Yeast dough for pizza. How to cook pizza dough, yeast, dough. Making pizza dough

PIZZA in its essence is a hot sandwich, the dough base of which is baked together with a topping (“filling”) placed on it, made up of different products.

Pizza dough can be very different, the main thing is suitable for the chosen topping, i.e. the choice of dough, as well as topping, is always done according to the chef's own taste and the availability of products.
It is the unlimited breadth of the choice of possible ingredients that gives scope for culinary creativity and allows you to cook an innumerable variety of pizzas for all tastes. This has made pizza one of the most popular dishes in the world.

Pizza is a very ancient dish. The invention of pizza is traditionally attributed to the ancient Roman commander and gourmet Lucullus, although for many centuries before him pizza was prepared by the ancient Greeks, and even earlier by the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Ancient Mesopotamia.

Pizzas (dough cakes with topping placed on them) appeared no later than the beginning of mankind's occupation of agriculture, possibly even earlier. But it was Lucullus, who became famous for his famous feasts, that made pizza popular throughout the vast Roman Empire. In the twentieth century, especially after the 2nd World War, which significantly united all of humanity and marked the beginning of the current globalization, modern pizzas began their victorious march across the planet.

A good freshly baked pizza is always a welcome addition to any table. Try and invent your own original pizza, which will glorify you among relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Experiment with dough and topping combinations. In some cases, good results can be obtained by replacing the water in the dough with good beer or part of the water with vodka (up to 1/4 vodka of the total amount of water - this will add splendor), dry wine (up to 1/2), small additions of cognac - up to 1-2 Art. tablespoons per 1 kg of dough (you should be as careful when adding cognac as when adding hot peppers to dishes, otherwise an overly pronounced cognac taste and smell can make the product unpleasant), as well as introducing finely chopped fresh herbs and dry ground spices into the dough taste.

Always keep in mind that a phrase like "Real Italian pizza dough" can only come from an ignorant person - Italian cuisine is not so poor as to have only one pizza dough. (Compare with the phrase "Real Russian pancakes" and remember the number of pancake recipes in Russian cuisine. The same applies to the phrase "Real kebab" and many others.)

Dough products are very ancient, they are at least 30 thousand years old. To date, more than 2,000 different recipes for making good dough have been created by mankind. And new types of testing are constantly being created.

The best flour for making pizza dough is semolina. In its absence, you can add a little to the dough decoys(about 1/8-1/10 of the amount of flour) - this will add splendor to the product. Some cooks add semolina to the dough, previously brewed in water, like semolina (cooking time 1 minute), then cooled to warmth.

Milk dough kneading makes the product tastier, more nutritious, but makes the dough sticky, deprives it of airiness. Therefore, milk can be added to the dough in an amount from 1/4 to a maximum of 1/2 of the total amount of liquid. Many types of excellent dough are prepared without the addition of milk at all.

Good results are obtained by using whey instead of water. obtained during the preparation of cottage cheese or cheeses. To accumulate and preserve whey, it can be frozen in a freezer (shelf life in a tightly closed container at a temperature of minus 18 ° C is up to 1.5-2 months, no more).

For the quality of dough products, not only the composition and proper quality of the initial products taken for the test are important, but also the technology of dough preparation.

1) Flour before kneading any dough must be sifted through a sieve. This is an indispensable condition for ensuring the quality of all dough products.
2) Good mixing (kneading) of the dough is required for at least 6-8 minutes, optimally - 10-15 minutes. Dough thoroughly washed by hand is of higher quality than when using a mechanical kneader.
3) When rolling out, the yeast dough largely loses the accumulated gas bubbles. To make the product lush, when using yeast dough, do not forget about the obligatory proofing of the product before baking for 10-15 minutes so that the dough comes up a little more.

Cutting pizza is much easier than cutting pies or pies, baking time is shorter.
Therefore, pizza from a suitable dough (see below) and with a suitable topping (cheese, meat, fish, vegetable, complex) can be successfully served with first courses instead of traditional pies and pies in such cases.
Thin pizza with rich vegetable topping complements kebabs and barbecues well.
Beautifully decorated pizza with sweet topping will be not only a wonderful dessert, but also a dessert table decoration.

Pizza and a drink served with it can be a small but satisfying meal.
For example, pizza from quick dough on kefir(like quick pancakes, pancakes from this dough) are easy to cook for breakfast. For quick preparation, the kefir dough kneaded in a couple of minutes (thickness, as for pancakes) is simply laid out on a greased frying pan or baking sheet, leveled with a spoon into a thin layer, topping is placed on top to taste and availability - and preheated to 180 gr. From the oven for 10-15 minutes (baking time depends on the thickness of the dough layer). A wonderful freshly baked hot breakfast is ready.

Portion mini-pizza from yeast dough (diameter 12 cm).

Of these types of dough you can cook almost all types of homemade cakes:


I. Plain non-dough yeast dough

Ordinary buns, pies, donuts and other products with a small amount of muffin are usually baked from this dough. In order for them to bake well, you need to properly loosen the dough with yeast and skillfully combine it with fillings. So, salty fillings (from meat, fish, mushrooms) are not suitable for sweet dough and flavored with saffron, lemon, cardamom; for sweet fillings, you can not cook salty dough.

The composition of an ordinary non-dough yeast dough:
4 cups wheat flour
1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
3-4 st. tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 egg, 20 g yeast,
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 glass of milk or water.

Pour warm milk or warm water (temperature 27-30°C) into a saucepan and dissolve the yeast. Add salt, sugar, eggs, aromatic substances, sifted flour and knead for 5-8 minutes to get a homogeneous, without lumps, not very stiff dough.

If there is not enough liquid to knead the dough, add some milk or water. Before sifting, measure the flour with a glass, without tamping it.

At the end of the kneading, add preheated oil, mix lightly, cover the pan with a lid and put in a warm place.

After 2-2.5 hours after kneading, when the dough rises strongly, you should knead it.

After about 40-50 minutes, when the dough begins to sink after maximum rise, make a second punch down of the dough and put it on a floured table or cutting board.

The duration of the test approach can be adjusted by changing the dosage of yeast and temperature conditions. A temperature of 28-30 ° C is considered normal; When the temperature is lowered, the duration slows down; when the temperature rises, it speeds up.

At temperatures below 10°C and above 35°C, the dough is not suitable.

If too much salt or sugar is put in it, yeast fermentation will slow down or stop. In this case, you need to knead a new portion of the dough and mix it with salted or oversweetened.

Yeast should be of good quality.

When kneading the test, remember following:

1) excess water - the dough is poorly formed; products are vague, flat;
2) lack of water - the dough does not ferment well, the finished products will be tough;
3) replacement of water with milk or cream - finished products have a beautiful appearance, their taste improves;
4) an increase in the amount of fat - products become more crumbly and tasty and do not get stale longer;
5) excess salt - the dough does not ferment well, the products acquire a salty taste; peel color - pale;
6) insufficient amount of salt - products are vague, tasteless;
7) a large amount of sugar - the surface of the product is quickly tinted during baking, and the middle is baked slowly. Also, the dough doesn't fit well; when more than 35% sugar is added, the process stops completely;
8) insufficient amount of sugar - the products are pale and unsweetened;
9) an increase in the number of eggs - products become more magnificent and tasty;
10) replacing eggs with yolks - the products are more crumbly, beautiful yellow;
11) increase in the amount of yeast - fermentation is accelerated; too much yeast gives products an unpleasant sour taste.

Sweet yeast dough

The sponge method is used for sweet pastry. Products with a large amount of butter, sugar, eggs are baked from such a dough: various buns, rolls, pretzels, pies, flat cakes, women, Easter cakes, cookies, crackers, etc. To improve the taste and smell of sweet yeast dough, aromatic substances can be added ( grated lemon or orange zest, crushed cardamom, vanilla sugar, etc.).

The composition of the rich yeast dough:
4 cups wheat flour
from 1-2 to 4-8 tbsp. spoons of sugar (see NOTE),
4-8 art. spoons of butter,
2-8 eggs
20 g yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup milk or water.

For unsweetened topping, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. 4-8 art. tablespoons of sugar are added to the dough if the topping is sweet.
The increased content of eggs and butter in the dough makes the dough much tastier, richer, more nutritious and will benefit any pizza - both savory and sweet.

With this method, you first need to knead a liquid mash called dough. For kneading, take the entire norm of warm liquid and yeast and half the norm of flour (according to the recipe).

The dough should ferment at a temperature of 28-30 ° C for 3-3.5 hours until the maximum rise. During fermentation, bursting bubbles with carbon dioxide appear on its surface. As soon as the dough begins to settle, you can begin to knead the dough.

Add all other warmed products to the dough (eggs mixed with salt, sugar, aromatic substances), gradually add the remaining flour and knead for 5-8 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

At the end of the batch, add oil, heated to the consistency of thick sour cream; then cover the pan with a lid and put the dough in a warm place to rise. When the dough reaches the maximum level, punch down and put it on a table sprinkled with flour.

The duration of the fermentation of the dough and dough can also be adjusted by changing the temperature conditions of the approach, placing the pan in a warmer or cooler place.

Fluffy yeast dough pizza


Regular unleavened dough

Unleavened pies and cheesecakes are baked from this dough. It is prepared mainly with sour cream.

Option 1. The composition of ordinary unleavened dough (on sour cream):
2 cups wheat flour
1 cup sour cream
2 tbsp. tablespoons butter or margarine
2 eggs,
1 st. a spoonful of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt.

The dough from this amount of products is enough for baking 20-25 pies or cheesecakes.

Option 2. The composition of ordinary unleavened dough (without sour cream):
2 cups wheat flour
200 g butter or margarine
1 st. a spoonful of sugar
2 tbsp. spoons of vodka or cognac,
1/2 teaspoon of salt.

On a board or in a bowl, sift the flour with a slide and make a recess in it, into which put sour cream, softened butter, salt, sugar, pour eggs.
Knead the dough quickly. Roll the dough into a ball, put on a plate and let rest for 30-40 minutes.

Unsweetened soda dough

Pies, pies, kulebyaki and other products with unsweetened fillings are baked from this dough.

The composition of unsweetened soda dough:
4 cups flour
100-200 g butter or margarine,
12 tablespoons of sour cream,
2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of soda,
1/2 teaspoon of salt.
Output of finished products - 1000 g.

Sift flour with soda. Mix sour cream, eggs, sugar and salt until the salt and sugar dissolve. Beat softened butter or margarine in a bowl with a wooden spatula for 5-8 minutes, gradually adding a mixture of sour cream and eggs, then flour, and quickly (within 20-30 seconds) knead the dough. The dough cannot be kneaded for a long time: carbon dioxide, which is formed when sour cream and soda come into contact, evaporates, and the dough turns out to be tough.
Sour cream can be replaced with kefir, curdled milk and other fermented milk products.


Puff pastry can be yeast (sour) and unleavened. The latter is used more often. It contains no sugar at all. Its main components are flour, butter, eggs, water, sometimes kefir, vinegar, cognac or citric acid, salt.

Puff pastry products are crispy, inside are soft and tender.

In order for the dough to turn out with a good layered structure, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for the products from which it is made, as well as for the technology of its manufacture. Flour for dough should be taken only of the highest grade, butter - butter or creamy margarine of excellent taste and quality.

The elasticity and elasticity of the dough is given by acid (citric, acetic) or cognac; if there is no acid, water can be replaced with sour kefir. An acidic environment contributes to an increase in the viscosity of the protein substances of the flour. The layering of the dough is ensured by its repeated rolling.

Puff pastry should be prepared in a cool room and in cold dishes.

Flour when rolling is used sparingly - only so that the dough does not stick to the board. If there is a lot of flour, then the dough will be too steep; products from it do not rise well and lose their taste.

The finished dough is stored in the refrigerator or other cold place.

Since the preparation of puff pastry is quite laborious and time consuming, you can simplify this work and make chopped puff pastry (instant). But from such a dough, baking turns out to be less crumbly and tender than from rolled out.

Puff yeast dough

Ingredients for puff pastry:
2 cups wheat flour
1 glass of milk or water
20 g yeast
1 st. a spoonful of sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
100-300 g butter.

This dough combines the qualities of both yeast and puff pastry. Prepare a yeast-free yeast dough. Pour the required amount of warm milk into a bowl, add yeast, eggs and salt diluted separately in a small amount of milk or water. Mix the liquid well, add the sifted flour and knead the dough.

At the end of the kneading, you can add melted butter or vegetable oil and continue kneading until the butter is combined with the dough. Lightly sprinkle the well-kneaded dough with flour, cover the dishes with a napkin and leave for 3-3.5 hours in a warm place to rise.

Roll out the risen dough into a rectangular layer 1-1.5 cm thick. Put softened butter or margarine (half of the entire norm) in the middle, cover it with a part of the layer, on which you also put butter, cover with a third part of the layer (thus, you get three layers dough and two layers of butter). Then sprinkle the dough with flour and roll out to a thickness of 2-3 cm, sweep away excess flour from it and fold it in four. Roll out and fold again.

As a result of all operations, a formation with 32 layers of oil will be obtained. When rolling 200-300 g of butter, the dough made from 2 cups of flour must have at least 32 layers of butter, otherwise it will leak out during baking. When rolling 100-200 g of butter, you can make 8-16 layers, that is, fold the dough layer when rolling not four times, but three times, otherwise the layers will not be noticeable.

Cutting the dough should be done in a cool room at an air temperature not higher than 20 ° C. At a higher temperature, the dough must be cooled from time to time, making sure that the butter does not harden, otherwise it will tear the layers of dough during rolling and leak out during baking.

Puff pastry

From this magnificent unsweetened dough, you can cook products with both sweet and unsweetened fillings. But you must strictly follow the rules for preparing such a test. None of the dough does not require so much attention in the manufacture. The slightest deviation from the recommendation leads to the fact that the products are low-layered and rough.

(option 1) :
4 cups wheat flour
2 faceted glasses of water,
400-600 g butter for the layer,
4 teaspoons of flour for rolling butter,
16 drops of citric acid,
1/2 teaspoon of salt.
Output of finished products - 1200 g.

In the absence of citric acid, it can be replaced with vinegar: 1 teaspoon of 30% vinegar for 2 cups of flour. Salt and acid improve not only the taste of the dough, but also its elasticity (when rolling, the dough is better stretched into thin layers). However, an excessive amount of salt and acid in the dough should be avoided, as this adversely affects the taste of the finished product.

When adding eggs or egg yolks to the dough, which improve the quality of products, they should be poured into a glass and water should be added to it to the set level. In this case, the egg replaces part of the water provided by the recipe.

Products made from more fatty dough are much more tender and tastier.

How to prepare the dough: pour water into a bowl (as much as provided in the recipe) or water together with an egg, add acid, then pour in salt and, when it dissolves, pour into the sifted flour. Knead the dough with a wooden spatula or hand until a homogeneous, fairly dense consistency is obtained.

If the flour absorbs a lot of water, add more; If the dough turns out to be liquid, flour should be added. Knead the dough for 5-8 minutes - until it separates well from the hands and bowl. Then roll it into a ball, put it on a floured table, cover with a napkin or a bowl in which the dough was kneaded, and leave for 20-30 minutes: so that it becomes more elastic and layers form better when it is rolled out.

If you replace 1/4 of the water with vodka, rum or cognac, then the product will turn out to be more magnificent and tasty.

In a bowl or on the table, knead the butter or margarine until the lumps disappear, add the flour intended for seaming (see the recipe) and mix it with the butter. Butter with the addition of flour contributes to better layering of the dough. Shape the butter into a flat square cake.

Cut the dough crosswise with a knife, add flour and roll out the dough with a rolling pin so that the middle of the layer is thicker than the edges. Put the prepared cake of butter mixed with flour in the center of the layer, cover it with the long edges of the layer and pinch the edges of the cake.

Put the resulting “envelope” on a table sprinkled with flour, dust it with flour and a thick rolling pin, starting from the middle, roll it into a rectangular layer about 1 cm thick. Then, with a soft brush, brush off excess flour from the surface of the dough and fold it four times.

Cover with a napkin and leave for 10 minutes, then turn the roll over, sprinkle with flour on top and bottom and roll out again to a thickness of 1 cm. Sweep the flour and again fold the roll into four. Refrigerate the dough for 20 minutes and roll it out again and fold it into quarters.

After cooling for 30 minutes, roll out the dough again into a layer and fold it four times. It is not recommended to roll out and fold the dough further.

The best temperature in the room where the dough is prepared is 15-17°C. To stand it should be taken out to the cold or put in the refrigerator.

To avoid swelling, prick the dough layer with the tip of a knife before baking, and sprinkle the edges of the baking sheet with water.

Egg can be lubricated only on the top surface of the laid dough, but not on the side.

A fresh puff is baked for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 210-230°C. When baking, do not allow the dough to shake, otherwise it will settle.

The readiness of a piece product is determined by elasticity and color, the readiness of the layer is determined by lifting the corner with a knife (in an unbaked layer, it is easily bent).

Puff pastry(option 2)

Puff pastries and pies are baked from this dough.

Composition of puff pastry(option 2):
2 cups wheat flour
1/2 glass of water
400 g butter,
1/2 lemon
1 teaspoon of salt.

Sift the flour, separate half of it, mix it on a board with butter and, having rolled it out in the form of a square 1.5-2 cm thick, put it on a plate and put it in a cold place.

Pour 1/2 cup of water into the remaining flour, squeeze out the lemon juice (or add diluted citric acid), salt and knead the dough. Roll it into a ball, cover with a towel and let it lie down for 20-30 minutes. Then roll out the dough so that a layer is twice as wide and slightly longer than a piece of dough with butter placed on a plate.

Put the dough with butter in the middle of the rolled out, wrap and pinch the edges. Thus, the dough from flour with butter will be in the "envelope".

After sprinkling the table with flour, roll out the “envelope” in an even strip 20-25 cm wide and about 1 cm thick. Gently fold the dough in four, place on a baking sheet and put in a cold place for 30-40 minutes.

Roll out the chilled dough again, fold it in four again in the same way and keep it in a cold place again. Do the same for the third time. After that, roll out the dough and cut pies, pies, etc.

Crumple the scraps of dough remaining during cutting into a lump, but do not knead, but, holding it a little in a cold place, roll it out and make pies, baskets, etc.

Puff pastry(option 3)

Puff pastry according to this recipe is kneaded from wheat flour in water with the addition of eggs, salt and citric acid. Vol-au-vents, kurniki and other similar products are baked from it.

Composition of puff pastry(option 3) :
2 cups wheat flour (including 1 tbsp for preparing fats),
215 g butter or margarine
2 eggs,
1 glass of water
2 g citric acid,
1 teaspoon of salt.

Pour cold water into the bowl, dissolve the citric acid, put the egg, salt, add the sifted flour and knead the dough until smooth. Shape it into a ball. Make a shallow cut at the top. Pour a little flour on the table, put the dough, cover with a towel to protect it from winding, and leave for 30 minutes.

The dough can also be kneaded on a cutting board. Pour the flour in a slide, make a depression (hole) in the middle, pour in water, add a solution of citric acid, an egg, salt and, starting from the edges of the hole, gradually add flour with a spoon (so that the water does not overflow).

When all the flour is combined with water, knead the dough (for 15-20 minutes) and shape into a bun. Make a shallow cruciform incision on the top of the dough, leave for 30 minutes, covered with a towel so that it does not wind.

Then prepare butter or margarine. Add a little flour to the butter, mix, shape into a rectangle 2 cm thick and cool.

Margarine without adding flour slides between the layers of dough, and the thickness of the layers is not the same.

For better layering of the dough, it is very important that the prepared dough and butter are of the same consistency. Roll out the dough into a rectangular layer 2-2.5 cm thick, thinner at the edges. Put prepared butter in the middle. Connect the dough from the sides in the form of an envelope, leave free space around the edges. If you put oil close to them, then when rolling they can break through. Smooth out the oil with a few light pressures of the rolling pin.

Refrigerate the dough for 15-20 minutes.

Then put the dough on the table, carefully roll it out in length (rolling away from you in one direction), observing that the dough is of the same thickness and does not break through anywhere.

Fold it in 2 layers, cool. Then repeat the procedure. When rolling out the dough, add as little flour as possible, otherwise the puff will be hard.

Lightly moisten the baking sheet with water and bake the product in a hot oven at a temperature of 250-260 ° C, very carefully, without shaking, otherwise the products will settle, hardening will form. If the dough starts to burn on top, you need to cover it with damp paper.

Puff pastry on kefir

Composition of puff pastry on kefir:
2 cups wheat flour
360 g butter,
1 egg
1 glass of kefir,
1/3 teaspoon salt
(do not add water or acid).

From flour, kefir, eggs and salt, knead a homogeneous elastic dough, cool. Lightly knead a piece of butter (do not grind) with a small amount of flour so that the mixture becomes elastic and pliable.

Roll out the dough in the shape of a square, put the mashed butter in the center and wrap it in the form of an envelope. Pinch the edges to prevent flour from getting into the seam. Roll out the dough into a rectangle, connect the opposite ends of the rectangle in the middle, pinch and fold in half again. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

After that, roll out the dough into a rectangle (but in the opposite direction), connect the ends in the middle, sweep out the flour, pinch the seam and fold it again so that the seam is inside at the bend. Refrigerate for 2 hours.

Every time you roll out the dough after cooling, you need to turn it 90 °: then the dough will not tear from tension and will turn out to be layered. Then turn the layer again by 90 °, roll it out again and fold it four times. After that, place the dough in the cold for 20-30 minutes, and then mold.

Chopped puff pastry(fast food)

Composition of chopped puff pastry(fast food) :

2 cups wheat flour
3/4 cup water
300 g butter or margarine
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar
NOTE: instead of an egg, you can put 1 teaspoon of sugar

Sift flour on a pie board, put chilled butter into it, previously cut into small pieces, and finely chop with a knife. After that, make a deepening in the flour mixed with butter. Pour salted water into it, add an egg, lemon juice or vinegar and quickly knead the dough. Roll up a ball, cover it with a napkin and put it in a cold place. Before baking, it is recommended to roll out such a dough 2-3 times and fold it into 3-4 layers.

Chopped puff pastry with sour cream(fast food)

Composition of chopped puff pastry on sour cream(fast food) :
2 cups wheat flour
200 g butter,
1 cup sour cream
a pinch of salt.
The dough preparation technology is the same as in the previous recipe.

Butter dough

Ingredients of curd butter dough:
1 cup flour
125 g fat-free cottage cheese,
3 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 egg
1 teaspoon of salt.

The dough preparation technology is the same as in the Chopped Puff Pastry recipe.
In its original form, the dough should be thin and crispy.

How To Make Pizza Fast!

The video shows how to make pizza at home, at home.
Yeast-free pizza dough.

How to prepare dough:
Pour 2 cups of flour on the work surface, as in the video.
Make a well and slowly pour in a mixture of 2 eggs, half a glass of milk, a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sunflower oil.
Knead the pizza dough for at least 10 minutes.
Then cover the dough with a damp cloth and let rest for 15 minutes. The pizza dough is ready.

Next, you need to roll out the pizza dough. The first layer is tomato paste, or ketchup. Apply in a fairly thick layer. Then sprinkle the pizza base evenly with grated cheese, spread the onion, stuffing, tomatoes, and sprinkle with cheese again. Pepper, salt to taste and put our pizza in the oven until cooked.
As you can see, everything is extremely simple, the pizza is ready.
Enjoy your meal!

Pizza Calzone (closed pizza) and Margherita by Jamie Oliver


In the video, I wrote 1 tsp. soda with a slide, with a slide - a COFFEE spoon, a teaspoon - comes without a top!

For test:
500 ml. kefir, 1 tbsp. sugar, 120-150 ml. vegetable oil, exactly as much flour as it takes (somewhere around 3 cups), 1 tsp. soda (note above).

Add sugar, oil to kefir and gradually, stirring, add flour. The dough should be of a yeast-like consistency.
Next, sprinkle the work surface with flour, roll out tightly, but not very thin, take baking soda and sprinkle the dough a little bit. Wrap in an envelope and roll out again in the same way, sprinkle with soda, wrap in an envelope. Roll out for the third time, sprinkle with yourself, wrap in an envelope, put in a bowl, cover with a napkin and leave to rest for 30 minutes. This technology allows you to achieve excellent quality airy dough without resorting to the use of yeast.

Yeast dough + pies from it

Ingredients: 500 ml. warm milk, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp salt with a slide, 1 sachet of yeast (10-11 g), flour (800-1000 g).

Make a steam. Kill after 30 minutes.
Add 100 g softened plums. butter, 2 eggs, beaten with 5 tbsp. sugar, add flour, knead the dough and leave for another 30 minutes to rise.
Then beat again, add more flour, put on a rug, pour in 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, and adding flour, sweep out the dough, which will not stick to your hands. Divide into pieces, leave them for another 10 minutes to approach, and then proceed to the formation of pies.

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - 4 cups,
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons,
  • Butter - 6 tablespoons,
  • Chicken egg - 5 pcs.,
  • Yeast - 20 g.,
  • Salt - half a teaspoon
  • Milk - half a glass.

You can use margarine instead of butter, and water instead of milk. The liquid should be warm, in which we will breed yeast.

How to make sourdough pizza dough?

First you need to prepare the dough. To do this, take half a glass of warm milk and dilute, diluting the yeast in it, stir thoroughly.

A blender with a whisk attachment allows you to quickly stir the yeast until smooth. Try it.

Add half the volume of flour (2 cups) to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly (again using a blender). Put in a warm place for 3 hours until the maximum rise. If the dough begins to settle earlier, start kneading the dough.

Thoroughly mix eggs with sugar and salt. Add the resulting mixture to the dough along with the rest of the flour. Knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous. I usually do this within 8-10 minutes.

Heat the butter (or margarine) to a state of thick sour cream and add it to the dough, after which the latter mix well. Cover the container with a towel and place in a warm place to rise.

To make the dough rise faster, place it in a warmer place. If there is no rush to cook, place in a cooler environment.

When the dough has doubled in size, punch down and put on the table, sprinkled with flour.

Everything. You can cook the cake! Bon appetit 🙂

Another yeast dough recipe for pizza.

For dough: 1.5 cups of wheat flour, 0.5 cups of milk, 2 g of sugar, 20 g of yeast.

For the dough: 2 cups wheat flour. 0 t 25 cups of milk, 7 cm. tablespoons butter, 4 eggs. 0.5 teaspoon of salt.

Prepare dough from flour, milk and yeast. Warm the milk, pour the yeast diluted in a small amount of warm milk or water into it, stir and add the prepared flour (half the norm), add sugar, and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Put the dough in a warm place for 2-3 hours, the proportion of fermentation. The volume of the dough should increase by 2-3 times and gradually begin to fall off. Opara is ready.

It usually takes 3-4 hours to prepare the dough, depending on the quality of the yeast, the amount of muffin put in (the more muffin, the more time it takes for the dough to rise) and the temperature* at which the dough is cooked. Add the rest of the milk (warm), salt and sugar dissolved in a small amount of water, eggs to the dough - stir everything, add flour and knead the dough until it becomes smooth, elastic and will easily fall behind hands and the walls of the dishes. Then add melted butter, butter or table margarine, vegetable oil to the dough and knead well. Sprinkle the dough lightly with flour, cover with a lid or cloth and set aside.
in a warm place for 2 hours for fermentation, then make a punch.

The second recipe for making sponge dough for pizza

For dough: flour - 1.5 cups, milk or water - 0.7 cups, sugar - 0.5 tsp, yeast - 20 g.

For the dough: flour - 2 cups, milk or water - 0.5 cups, butter - 7 tablespoons, egg - 4 pcs, salt on the tip of a knife.

The sponge dough should be prepared in two steps. To prepare the dough in this way, first make a dough from flour, milk and yeast. To knead it, heat milk (about 80% of the norm) to 30 ° C, then pour into it separately diluted in a small amount of warm milk or water and pre-strained yeast. Stir the resulting liquid, add about 1/3 of the amount of flour provided for in the recipe, a little granulated sugar to feed the yeast and mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Or margarine, 4 - 8 tablespoons.

  • eggs- 2 - 8 pcs.,
  • live yeast - 20 gr. or dry - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 0.5 tsp,
  • milk or water - 0.5 cups.
  • Cooking:

    1. We prepare the dough, for this we knead the liquid talker - we combine half of all the flour with all the liquid according to the recipe and yeast, mix well, cover the cup with a napkin or towel and put it for 3 - 3.5 hours in a warm place with a temperature of 28 - 30 degrees C, until the steam will not rise as high as possible. During the rise, bubbles will form on the surface, which will burst, which means everything is going as it should, as soon as the dough begins to settle, then it's time to knead the dough.
    2. We combine eggs (room temperature) with salt and beat a little with a fork, pour into the dough, add sugar and, if desired, aromatic spices, mix. Then gradually add the remaining flour, mixing and kneading the dough for 6-8 minutes, until the dough becomes homogeneous.
    3. We heat the margarine or butter so that it becomes liquid, but not hot (the temperature should be no more than 35 degrees) and add to the dough at the end of the kneading. Put the dough in a saucepan, cover with a lid and put in a warm place to rise.
    4. When the dough has risen to its maximum height, punch it down and put it on a table sprinkled with flour. We divide into pieces of 100 - 120 gr., Thinly roll out, make the sides around the circumference and lay out the filling. The rise time of the dough and the fermentation of the sourdough largely depends on the ambient temperature.

    Second way:

    Yeast dough for pizza with tomato sauce.


    • flour - 600 gr.,
    • sugar - 25 gr.,
    • pressed yeast - 40 gr. or dry - 2 tablespoons,
    • salt - 10 gr.,
    • vegetable oil - 20 gr.,
    • spicy tomato sauce- 60 gr.,
    • water - 300 gr.

    Cooking method:

    1. We add yeast and sugar to 100 g of water heated to 35 ° C (but not more !!!). We put the mixture (dough) for 15 - 20 minutes in a warm place.
    2. In the meantime, we combine vegetable oil with 100 gr. water, add salt, tomato sauce and beat well until thick sour cream.
    3. As soon as the dough has risen to its maximum height, we combine it with the second mixture of vegetable oil and tomato sauce, add the remaining water and, gradually adding flour, knead the dough, knead for about 6-8 minutes.
    4. All ingredients for kneading should be warm. After kneading, put the dough in a warm place so that it ferments and rises.
    5. Then we crush the dough and divide it into portioned pieces based on the size of the planned pizza (100 - 150 gr each). We roll the pieces into thin cakes, put them on a baking sheet so that they dissolve, and then fill them with stuffing and bake in an oven preheated to 250 degrees C for about 5 minutes.

    Third way:

    Porous yeast dough for pizza


    • flour - 400 gr.,
    • eggs - 2 pcs.,
    • pressed yeast - 30 gr. or dry - 1.5 tablespoons,
    • salt - a pinch
    • butter or margarine - 4 tablespoons,
    • water or milk - 250 - 300 gr.

    Cooking method:

    1. Melt margarine or butter.
    2. We heat milk or water to 32 - 35 degrees C and dilute yeast in it.
    3. Grind eggs with salt and pour them into milk with yeast, add half the flour, stir, add flour again, stir again, add margarine or butter at the end, and stir again.
    4. Put the dough in a warm place and let it rise for half an hour.
    5. It turns out a very sticky and soft dough, but in finished form it is very soft and porous.

    Fourth way:

    Quick yeast dough for pizza.

    (The dough turns out with holes and soft, what is required)


    • flour - 4 cups,
    • eggs - 2 pcs.,
    • pressed yeast - 50 gr. or dry - 3 tablespoons,
    • salt - on the tip of a knife,
    • butter or margarine - 200 gr.,
    • sour cream - 1 cup,
    • water or milk - 0.5 cups,

    Cooking method:

    1. Melt butter or margarine and cool to room temperature. In milk, temperature 32 - 35 degrees C, stir the yeast and combine with melted butter.
    2. Beat the eggs a little with a pinch of salt and add to the milk along with sour cream. While stirring, gradually add the flour and knead the dough.
    3. You need to knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Then put the dough in a bowl and put in a warm place. While the filling is cooking, the dough will rise.

    Fifth way.

    Simple yeast dough for pizza.


    • flour - 200 gr.,
    • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
    • pressed yeast - 15 gr. or dry - 1 tablespoon,
    • salt - a pinch
    • warm milk - 0.5 cups.

    Cooking method:

    1. We combine all the ingredients and knead the yeast dough.
    2. We leave the dough in a warm place for 60 minutes to make it fit, after which we knead it well.
    3. Pinch off a piece of 100 gr. roll out a circle from it and put it on a form with high sides or frying pan pre-lubricated with oil. The sides of the pan or pan should be high, as the dough will rise well during proofing and baking.
    4. We prepare the filling and, before laying the filling, grease the surface of the dough with yolk. Bake in the oven at medium heat, at a temperature of 190 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes.

    Sixth way:

    Dry yeast pizza dough.


    • dry yeast - 1 sachet,
    • sugar - 1 tbsp,
    • water - 1.5 cups,
    • flour - 3 cups + 50 gr for rolling,
    • salt - 0.5 tsp,
    • olive oil - 0.25 cups.

    Cooking method:

    1. Sift the flour with salt on the table with a slide.
    2. We dilute the yeast with warm water and pour it into the well on the flour, add the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe and knead the dough, leave it in a warm place for 2-3 hours so that it rises, then we knead and form the basis for the filling.

    I hope that with this article I was able to satisfy all the aspirations of readers and answer the most important question, how to cook yeast dough for pizza.

    In a pizzeria, pizza dough is crispy and thinly rolled out, while at home, on the contrary, it often turns out to be curvaceous. But what if you want to cook pizza at home, like in a pizzeria? Current ovens are in no way inferior to professional units, which are equipped with food industry establishments. Therefore, the situation is behind the most important thing - the test.

    So, the main points for preparing a thin dough:

    An important role in the preparation of thin dough is played by its correct rolling. The basis for the dough is yeast, and its components may vary depending on the availability of those in the hostess' kitchen arsenal.

    For a classic pizza stock up:
    • slightly warmed water - 200 ml
    • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp
    • granulated sugar - 1.5 tsp
    • salt - 0.5 tsp
    • flour - 300 gr
    • vegetable oil 2 tbsp

    1. Make a steam. To do this, in a separate container, mix yeast, sugar, salt and a tablespoon of flour, dissolve in warm water.
    2. Cover the dough with a clean towel and leave to rise for 20-30 minutes. The fermentation process will begin, and the emulsion of the ingredients will be taken with foam. This will be the signal to start the kneading.
    3. In a separate bowl, add all the remaining products to the dough and knead the dough. The main thing is not to “hammer” the dough with flour too much, it should turn out elastic, but not tight, and not stick to your hands.
    4. The amount of ingredients in the recipe is designed for two thin pizzas. The most important moment has come - roll out the thin dough. Divide it into two parts and roll it out with a rolling pin.

    In the homeland of pizza - Italy, the dough for its base is not rolled out with a rolling pin, it is formed with the bones of the fingers, scrolling many more times on the palms. So it turns out thin in the middle, and thickened at the edges.

    When the final thickness of the dough suits you, grease its surface with sauce and start decorating the filling.

    Step by step pizza dough recipe with photo.
    • National cuisine: home kitchen
    • Dish type: Pasta & Pizza, Pizza Dough
    • Recipe Difficulty: simple recipe
    • Preparation time: 20 minutes
    • Time for preparing: 1 hour
    • Servings: 8 servings
    • Amount of calories: 376 kilocalories

    A simple homemade pizza dough recipe with a photo and a step-by-step description of cooking. Easy to cook at home in 1 hour. Contains only 376 kilocalories.

    Ingredients for 8 servings

    • Wheat flour 500 g
    • Milk 250 ml
    • Dry yeast 10 g
    • Sugar 3 teaspoons
    • Chicken egg 2 pieces
    • Salt 1 teaspoon
    • Vegetable oil 5 tablespoons

    step by step

    1. Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add sugar, mix, put in a warm place. The dough should rise (it took me 15 minutes).
    2. Beat eggs a little, add salt.
    3. Add vegetable oil, mix.
    4. Add the approached dough, mix.
    5. Add flour, knead the dough. The dough should not be very tough.
    6. Cover the dough with cling film and put in a warm place. I pour warm water into a cup and put a bowl in it. After about 30 minutes, the dough should rise.
    7. Roll out the risen dough (3-4 mm thick), put in a round shape, greased with oil.
    8. Add stuffing.
    9. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for 20-25 minutes.
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