bunch of spinach, half a lime with peel, a banana, four apples and two glasses of water.

Children's favorite cocktail: two oranges, two any frozen fruits.

Unsweetened cocktails

Russian green cocktail: lettuce - six leaves, juice of half a lemon, celery - two stalks, half a red onion, half an avocado and two glasses of water.

Italian green smoothie: salad - five leaves, half a bunch of basil, lemon juice, two tomatoes, three cloves of garlic and two glasses of water.

Thai green smoothie: half a bunch of cilantro, one clove of garlic, half a sweet red pepper, three tomatoes, the juice of half a lemon, half a bunch of spinach and two glasses of water.

Cocktails for children

Fun gorilla: eight spinach leaves, banana, peeled orange, teaspoon of honey, vanillin, two glasses of water.

Banango: eight lettuce leaves, banana, mango, three seedless, two glasses of water.

Simple recipes for the daily menu

Nut milk: 200 g of seeds or any nuts soaked in water, 400 g of water, 3 dates or a tablespoon of honey, salt as desired. Mix all ingredients and strain.

Raw porridge: 200 g soaked oatmeal, 50 g dates or pitted raisins, a tablespoon of any unpeeled vegetable oil, salt. You can add berries or fresh fruit.

You can experiment with the components of green smoothies. Green smoothie- very valuable, nutritious and delicious drink to yours daily menu which will bring you a lot of benefit and joy.

Victoria Butenko is a recognized authority in the field plant nutrition. In January 1994, she, along with her husband Igor, daughter Valentina and son Sergei, began to practice a raw food diet. A radical diet allowed Victoria and severe arrhythmia to return wellness to the husband, who at the beginning of the experiment doctors strongly recommended to remove thyroid gland, fully .

Rice. 1. Victoria Butenko with her son Sergei and daughter Valentina.

The energetic housewife created new recipes and wrote down how individual foods and their combinations affected the body.

In 2001, she made her main discovery: she combined 40 percent fresh greens with 60 percent fruits and, using an ordinary blender, created the “green smoothies” that made her famous.

Victoria Butenko is a teacher at Southern Oregon University, teaches classes on natural healing and cooking, organizes seminars and cooking demonstrations around the world, and studies foreign languages. Lives in Ashland (USA, Oregon).

In 2011, Victoria visited Russia. In Moscow she held several meetings with readers of her books.

Published in Russia

IN " Cookbook raw food”, written by Victoria in collaboration with her children, not only salads filled with the pristine energy of nature, but also desserts and even uncooked soups.

The Big Book of Recipes is illustrated with photographs showing each stage of cooking. The Butenko family has thousands of recipes, and “green cocktails” can be considered a convenient bridge through which the author helps to easily and comfortably move into the world of living food.

“12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet” is a biographical book and was written primarily to provide psychological support to beginners. Later it was supplemented by a new collection of recipes “Reasonable raw food diet. 13th step to health."

Life is green

“Greens for Life” is still Victoria Butenko’s most popular book in both America and Russia. It took Victoria almost seven years to put her own emphasis on the theory of raw food nutrition. You don't just need to eat live food, but primarily food containing chlorophyll, concentrated solar energy.

Even the most radical raw foodists eat too little greens. Several generations of our predecessors consistently lost the habit of natural food and got used to refined food. Today, fresh greens in large quantities seem simply tasteless to us.

How to restore correct food preferences? Mix with. If there is a little more than half of the fruit, the taste of the resulting drink will seem pleasant even to a theoretically unprepared consumer.

After three to four weeks, a revolution will gradually begin in the body, which will force you to gradually abandon unnatural, non-living food.

Victoria Butenko found the key to the heart of the average American, accustomed to a high degree of mechanization of the food preparation process. “Green smoothies” are prepared using a blender, and its power must be at least 1000 W.

Recipes for Russians

  • Bilberry. A stalk of celery, two cups of fresh blueberries, a banana, two glasses of water.
  • Delight. Six peaches, two handfuls of spinach, two glasses of water.
  • Joy. Four ripe kiwis, a banana, two glasses of water, three stalks of celery.
  • Fragrant. Four, a small bunch of spinach, half a lime with peel, two glasses of water, a banana.
  • Sweet and sour. Eight leaves of red lettuce, four apricots, a banana, a quarter cup of blueberries, two glasses of water.

Controversy surrounding green smoothies

“Greens for Life” begins with the traditional reminder to discuss a new diet with your doctor.

Even the most democratic doctor will remind you of the need balanced nutrition and the dangers of becoming too obsessed with any one dish.

Objections from experienced raw foodists primarily relate to the use of a blender. Firstly, natural food must be chewed, otherwise the jaws weaken and eventually cerebral circulation is impaired. Secondly, when machining Most of the living food is destroyed (up to 90 percent) useful components food.

According to the author, a green smoothie allows you to consume 1 kilogram of greens daily, but this imaginary record is achieved precisely due to the destruction useful substances. (True, for the same reason, the cocktail in reasonable doses is quite safe. Victoria Butenko recommends drinking at least a liter per day).

Are miracles possible?

Almost all authors of reviews about green smoothies note a surge of energy and improved mood in the first month of using them. Digestion is normalized, blood counts are objectively improved. It is possible to reduce the consumption of tea and coffee.

Cocktails are not addictive, and when the craze wears off, the habit of fresh vegetables and fruits are really consolidated, the diet in general becomes healthier. Interesting are numerous testimonies about children who are reluctant to eat vegetables and fruits, while drinking Victoria Butenko’s green smoothies with pleasure.

Negative reviews mainly concern those cases where excessive passion for a raw food diet and green smoothies in particular led to obvious protein starvation, loss of weight and interest in life, and misunderstanding in the family.

Don't get carried away with criticism and take the best

During meetings with her readers in Moscow, Victoria admitted that she had ceased to be a principled raw foodist. She drinks about two liters of green smoothies every day, but periodically drinks a small amount of steamed vegetables to better cope with stress during flights, meetings, lectures and physical education.

This diet helps her maintain high performance and optimism. Victoria Butenko agrees that green smoothies should not be considered a panacea, warns against fanaticism in the raw food diet and continues her research in the field of proper nutrition.

She advised Russians not to get carried away by criticizing her methods, but to simply take the best from them.

Victoria Butenko travels a lot around the world, giving interviews and giving lectures. We bring to your attention one of these conversations. In it, Butenko talks about the main mistakes of a raw food diet, about proper nutrition and making green smoothies.

If there ever comes a time for bananas and tangerines in your life, I suggest you try making a cocktail from tangerine juice and bananas. Very tasty and hearty dish, I’m not even talking about the bunch of vitamins that it contains in the freshest form.

I came up with this cocktail by accident, after the New Year many friends came to visit us and everyone brought bananas or tangerines with them, and after 3 days I urgently needed to do something with all this wealth and I did it. My family loved this one so much raw food cocktail that throughout January we delighted ourselves with this cocktail almost every day, adding either an apple or an apple to the main mixture. lemon juice and even ice cream! Delicious.

What do you need to make a cocktail from tangerines and bananas? Ripe tangerines and bananas, a mixer, a colander or something that replaces it, a bowl that holds the bottom of the colander, a spoon and clean hands.

First we peel the tangerines and throw them into the mixer. I have a 1.5 liter mixer and in order to make a cocktail of tangerines and bananas for four, you need to clean the entire mixer jug.

Then grind the tangerines in a mixer for a short time, half a minute is usually enough. Only so that all the tangerine juice is freed from the inner skins. There is no point in hoping that all the skins will be ground; the toughest ones will remain and will get stuck in your teeth in every possible way when you try to chew them. In addition, some varieties of tangerines contain rather hard, bitter seeds, the unground parts of which are also somehow unpleasant to find in your mouth.

So, we have tangerine juice with a bunch of skins.

Now we take the colander we prepared in advance and put it in a deep bowl, then pour the contents of the mixer into it.

In order to improve the flow of juice through the holes of the colander, stir the whole mixture with a spoon.

When the main juice has drained, the remaining pulp must be squeezed out with your hands; for this they must be clean. I tried other methods, but my hands turned out to be the most convenient.

So, a certain amount of tangerine juice has formed in our deep bowl, pour it back into the mixer.

As you can see, from one and a half liters of unpeeled tangerines, one third of pure juice remains.

Now we peel the bananas and throw them into the juice. Just keep in mind that the bananas must be absolutely ripe or even slightly overripe. If they are greenish, they will ruin the entire cocktail; it will become viscous and bitter. The number of bananas is at your discretion; if you want it thinner, add one banana per person; if you want it thicker, add more bananas. We personally like it thicker and I add 3 small bananas or 2 medium ones per person.

The tangerine and banana cocktail itself is already very tasty, but you can still experiment with additional ingredients. For example, sometimes I squeeze 1/3 of a lemon into a cocktail, or add a couple of spoons of honey. If you happen to have a piece of pineapple lying around, that will work too. You only need a little bit, but it adds an extra pineapple flavor.

One day, in the process of experimenting, I bought a cocktail apple flavor, I just don’t remember what we mixed in there for this.

And of course you can add ice cream to it! What a treat! But there are more calories, keep in mind.

I hope you will enjoy! Good luck to you! And a lot of joy!

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