Homemade currant wine recipe. How to make blackcurrant wine at home. Fortified red currant wine

Homemade wine from berries or fruits heals the soul and body; this healthy and tasty aromatic elixir is not a shame to put on the table and treat to friends and even uninvited guests. It is especially worth paying close attention to homemade currant wine (simple recipe).

The benefits of homemade currant wine using a simple recipe

If you use homemade wine elixir no more than 50–75 grams per day, then all the valuable active substances that are formed as a result of natural fermentation when interacting with sugar will act on the human body as a medicine. Currant wine elixir will expand and cleanse the circulatory system, dissolve blood clots and remove harmful cholesterol from the body, and increase the tone and elasticity of blood vessels. A wine elixir made from natural berry and fruit raw materials, when consumed in doses, will allow a person to avoid fatal diseases such as cerebral stroke and heart attack.


Homemade currant wine according to a simple recipe, prepared at home, is an alcoholic wine drink, that is contains from 9 to 13% alcohol and therefore contraindicated:

  • children under 16 years old,
  • people suffering from allergic reactions,
  • people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,

also has limitations:

  • The norm of consumption for adult men is no more than two glasses per day,
  • The norm for women is no more than one glass per day.

The best homemade wine elixirs are made from sweet varieties of black and red currants, cherries, raspberries, grapes, plums, blackthorns, chokeberries and fruits of apples, pears, apricots, peaches.

For example, from a rich harvest of black, white or red currants, you can prepare excellent dry or semi-sweet wine at home, but the preparation time will take about two to three months, but what's the rush? There is just time until late autumn and the beginning of the cold winter. If desired, a sparkling, tasty and fragrant currant wine elixir will appear on your table by the New Year holidays.

How to make currant wine at home?

We present a simple original recipe for homemade blackcurrant wine for the winter, but you can add your own imaginative experiments to this easy recipe. The basis should be a harvest of freshly picked black currants or even prepare an elixir from a currant mixture, adding red and white currants, gooseberries and raspberries; it is better to take overripe berries, then homemade wine will turn out faster and more aromatic.

Homemade blackcurrant wine recipe


  • black currants 10 kilograms,
  • sugar syrup 5 kilograms (+ 1 kilogram if the berries are sour),
  • water 15 liters.

Tip for the blackcurrant wine recipe: it’s better to use water from source or bottled and use it at room temperature (warm).

Technology for making blackcurrant wine at home

To stimulate the fermentation process in blackcurrant pulp, you can add a few grapes, which must also be crushed and not washed. Grapes contain large amounts of wine yeast in their skins.

The higher the air temperature in the room and the smaller the temperature changes where the currant wine ferments, the faster the fermentation process of the homemade blackcurrant wine preparation will take place. Fermentation time can be only two to three weeks.

You can also add red currants or overripe raspberries to the blackcurrant pulp to enhance the aroma.

It is better to have two bottles or flasks “for replacement” in order to pour unfermented wine into them without raising sediment from the bottom.

If the bottle has a narrow and long neck, then instead of a glove you can use a “medical fingertip” or a balloon and make a puncture in them. You can make a hole in a plastic stopper and insert a straw for juices into it.

It is better to keep wine preparations in a dark glass bottle or cover them outside with newspapers or thick cloth.

Homemade blackcurrant wine according to a simple recipe is ready. Such a wonderfully healthy and tasty, fragrant elixir can be consumed throughout the year, because it contains a little alcohol and when it evaporates, your wine will turn into a sweet and sour drink and nothing more.

Thanks to its beneficial properties and low-maintenance care, currants are loved by people of all ages. Jam, compote, jam are prepared from it, black and red berries are used to decorate desserts. Experienced housewives have long known that using this product you can make excellent homemade wine, which will not be inferior in quality to a store-bought drink. However, as in any other business, there are some peculiarities that must be taken into account. Let's look at traditional recipes and highlight important aspects.

It is worth remembering forever that wine based on black or red currants is prepared only with the addition of sugar. Not many people know, but the skins of the berries contain enough live bacteria that eliminate the need to mix in the starter for proper fermentation.

Wine based on black currant

  • fresh black currants - 8 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 4 kg.
  • purified drinking water - 12 l.
  1. Sort through the berries, discard bruised and moldy specimens. Do not wash currants under any circumstances, since their surface contains the bacteria we need for natural fermentation. Otherwise, they will be washed off with water, as a result of which the wort will not rise.
  2. Place the berries in a wide plastic container and crush it with a mashed potato masher or pestle. As a result, you should end up with a porridge-like mass.
  3. Pour 12 liters of water into an enamel pan, boil it and reduce the heat to low. Start slowly adding 2 kg. granulated sugar, while stirring the solution. Simmer the syrup until the crystals are completely dissolved. As soon as this happens, remove the container from the stove, leave the composition to cool to 24-28 degrees.
  4. Prepare a container with a wide neck, a large saucepan will do. Pour sugar syrup into it, add mashed currants (pulp and juice). It is important that the container for mixing ingredients is filled no more than 2/3 of the total volume.
  5. Protect the open part of the container from insects: take a wide piece of gauze, fold it in 2-3 layers, and stretch it over the container. Fix the device in a convenient way, send it to infuse in a warm and dark place at a temperature of 19-24 degrees. The aging time ranges from 3 to 4 days, and you need to stir the wort daily with a dry and clean spoon so that it does not turn sour.
  6. After the specified period, you will notice characteristic signs of a fermented composition: the wort will acquire a sour smell and hissing will begin. It is at this moment that you need to remove the product from the sediment by pouring the liquid into a separate glass jar.
  7. Prepare a gauze filter. Place the sediment (pulp) that remains at the bottom of the container into it, squeeze out the liquid. Pour 400 g into the resulting juice. granulated sugar, mix with a wooden spatula. Mix the prepared syrup with the wort previously poured into the bottle, leaving ¼ of the container free. This area is reserved for fermentation, which produces carbon dioxide and foam.
  8. Pull a rubber medical glove over the neck and make 2 holes in the index and ring fingers with a sewing needle. Send the wort to a dark room (pantry, closet) with a temperature range of 18-27 degrees. Allow 35-45 days for final preparation.
  9. After a week has passed from the moment you put the glove on your throat, open the jar and pour 600 ml. wort into another bowl, add 700 g. granulated sugar, mix. When the granules have melted, pour the syrup into the original container and put the glove back on. After about 6-7 days, repeat the previous manipulations, adding the remaining sugary mass. Important! There are cases when fermentation of the wort continues after 45-50 days after installing the shutter (glove). In such situations, you need to take a silicone hose, insert it into the future wine, and carefully pour it into a clean, dry (!) container. In this case, removal occurs without sediment; it remains in the first jar. Next, the wort is sent for fermentation under the same conditions.
  10. You can determine the readiness of the wine by looking at the glove: first it will swell, then fall. The wort will take on a light shade, and the turbidity will sink to the bottom, forming sediment. You can drain the wine using a medical tube for installing droppers. As soon as the product is removed, evaluate the result, if necessary, add a little more granulated sugar. You can also add vodka (from 3 to 8% of the volume), in which case the wine will become harder, but its shelf life will increase by 1.5 times.
  11. Store the drink at a temperature of 5 to 14 degrees (basement, refrigerator, cellar). After 2 months from the date of sending for infusion, the wine will be ready. Every 20 days you need to filter it through a cotton-gauze filter to remove the sediment that appears (when 2 cm of descending turbidity appears).
  12. When 60 days have passed since the start of infusion, no sediment will appear, but the wine still needs to be strained. After all the manipulations, pour the final product into dark plastic bottles, move no more than 1 cm from the edge of the neck (so that there is less oxygen), and seal.

The final product has a medium strength (11-13%) and is stored in a cool, dark place for about 2-3 years.

The drink is prepared according to the principle of blackcurrant wine. The only difference is the holding time and fermentation period. Here's a short recipe to avoid repetition. If you have any questions, please refer to the cooking option using the previous technology.

  • fresh red currants - 7 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 2.5-2.7 kg.
  • purified drinking water - 7 l.
  1. Sort through the currants, excluding foreign debris and spoiled specimens. Do not wash the product.
  2. Chop the currants in a convenient way. You can use a blender, food processor, rolling pin, or your hands.
  3. Heat filtered water to a temperature of 30-35 degrees, add granulated sugar (2 kg), wait until the granules are completely dissolved.
  4. Mix the prepared sugar syrup and chopped currants in a three-liter jar.
  5. Cut a piece of gauze, fold it in 2 layers, and tie a cloth around the neck. Place the wort in a dark cabinet for 4 days, after two days, remove the gauze and stir the sediment.
  6. After the time has passed, pass the juice through a filter and leave the pulp. Squeeze out the liquid from it, combine the sediment with 200 g. sugar, grind well.
  7. Pour the wort into a fermentation container, add the berry-sugar mixture. Pull on a medical rubber glove and make a couple of holes with a needle.
  8. Place the jar in a dark place at an optimal temperature of 20-26 degrees, wait 25-40 days.
  9. Every 10 days, open the container, drain 1 liter of wort and stir 0.5 kg in it. granulated sugar, then return the syrup to the original composition and cover with a glove.
  10. When you notice that fermentation is coming to an end, pour the wine into a dry (!) clean jar through a small-diameter medical tube.
  11. Taste the drink and add more granulated sugar if necessary. You can pour in 100-150 g. vodka or 50 gr. alcohol to give the wine strength.
  12. After all the tests, put the glove on the neck again, wrap the bottle with a dark towel or bag, and send it to a cool place until final fermentation.
  13. The holding time varies from 55 to 60 days (minimum period). Throughout the infusion, remove the wort from the sediment 3-4 times.
  14. After all the manipulations, pour the drink into bottles, reaching the edge of the neck to prevent air from entering. Store in the refrigerator or cellar at a temperature of 6-12 degrees.

The shelf life of red currant wine varies between 1-1.5 years, no longer. The strength of the drink is 12% without taking into account the possible addition of vodka.

Wine made from red and black currants has many advantages and beneficial properties. It is used by people with diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, heart and kidney diseases. The disadvantage of currant wine is the lack of a pronounced aroma. Even with the maximum amount of sugar in the composition, the drink will turn out clean (without turbidity), tasty, but not aromatic.

Video: homemade blackcurrant wine

Dessert and liqueur sweet wines are best made from black currants, strong wines are worse, and table wines are very sugary and are liked only by amateurs. Recommendations on how to make blackcurrant wine at home, a simple recipe and ratios of components for preparing the must for different types of currant wines are given below.

The main difficulty in making homemade blackcurrant wine is separating its juice, which is very slimy and difficult to separate. You get it like this:

— all debris, overripe, unripe and rotten berries are removed from the harvested crop, the remaining berries are rinsed with water and crushed in a tub until completely crushed. A dosed amount of water, a little sugar and pure culture yeast are added to the resulting pulp. After this, the tub is covered with a tight lid and left in the room for 2-3 days, until the pulp begins to ferment vigorously and foam. And only after this the juice is squeezed out of the currants, which with such pre-treatment of the berries will be separated much easier.

Water is again poured onto the resulting pomace, allowed to stand for 1-2 days and squeezed again. The first and second pressing juices are mixed and only the resulting juice is used to prepare currant wine wort. The components of the must for preparing different types of currant wines are given in the following table.

Currant wine ferments very quickly and brightens to a purple-red color. Below are two tested recipes for blackcurrant wine.

Blackcurrant wine at home, a simple recipe without adding alcohol

To prepare wine according to this recipe, a liter of currant juice is mixed with two liters of water, 400 grams of sugar are added and left to ferment. If you take a little less sugar, you will get a light currant table wine.

Blackcurrant wine at home, a simple recipe with the addition of alcohol

In order to make blackcurrant wine according to this recipe, the ripest berries are collected, allowed to wither for two days, the juice is squeezed out of them, and ¼ of its weight of sugar and 300 grams per 1 liter of alcohol are added. The fermentation period for such strong currant wine is six months.

Blackcurrant wine is one of the most rich and delicious fruit wines. You can prepare it using the recipes that we would like to describe in this article.

Homemade blackcurrant wine recipe

Required Products:

Sugar – 520 g
- water – 2 liters
- currants – 3 kg

Cooking steps:

Sort the berries, discard all leaves, foreign debris and twigs. There is no need to rinse the fruits, because their surface contains yeast that promotes the process of active fermentation. Make the pulp: put the berries in a saucepan, mash, pour in a liter of water, stir, leave for 4 days. Stir occasionally. Pour into clean and dried bottles. Add sugar. For each bottle, wear a glove in which you must first pierce your finger. Place the containers in a dark place for one and a half months. Remove the finished drink from the sediment, pour into clean containers, seal tightly and transfer to the cellar for storage.

Homemade blackcurrant wine

Blackcurrant berries have a specific slimy pulp. As a result, they do not release their juice well. For this reason, it is recommended to infuse the drink with pulp - berry pulp. The berries are thoroughly washed and sorted, mixed with sugar and crushed. You need to add yeast and water to the mixture, cover tightly with a lid, and leave for a couple of days for the pulp to ferment. As soon as this happens, the berry mass can be pressed. After the second pressing, you need to add more water to the berries, and then leave them for a couple of days. Repeat pressing, mix primary and secondary juice. Blackcurrant wine ferments quickly and well, and at the end it becomes light.

Homemade blackcurrant wine.

Recipe No. 1.

You will need:

- sugar – 1 kg
- water – 3 liters

How to cook:

Remember the berries so that a mush begins to form. Water with added granulated sugar until it is completely dissolved. Cool the sugar syrup and pour in the berry pulp. Pour the drink into a glass container and leave to ferment for 6-7 days. As soon as the fermentation process is over, strain the wine, pass it through a layer of cotton wool, bottle it, close it with corks soaked in wine, and transfer it to any dark place for storage.

What do you think?

Recipe No. 2.

Required Products:

Blackcurrant berries – 3 kg
- water – two liters
- granulated sugar – 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Wash the fruits, pour them into a container of a suitable size, add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar, pour in water, and grind the berries using a food processor to make a berry puree. Cover the container with gauze and leave to ferment for a week, stirring every day. On day 4, add 100 g of granulated sugar. After 7 days, pour the wine into a bottle and cap tightly. The lid must have a slot for a straw. The tube will help ensure that all the pulp sinks to the bottom. After 2 days, add another 100 g of sugar and let it melt. There will be 3 weeks left until the end of the preparation of this drink. Pour the wine into bottles and transfer to a cool place. Containers must be installed horizontally.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying delicious jam. Read his recipe.

Recipe No. 3.

You will need:

Sugar – 1 kg
- black currants – 3 kg
- water – 3 liters


Separate the fruits from the branches, sort, remove all foreign impurities, wash with boiled chilled water, crush, pour into a bottle. Its volume should be about 8 liters. In a separate bowl, prepare the syrup: add sugar to the water, heat the liquid until it is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup to a temperature of 22 degrees. Pour into a container with currants. Leave for five days so that the mixture begins to ferment. Strain the drink through a gauze cloth, filter through cotton wool, pack into bottles, close them with stoppers soaked in alcohol and transfer to a dry place.

Blackcurrant wine recipe.


Red grapes – 10 kg
- blackcurrant fruits – 5 kg
- granulated sugar - ? kg

How to cook:

In order for the juice to begin to stand out faster, pass the currants and grapes through the juicer in turn. Heat the grape juice to 30 degrees, pour in the currant juice, add granulated sugar. Pour the mixture into a glass container and leave to ferment for 7-10 days. As soon as fermentation is over, strain the wine, pass it through a thick layer of cotton wool, package it in glass containers, and leave it for storage in a horizontal position. ready!



Blackcurrant fruits – 100 g
- blackcurrant leaves – 10 pcs.
- water – two liters
- cherry leaves – 120 g
- granulated sugar – 520 g
- citric acid – 1.5 teaspoons
- a bottle of quality vodka

How to cook:

Pour water over the clean fruits along with the leaves, boil over low heat, leave for 25 minutes at a low simmer. Drain the resulting broth, add citric acid, sugar, and boil so that the sugar crystals can dissolve. Pour vodka into the cooled syrup.

The best thing is made with your own hands.

One of the popular berries for making the drink is black currant.

After reading the article, you will learn how to make homemade wine from.

Blackcurrant wine: list of ingredients

Preparing a homemade wine drink is a complex process and requires special attention. It is very important to prepare all the ingredients correctly.

You will need:

  • boiled water;
  • sugar.

Important! To prevent contamination of wine material by harmful microorganisms, it is necessarypour boiling water over and dry well all containers that will be used in the process of making the drink.

On average, a 10-liter bucket can yield about 1 liter of juice. For a 20-liter bottle, the average consumption is 3 kg of berries.

How to choose berries for homemade wine

To obtain a tasty and high-quality drink, you must carefully select the berries for it. Care should be taken to remove rotten and unripe fruits. Berries whose integrity is compromised are also not suitable for preparing a wine drink. Small debris and branches must be removed.

Washing the material It should only be done if it is heavily soiled. If the berries are not juicy enough, they are first crushed and brought to a jelly-like state.

Step by step recipe

When making blackcurrant wine at home, it is important to follow step-by-step instructions. Only with strict adherence to all recommendations can you get a tasty drink.


First of all, you need to prepare the starter. Suitable for her are raisins or raisins. These berries will be an excellent basis for future wine. They are not washed in water, as this may destroy or wash away wine bacteria. Place 200 g of berries in a container, add half a glass of sugar and 1 liter of water.
The neck should be sealed with a cotton or gauze swab, and then the bottle should be left in a warm place. The temperature should not be lower 22 °C. After about 10 days, the mass will begin to ferment - this indicates the readiness of the starter. To make 10 liters of wine from, you will need one and a half cups of starter.

At the next stage, the pulp is prepared. Use the following proportion: 1 kg of mashed fruit per 1 glass of water. To obtain this mixture, you need to combine clean fruits with heated water. Sourdough is added to the resulting mixture and the container is filled three-quarters full.
The neck must be closed with a cloth and the vessel left in a warm place for 3-4 days. During this time, the fermentation process should be activated. To prevent the pulp from souring, you need to stir it periodically - at least 2-3 times a day.


The resulting juice must be poured into a sieve or gauze. thoroughly washed containers from glass, squeeze well and dilute with purified water. Afterwards the mixture is stirred and squeezed again. The liquid that forms after pressing is called “wort”. It is necessary for the next steps.


In order for the wort to ferment properly, it is necessary to maintain the correct constant temperature - approx. 23 °C. If the indicator is lower, there is a risk that fermentation will not occur at all, and if it is higher, the drink will ferment and the required strength will not be achieved.

Take the mixture obtained from wort, water and granulated sugar and fill the container three-quarters full. This gap is necessary to form a water seal, which will prevent air from penetrating into the wine mass. If this happens, the drink will taste like vinegar.
To prevent the fermentation process from stopping, it is necessary to periodically add sugar. This is usually done after 2-3 days (100 g of granulated sugar is added for each liter of wort), and then after a week. At this time, carefully observe how gas bubbles come out through a tube that is immersed in a vessel with water.

Normally, 1 bubble should come out every 20 minutes. Fermentation may take 20-30 days. To make the drink more carbonated, you need to stop fermentation ahead of time and move on to the next stage of wine making. If you plan to get a non-carbonated drink, you need to let the fermentation process finish on its own.


Simple recipes for blackcurrant wine, if all recommendations are followed, can result in a very tasty drink.

One of the interesting and important stages is the clarification of the drink. To do this, the wine is placed in the cellar or left in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Necessary observe behind the process of color change. When you decide that the drink has acquired the desired color, you need to separate the finished wine from the sediment by pumping it through a thin rubber tube into a thoroughly cleaned and dried container. After this, the water seal is fixed again and the bottle is placed in a cool place. The air temperature should not be higher than 10 °C. After settling the grounds, it is necessary to perform filtration.


At the last stage, the wine is bottled. To do this, use glass bottles, which are carefully sealed and left in a cool place.

Did you know? It is believed that it is better to mash currants with your hands, without using a mixer or other electrical appliances. This is how you saturate it with your energy.

Conditions and rules for storing wine

Now you know how to make blackcurrant wine using a simple recipe that will allow you to enjoy the original taste of the drink. But in order to be able to savor it after some time, you need to know how to store it correctly.
It is important to follow several drink storage conditions, which we will discuss below.

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