Sweet buns with milk. Recipe for buns without yeast - they are so quick! Easy and simple recipes for buns without yeast with milk, water, eggs, sour cream Easy quick buns

If you want something tasty for tea, but don’t have time for complex pies, recipes for simple quick buns will help out. This is a universal pastry for any occasion: with yeast, with sour cream, lean, sweet or with herbs. Having served warm, fragrant buns to the table, any housewife can safely count on applause.

Yeast dough for buns must be prepared in advance, at least two hours before serving. The work will only take a few minutes. Then the yeast will need time to rise the dough. The finished buns should also rest a little after the oven.

For the test:

  • 200 ml of water, buttermilk or whey;
  • 350 g flour;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 5 g fast acting dry yeast;
  • two yolks;
  • vanilla extract;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 10 g salt.

Instant yeast can always be replaced with live yeast. They will need twice the weight.

Before kneading the dough, live yeast is diluted in warm water with a spoonful of flour and sugar and left for a quarter of an hour.

In a warm nutrient medium, the yeast is activated, this can be seen by the formation of foam or a thick yeast “cap”. The suitable dough is added to the dough and then proceed according to the recipe.

  1. The instant yeast is simply mixed with the flour and the rest of the dry ingredients.
  2. The liquid for kneading the dough should always be warm, about 40 ºС. This is useful both for the work of yeast and for better dissolution of flour.
  3. According to the rules for kneading thick dough, the liquid is poured into the mixture of dry ingredients.
  4. If you do not add vanilla and reduce the amount of sugar by half, you will get a universal unsweetened option for the first dish.
  5. When the dough has formed a little, add melted, but not hot butter and one yolk.
  6. Knead into a plastic dough. It should be soft, but not sticky.
  7. Leave it to rise in a warm place for an hour. It is better to cover the dough with film rather than a towel. The heat may cause a slight dry crust to form on the surface, which will prevent the dough from rising. The fabric allows air to pass through easily and will not protect the dough as much as film.
  8. Knead the dough lightly. Divide into portioned balls.
  9. Cut each top with a knife or scissors. Using a knife, you can make longitudinal cuts or a mesh. Using scissors, make shallow cuts in a spiral, the baked bun will look like a rose.
  10. Leave the formed pieces for a quarter of an hour so that the dough can straighten out a little and rise again.
  11. Brush the tops of the buns with the second yolk and place in the preheated oven.
  12. Bake at 200 ºС for a quarter of an hour.

Cooking with milk

Milk will produce baked goods with a very delicate crumb and an almost creamy taste.


  • 700 g flour;
  • 350 ml milk;
  • 10 g instant yeast;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 10 g salt.

This dough is also prepared in advance, one and a half to two hours before serving.

  1. Bring 250 ml of milk to a boil.
  2. Place butter in it and wait until it melts.
  3. Measure out a third of the flour and pour the still hot mixture into it.
  4. Mix the lumps thoroughly and leave to cool. You cannot deliberately chill the mixture in the cold.
  5. Heat the rest of the milk to just 40 ºС. Dissolve salt and sugar in it and pour in the cooled mixture.
  6. Mix the yeast with the remaining flour and pour milk into it. Knead into a soft dough. Let it rise warm.
  7. Form buns. The preparations should rest for another 10 - 15 minutes.
  8. Brush them with sweetened milk to form a golden brown crust.
  9. Bake at 180 ºС for 20 minutes.

Butter baked goods “as simple as shelling pears”

Elastic buns with a delicate airy crumb can be used for hamburgers, served as a first course or for tea.


  • 500 g flour;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 10 g salt;
  • egg;
  • 50 g butter.

When working with yeast, all products must be warm: flour, milk and melted butter.

First, the dough is prepared. Instant yeast can already rise the dough, but in this recipe the dough will help speed up the process and ensure the quality of the crumb.


  • 100 g flour;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • yeast.

Cover with a lid and put in a warm place. If after a quarter of an hour a foam cap forms on the surface, the process is proceeding correctly.

  1. The dough needs to be mixed. Add the remaining ingredients and knead into a soft, elastic dough. A successful dough does not stick to your hands or to the table, and does not require dusting with flour when kneading.
  2. A ball is formed from the dough and placed in a warm place under film for a quarter of an hour.
  3. From the specified amount of products you will get eight buns. Each piece forms a bun. In about five minutes the workpieces are straightened and fit under the film right on the table.
  4. The buns need to be kneaded again. After rolling on the table, shape into an even ball so that the buns turn out high, and place on a greased baking sheet at a large distance from each other.
  5. The baking sheet is again covered with film. At this point the buns should have doubled in size. This may take half an hour, it all depends on the temperature in the room. It’s good if the oven is already warming up at this time, and the buns are placed next to it at a temperature of 30 - 35 ºС. The total time spent proofing the dough is no more than an hour.
  6. Before baking, the buns should be brushed with beaten egg and sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  7. Bake at 180 ºС for a quarter of an hour. Do not remove from the oven immediately, turn off the heat and leave the baked goods for another five minutes with the door closed.

The finished buns should cool under a towel so that the golden brown crust becomes soft.

Recipe for those who are fasting

Despite the short composition, the lean buns turn out fluffy, with a crispy crust and a very tasty crumb.


  • 500 g flour;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 80 g vegetable oil;
  • 10 g sugar;
  • 10 g salt.

If you add raisins and vanilla to the dough, you will get sweet tea buns. If you add bran and flax seed, the same dough will yield completely different baked goods. Often the dough is divided in half, additives are added, and buns with different flavors are baked on the same baking sheet.

  1. Knead into a smooth dough.
  2. Place in a warm place, covered, for an hour to allow the dough to rise. Its volume should approximately double.
  3. Knead the dough. Divide into portions and arrange into round or oval buns. Decorate the surface with notches using a knife or scissors.
  4. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and leave to rest under a towel while the oven heats up.
  5. Bake the buns at 220 ºС for 20 – 30 minutes.
  6. Place the hot buns on a towel and cover with a second one. The crust will remain crispy if the top towel is removed while the buns are still warm.

Sweet treat for tea

Sweet buns baked in sauce are more like a cake. Thanks to the large amount of sauce, the products have a slightly tousled, “shaggy” appearance. This is a self-sufficient dessert that does not require jam, marmalade or other additives.

For the test:

  • 130 ml milk;
  • 440 g flour;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • vanilla extract;
  • 20 ml cognac;
  • egg;
  • 50 g melted butter;
  • fresh lemon zest - to taste.

For baking, you will need a baking tray with high sides so that the sauce does not “run away”.

  1. All ingredients are combined in a deep bowl.
  2. First, mix the mixture with a spoon, then with your hands. The dough turns out sticky, there is no need to put it on the table.
  3. Since the dough is quite fatty, it will take at least two hours to proof.
  4. For the sauce, mix: 150 g sugar, 200 ml cream, vanilla extract.
  5. Pour the sauce into a baking tray.
  6. Pinch off equal pieces of dough, roll them lightly in your hands and place them in the sauce.
  7. Leave the workpieces to “rest” for a quarter of an hour.
  8. Grease the parts of the workpieces protruding from the sauce with yolk.
  9. Bake for half an hour at 180 ºС. During this time, drizzle the sauce over the buns several times.

Cool on a wire rack. The cream remaining in the pan can also be served with tea.

Quick buns without yeast

It often happens that there is no time for baking. The simplest yeast dough requires at least an hour to proof. Quick bun dough can be kneaded without using yeast. In this case, baking powder will add fluffiness to the baked goods.


  • 450 g flour;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 50 ml milk.

The time saved on dough preparation can be spent on impressive baking design. For the layer you will need cinnamon, butter and sugar.

  1. It is important to sift the flour thoroughly to ensure soft baked goods.
  2. Combine ingredients, knead soft dough.
  3. Quickly roll it out into a layer of 1.5 - 2 cm. The reaction in the dough is already underway, it is not advisable to knock out gas bubbles from it.
  4. Grease with butter, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.
  5. Roll into a tight roll.
  6. Cut into straight pieces or diagonally.
  7. Bake at 180 ºС for 15 – 20 minutes.

From sour cream dough

This dough will rise due to the lactic acid contained in sour cream and a large number of eggs.


  • 500 g flour;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • three eggs;
  • 10 g salt.

The amount of flour depends on the sour cream. Liquid will require more than normal, thick less. With farm-made fatty sour cream, the buns will be softer and richer.

  1. Knead an elastic but soft dough.
  2. Form buns. This pliable composition makes beautiful pretzels, braids and roses.
  3. Brush the tops of the pieces with yolk and sprinkle with sugar or poppy seeds.
  4. Bake for a quarter of an hour at 180 ºС.

Buns instead of bread

You can prepare unleavened buns without yeast and serve them instead of bread with any dishes.


  • 600 g flour;
  • 500 ml yogurt;
  • 10 g soda;
  • 10 g salt.

Fresh herbs and garlic will add a piquant taste to baked goods.

  1. Stir a couple of handfuls of finely chopped herbs and garlic into yogurt or other fermented milk product.
  2. Add salt, soda.
  3. Sift the flour directly into the dough. First knead it with a spoon, then with your hands.
  4. As soon as the dough stops sticking to your hands, divide it into portions and place the dough on a baking sheet. You should not work with the dough for a long time, since the reaction with soda is already underway, and the air knocked out of the dough will not be restored.
  5. Lightly brush the pieces with milk and bake at 180 ºС for 15 – 20 minutes.
  6. If crispy, cool on a wire rack. To make the buns softer, cool in a towel.

Homemade buns on the table create an incredible atmosphere of comfort and well-being. Having several proven recipes on hand, any housewife will gain the reputation of a craftswoman and sorceress, capable of preparing a piece of happiness from the simplest ingredients.

Every housewife likes to please her family with delicious homemade baked goods, and in such cases they whip up all sorts of buns. If you have a good and proven recipe at hand, the result will always be successful. Any version of lush products can be supplemented with fillings or simple additives.

It is prepared deliciously, quickly and without any hassle. You just need to mix the ingredients, wait for the dough to rest for a quarter of an hour, and form small balls. The products bake quickly too, because the dough comes out fluffy and light, despite the fact that it is prepared without adding yeast.


  • butter – 100 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • baking powder, salt, vanilla;
  • lemon zest – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour.


  1. Cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs and beat the mixture with a mixer at medium speed.
  2. Pour in sour cream, baking powder, zest, vanilla and a pinch of salt.
  3. Add flour, kneading into a smooth, elastic dough.
  4. The quick brioche dough should rest for 15 minutes.
  5. Form into balls, brush with yolk and sprinkle with sugar.
  6. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 190 degrees.

You can prepare quick, rich bun dough in no time. The basis of the pastry is eggs, butter and milk. To easily obtain fluffy dough, you need to prepare it using the sponge method. For a successful result, it is better to use fresh yeast; with dry yeast, the products will not be as fluffy.


  • yeast – 50 g;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • milk – 350 ml;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • vanilla;
  • yolk;
  • flour.


  1. Dissolve the yeast in the milk, add sugar and leave the dough in a warm place for 15 minutes.
  2. Mix eggs, sugar, soft butter, add vanilla.
  3. Pour the dough into the dough, stir and add flour, kneading the soft dough.
  4. Set aside in a warm place until doubled in size.
  5. Form simple buns, brush with yolk and leave for 10 minutes.
  6. Bake the buns quickly for 20 minutes at 190.

Every cook can bake these quick ones. The dough is prepared with straight yeast, and the filling plays the main role, it both decorates the products and makes them tasty. These buns are quickly formed into rolls and cut into segments, resulting in beautiful “snails” with cinnamon.


  • instant yeast – 1 sachet;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • sugar – 1/2 tbsp.;
  • flour;
  • Filling:
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • cinnamon – 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Beat butter and sugar.
  2. Add eggs, pour in milk.
  3. Add yeast and stir.
  4. Add flour, kneading into a soft dough.
  5. Leave the dough in a warm place until it doubles in size.
  6. Roll out the layer, sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.
  7. Roll into a roll, cut into segments.
  8. Place on a baking sheet, brush with yolk and leave for 10 minutes.
  9. Bake cinnamon rolls quickly for 20 minutes at 190 degrees.

These quick ones are more reminiscent of gingerbread, only they come out more fluffy and tastier, and thanks to the large amount of baking, they remain fresh and soft for a long time, so you can safely cook them for future use. If you add less sugar to the composition, you can safely offer them instead of bread for a hot dish.


  • butter – 150 g;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • baking powder;
  • vanilla;
  • flour.


  1. Beat the butter and sugar into a fluffy cream.
  2. Add eggs, pour in milk.
  3. Throw in vanilla and baking powder.
  4. Add flour and knead into a smooth dough.
  5. Form into flat cakes and place on a baking sheet.
  6. Bake the buns quickly for 20 minutes at 190.

Making quick buns without yeast is very easy. In this recipe, kefir and baking powder will play the main lifting role. You can take an expired fermented milk product; the more sour it is, the more magnificent the result will be. Vanilla is often used as a flavoring agent; it can be replaced or supplemented with other flavorings or zest.


  • kefir – 500 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vanilla;
  • lemon zest – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder;
  • sesame seeds for sprinkling;
  • flour.


  1. Add baking powder to kefir, stir, set aside for 5 minutes.
  2. Beat butter, sugar and eggs into cream.
  3. Pour in kefir, add vanilla, zest, stir.
  4. Add flour until you get a lump that doesn’t stick to your hands.
  5. Form into flat cakes, brush with yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  6. Bake for 25 minutes at 190.

Tasty and quick to prepare, the main advantage of the products is that they do not go stale for a long time and remain soft even the next day. The delicacy bakes quickly, so you will have time to create such a treat before breakfast. This amount of ingredients will yield approximately 10 fragrant buns.


  • cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • kefir – 50 ml;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • baking powder, vanillin;
  • flour – 300 g.


  1. Mix soft butter with egg and sugar.
  2. Beat cottage cheese and kefir with a blender until smooth.
  3. Mix both mixtures, add vanilla and baking powder.
  4. Add flour and knead into a smooth dough.
  5. Form the buns, place on a baking sheet, bake for 15 minutes at 200.

Quick ones can be made from yeast dough. Less sugar is added to the composition than usual, because dried fruits provide additional sweetness. The composition contains Greek yogurt, but it can be replaced with another unsweetened product or sour cream. Choose dark raisins, they are sweeter.


  • Greek yogurt - 1 tbsp.;
  • yeast – 1 sachet;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • raisins – 200 g;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • flour – 600-700 g.


  1. Mix warm yogurt with eggs, sugar, yeast, butter, mix.
  2. Sift the flour with baking powder and add it to the dough, kneading a soft, plastic lump.
  3. Leave in a warm place until doubled in volume.
  4. Add the swollen raisins, stir and leave the dough to rise again.
  5. Form balls, distribute on a baking sheet, brush with milk and sprinkle with sugar, leave for 10 minutes.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes at 190.

The simplest buns with poppy seeds are made from ready-made dough; yeast puff pastry is ideal for this filling. The poppy seeds must be prepared in advance by pouring warm milk and leaving to soften for 40 minutes or longer. Then the remaining milk is drained, poppy seeds are mixed with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and used for their intended purpose.


  • puff pastry – 500 g;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • poppy seed filling – 1 tbsp;
  • yolk.


  1. Defrost the dough, roll it out.
  2. Spread soft butter over the surface, then spread the filling.
  3. Roll up and cut into segments.
  4. Place the pieces on a baking sheet, brush with yolk, bake for 25 minutes at 190.

For those who watch their diet and cannot deny themselves a piece of bread, this recipe will definitely come in handy. Quick buns made from rye flour are prepared in 20 minutes; the composition can be supplemented with seeds, they give the baked goods a special zest. Considering that this flour has a low gluten content, it is better to dilute it with wheat flour.


  • rye flour – 200 g;
  • wheat flour – 200 g;
  • milk – 120 ml;
  • egg 3 pcs.
  • salt, baking powder;
  • flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds.


  1. Beat the eggs, add salt, baking powder, and pour in the milk.
  2. Add flour and knead into sticky dough.
  3. Throw in half the seeds and stir.
  4. Form into flat cakes, place on a baking sheet, and sprinkle the remaining seeds on top.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes at 185.

These buns are often prepared instead of quick bread; they are an excellent addition to a lunch meal. The basis for the amazing taste and aroma is the garlic sauce, which can be made in advance. To do this, mix chopped garlic with chopped herbs, salt and melted butter.

Make some quick sweet buns at home too. You won't need to spend hours in the kitchen to treat your family to a real masterpiece.

My article will be useful to all those who want to bake delicious buns at home in a short amount of time that will bring pleasure.

Recipes are presented in a wide variety on my website, and therefore if you have a desire for something tasty, but cannot understand what exactly you want, then you need to start making buns.

You can find all the components in your kitchen.

Preparing for quick baking

Making quick buns is not at all difficult, even if you have absolutely no experience in baking. The baking will turn out gorgeous, and there’s certainly no doubt about it.

Doing everything exactly as the recipe indicates is the main condition. The main ingredients will be chicken. egg and flour. Get fresh chicken. eggs.

This product is responsible for the airiness of the mass, and therefore I would not advise any housewife to neglect this rule. Let's find out what quick recipes this article has prepared for us.

Recipe for delicious homemade buns in a hurry

Components: 300 gr. kefir and flour; 30 gr. Sahara; 15 gr. salt; 60 ml plant. oils; for decoration you can use sesame or poppy seeds; 2 gr. baking powder; 1 piece chickens yolk.

It must be said that this recipe is very convenient for those housewives who do not have free time, but this does not make their desire to cook delicious buns at home any less.

The recipe requires 40 minutes at most. Appetizing buns that will please everyone will appear on your table.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I add salt and sugar and baking powder to the flour. I mix the plant. butter and kefir separately.
  2. I pour the flour into the kefir mass and let the dough mix well. It is important to remove all lumps so that there are no problems with this later.
  3. You will get exactly as many buns as you divide the dough into. I form the dough into balls and place them on a baking sheet. I lubricate it in advance. butter so my buns don't stick to it.
  4. I grease the dough balls with yolk, beat it in advance as well.
  5. I sprinkle each bun with poppy seeds, if you chose sesame seeds, do the same. You can even sprinkle the buns with sugar. The topping is really up to you.
  6. I send the buns to bake in the oven until fully cooked.

Yeast quick milk buns in a hurry

To quickly prepare quick delicious buns that your family will love, you need to take this recipe. In this case, you will need dry yeast.

The buns will be very rich and tasty, this is largely due to the fact that the baked goods are made with milk.

In fact, such recipes are very convenient because all the ingredients can be found even at home, and therefore it is possible to eliminate a trip to the store.

Components: 250 gr. flour; 50 ml milk; 10 gr. Sahara; 7 gr. yeast; 30 ml plant. oils; 1 piece each chickens egg and yolk separately; cinnamon and salt; for decoration - sugar.

The recipe is not complicated, and the buns are prepared in 1 hour.

Algorithm for preparing quick buns:

  1. I mix a lot of yeast with flour and mix well. I'm whipping chickens. egg, milk, sugar, salt. I mix the mixtures together.
  2. The milk mixture should be supplemented with the plant. butter, put in a bag and leave aside for 10 minutes. I leave it aside and preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
  3. Mix cinnamon and sugar. The cake should be as thin as possible. Lubricate it. butter and cover with sugar and cinnamon.
  4. I roll the roll.

It is important that it turns out dense. Its thickness is approximately 2 cm; it is worth cutting the roll into pieces. Place the pieces on a baking sheet, 1 cm apart. I cover the chickens. egg.

I send it to bake in the oven. The golden brown crust will let you know that the delicious buns are ready and you can get them on the table.

Quick cottage cheese baking in the oven

Few people will refuse cottage cheese buns. The thing is that the filling of buns with cottage cheese is almost the most popular among baking lovers.

You can bake not only sweet rolls, because you can even use salted cottage cheese.

In this case, you will need to spend about an hour and a half of free time. You need to bake a lot of dough in the oven.

Components: 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 250 ml milk; 200 gr. Sahara; 1 kg flour; 10 gr. salt; 20 gr. dry yeast; 100 gr. margarine; 150 gr. raisins; 500 gr. cottage cheese; 2 packs vanilla.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I start preparing the buns with the dough dough. In this case, you need to take the milk and warm it up a little. The yeast mass of the dough should be completely dissolved.
  2. You can add 1/5 of the flour and leave it aside for 60 minutes. The yeast will rise during this time.
  3. Chicken Mix eggs and salt, add a little salt and vanilla. I melt the margarine, but then let it cool to room temperature. I add chicken to the mixture. eggs I mix and spread the dough into a homogeneous mixture.
  4. The dough will take about an hour. During this time the dough will double in size. Once the yeast is activated, it's time to add a ton of chicken. eggs Knead the dough well, add the flour that was left over from the last time. If the consistency of the dough does not suit you, you can safely increase the amount of flour.
  5. I put the dough in a warm place and leave it there to start preparing the filling.
  6. I pour boiling water over the mixture and leave it to soak for 1 hour. You need to do this in advance to reduce the preparation time for the filling.
  7. I let the cottage cheese stand in a warm place until it reaches a temperature of about 37 degrees. I add sugar, vanilla, 1 pc. chickens eggs, raisins. I divide the resulting dough so that the buns are approximately the same.
  8. The dough should not stick to the table, to avoid this effect, it is better to sprinkle it with flour.
  9. Roll out round layers and put the filling inside.
  10. Make cuts in the blanks so that all parts are larger than the previous ones. The smaller one should be wrapped around the cottage cheese and the edges should be sealed well. Do the same with the other parts. All buns must be stable, so firmly attach each part of the top element to the base. I grease the baking tray. butter, place the prepared buns on it and leave for 10 minutes.
  11. I coat the chicken buns. yolk, bake the buns for 30 minutes. I serve them warm to the table; they go wonderfully with a glass of cold milk.

Another recipe for quick curd dough for buns

Cottage cheese-based dough is known among chefs for its special softness. The buns will melt in your mouth and this is without any exaggeration. The mixture is perfect for baking buns and adding filling.

Components: 300 gr. flour; 3 gr. salt; 50 ml kefir; 120 gr. Sahara; 200 gr. cottage cheese; 100 ml plant. oils; 1 piece chickens eggs; 10 gr. baking powder.

To be honest, this recipe can be classified as unique, everything is due to its simplicity and convenience, speed, because preparing delicious pastries will take 50 minutes at most.

All housewives will agree that the taste of cottage cheese buns cannot be compared with any other.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Chicken I separate the egg into white and yolk. I mix the first part with kefir, and leave the second aside, the whole point is that I need the yolk to bake buns with a golden crust.
  2. I grind the cottage cheese with sugar and add salt. I mix the mixture with kefir. I bring it to a homogeneous state. I enter the plant. oil. To make the mass homogeneous, you need to use a blender or mixer to help.
  3. I mix the baking powder with flour and sift using a sieve. I add flour to the mixture. If the specified amount of flour seems insufficient to you, then you need to add a little more.
  4. I form buns, the shape does not matter, rely on your experience and imagination. I advise only one thing - the buns need to be made small, firstly, the dough will rise, and secondly, the mixture will be baked as best as possible.
  5. I grease the finished buns with chicken. egg, place them on a baking sheet so that the mass is thoroughly baked. I bake until fully cooked and serve.

The buns will be so delicious that your family will spend the entire 50 minutes waiting for delicious baked goods. Bon appetit!

To make your tea cake beautiful, follow exactly the tips that I have put together in this article:

  • For a golden hue on the buns, you should use chicken rub. yolk of water and adding sugar. Take 1 tbsp for 1 yolk. water and add the same amount of sugar.
  • It is best to sprinkle the buns with sugar. powder, this must be done when the baked goods are taken out of the oven. I advise you to chop dried fruits for convenience.
  • The recipe can be easily changed using candied fruit topping, raisins, and dried apricots. The buns are very tasty, see for yourself by studying the recipes on my website and implementing them in your kitchen. Remember, you can add vanillin, cinnamon or cloves to the buns. The aromatic spices are also very tasty; they perfectly complement the dough and will please even the most picky gourmets. Everyone at home will be delighted. Try baking a sweet pastry for tea, my recipes are accessible to many, regardless of your kitchen skills and experience.
  • It is better to bake homemade buns on a baking sheet, which is covered with parchment. Apply a layer of rast on top of the baking paper. oils
  • I advise you to bake baked goods from yeast dough; be sure to separate the yolks from the whites so that you can add them one by one into the batch. The advice is simple, but this does not mean its effectiveness; the buns will end up fluffy.
  • There should be moderation in everything; if you use a lot of sugar for kneading, there is a risk that the mass will float and lose its airiness. Baked goods coated with too much sugar will be spoiled, overcooked and lose their characteristics, which will affect your family's appetite. Do not change the proportions of ingredients.
  • The shape doesn't matter, do what suits you.
  • Size plays a big role; if the yeast dough buns are too small, the freshness will not last for more than 24 hours. The larger the baked goods for tea, the longer they will stay fresh. When planning to bake the buns once, you can shape them small. After all, you eat them quickly.
  • The dough should only be left in a warm place. This recommendation is due to the fact that yeast dough for buns is afraid of drafts, which affects its mass. The dough will be covered with a crust under the influence of a draft, and therefore during baking it will not allow the mass to increase in size.
  • The ideal temperature for baking buns is 180 degrees. in the oven. But if you bake small buns, then 200 gr. will be enough. Otherwise, the baked goods will not cook, but will simply begin to dry.
  • How much filling you put in the buns plays a big role. If there is not enough filling, the buns will rise well. Otherwise, they may not even get up.
  • You can put both yeast and baking powder into the dough at once.
  • Buns can be decorated with sugar. powder. To make it beautiful, you can sift the mixture through a sieve on top of the buns. By the way, on the Internet there are different recipes on how to beautifully decorate sakh. powder buns, for example, using lace. Look at them, use your imagination and you will be able to decorate the buns perfectly.
  • If you place yeast dough buns on a baking sheet at a short distance from each other, the baked goods will bake even better. The composition of the dough will not play a role in the fact that before baking the buns should be given 10 minutes to proof. The yeast dough mass will be more pliable during baking.
  • Baking powder can be replaced with baking soda. The composition must be extinguished with lemon juice or vinegar.

This will help eliminate the unpleasant aroma and taste of the product in the yeast dough batch. But remember again about a sense of proportion.

My video recipe

Homemade buns can be prepared very quickly.

And it is not necessary to place a dough or wait for many hours for the dough to rise.

There are some tried and tested quick scone recipes you need to make!

Quick buns - general cooking principles

The dough for quick buns can be prepared with yeast or baking powder. Whatever recipe is used, it is advisable to lie in a warm place for about ten minutes. During this time, the gluten contained in the wheat flour will swell, and the mass will be more pliable when molded.

What is put into the dough, besides flour:

Dairy products;

Vanilla is added for flavor. For taste, raisins, poppy seeds, and cinnamon are often added. Sometimes these products are used to fill buns. The products can be given any shape if it is not specified in the recipe. Then they are transferred to baking sheets, greased and sent to the oven.

Recipe 1: Quick “Yogurt” buns without yeast

The dough for these quick buns is prepared using yogurt. You can use natural fermented milk product or with fruit additives.


0.3 l yogurt;

0.35 kg flour;

2 spoons of sugar;

3 tablespoons of oil;

1 egg into the dough and yolk for greasing;

1 tsp. baking ripper.


1. Break an egg, put a pinch of salt and granulated sugar into it. Shake with a fork or whisk.

2. Add yogurt, stir.

3. Sift the flour, mix with baking powder, and add to the liquid mass.

4. While stirring, gradually add vegetable oil. Knead the mixture until smooth.

5. Divide the resulting dough into 10 or 12 parts, as appropriate. From each we form buns of any shape. You can just roll it into a ball.

6. Place the resulting products on a baking sheet and brush with egg. If desired, you can sprinkle with sugar and nuts.

7. Place in the oven immediately. They don't need to stand.

8. Bake until done for about 20 minutes. Take it out and cool it.

Recipe 2: Quick “Creamy” buns with kefir

Another recipe for quick buns without yeast. Kefir and butter are used as a base. The advantage of this recipe is that it can be used to prepare both sweet pastries and savory products. To do this, reduce the amount of sugar in the dough; you can add dried herbs and garlic.


0.4 kg flour;

0.17 kg butter;

0.25 l of kefir;

1 tsp. salt;

3 spoons of sugar;

1 tsp. ripper.


1. Stir the ripper and wheat flour, sift everything together.

2. Melt the butter and combine with kefir.

3. Add salt and sugar to the kefir mixture and stir.

4. Add sifted flour and make a dough. Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes.

5. Make any buns and place them on a baking sheet.

6. Bake in the oven until golden brown. Immediately set the high temperature from 210 to 220 degrees.

Recipe 3: Quick Yeast Buns “In an Hour”

Recipe for buns made from yeast dough using accelerated technology. The dough can be prepared with water or milk.


0.25 kg flour;

1 spoon of sugar;

0.11 ml milk;

7 grams of yeast;

2 tablespoons of oil;

1 yolk for greasing;

A little salt;

2 tablespoons of sugar for decoration;

1 tsp. cinnamon.


1. Combine flour and dry yeast together and mix in a bowl

2. Beat the egg with milk and sugar with a fork, add salt.

3. Combine both mixtures. Knead the dough and gradually add vegetable oil.

4. Place the elastic lump in a bag for ten minutes, while we turn on the oven to warm up. Set the temperature to 190.

5. Mix sugar with cinnamon.

6. Take out the dough and roll it out. Make the cake as thin as possible.

7. Grease the dough with a spoon of butter and sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.

8. Roll into a tight roll and cut the buns into two centimeters. Place the resulting snails on a baking sheet. Don't forget that they will increase in volume during baking.

9. Place in the oven and keep in it until ready. If desired, you can grease the products with oil or egg.

Recipe 4: Quickly baked “Sour cream” buns with filling

A recipe for delicious quick buns that require sour cream. You can use any product: sour, liquid, fatty or low-fat. Dough without yeast with baking powder.


0.3 kg sour cream;

Flour about 300 grams;

1 egg or just a yolk;

1.5 tsp. salt;

80 grams of sugar;

2 tsp. baking powder;

Oil for lubricating hands and dough.

For the filling we use jam, marmalade, boiled condensed milk, chocolate, and nuts. We cook according to our taste preferences.


1. Combine flour with baking powder, add salt and sugar, add sour cream and stir. Knead in a bowl for about three minutes, then grease your hands with oil and mix thoroughly on the table. Leave for five minutes.

2. Divide the dough into 12-15 pieces, round each one and let it rest for another five minutes.

3. Roll out the flatbread and place a teaspoon of filling in the center. You shouldn't add more, otherwise it will be difficult for the bun to rise.

4. Gather the edges of the cake towards the center and pinch tightly. Transfer to baking sheets, smooth side up. Form all the remaining buns.

5. Break the egg or just take the yolk and mix with a fork. You can add a little water to prevent the mixture from rolling off the bun.

6. Grease the formed products and bake in the oven. If desired, after greasing and before sending to the oven, the buns can be sprinkled with sesame seeds, poppy seeds, and nuts.

Recipe 5: Quickly poppy buns

Recipe for amazing poppy seed buns with milk. Classic yeast dough. Due to the formation of snails, they do not burst during baking and turn out quite decent.


Milk 0.25 liters;

0.55 kg flour;

18 grams of yeast;

30 ml of oil grows;

0.15 kg sugar;

50 grams of butter.

For the filling:

7 spoons of poppy seeds;

120 ml milk;

3 tablespoons of oil;

4 spoons of sugar.


1. Prepare the filling right away. To do this, wash and sort the poppy seeds, combine with sugar.

2. Boil the milk for the filling and pour it into the poppy seeds, leave to infuse.

3. Prepare the dough. To do this, pour dry yeast and granulated sugar into warm milk, pour in five tablespoons of flour, and leave for fifteen minutes.

4. Place a saucepan on the stove and boil two liters of water in it. Turn it off.

5. Then add salt, melted but not hot butter, eggs beaten with a fork and the remaining flour. Stir. Then add the recipe oil drop by drop. Cover the bowl with the dough with a napkin and place it on a pan of boiling water. We hold it for about twenty minutes.

6. Roll out the dough into a flat cake, grease it with butter, spread the poppy seed filling and roll it into a roll.

7. Cut into 1.5 centimeter pieces. Place on a greased baking sheet.

8. Place in the oven and bake the poppy seed buns until done.

Recipe 6: Quick curd buns

Curd dough made with kefir turns out very tender and light. You can use it to make buns with or without a variety of fillings. This is a quick sweet bun recipe that can be prepared and baked in less than 60 minutes.


300 grams of flour;

0.3 tsp. salt;

50 grams of kefir;

200 grams of cottage cheese;

120 grams of sugar;

100 ml vegetable oil;

10 grams of ripper.


1. Place the egg white into the kefir, leaving the yolk to grease the formed products before placing them in the oven. Beat with a fork.

2. Grind the cottage cheese with granulated sugar and salt, combine with kefir and stir thoroughly.

3. Add vegetable oil to the dough. You can beat everything together with a blender until the mass becomes homogeneous.

4. All that remains is to add flour. But it must be mixed with baking powder and sifted with it. It may take a little more flour, depending on the moisture content of the cottage cheese and kefir liquid.

5. Divide the finished dough into pieces of approximately 70 grams; it is better not to cook large buns. We create the required products. It can be just balls, buns or buns with fillings. You can bake a pie.

6. Place the formed pieces of dough on a baking sheet, brush with yolk and set to bake. Immediately remove the finished buns from the sheet, place them in a bowl and cover with a towel until they become soft.

Recipe 7: Quick Cinnamon Rolls

A recipe for unusual cinnamon rolls, which you can decorate with icing if you wish. Such baking will add heat to any cake and at the same time is very easy and simple to prepare. The dough is yeast, but is prepared using a special technology and rises very quickly.


0.25 liters of milk;

6 tablespoons of oil;

500 grams of flour;

3 spoons of sugar;

10 grams of yeast;

0.5 teaspoon salt.


2 tsp. cinnamon;

50 grams of sugar;

30 grams of butter;

2 tablespoons starch;

50 grams of flour.


1. Set 180 degrees and immediately turn on the oven. Let it warm up for about ten minutes while the dough is kneading, and turn it off.

2. Combine warm milk with yeast, sugar and salt. Add vegetable oil with egg. Pour in the flour, but not all at once. Leave about three spoons for cutting the buns.

3. Transfer the prepared dough into a saucepan, wrap it with several towels on all sides and place in a preheated oven for twenty minutes. We leave the door ajar so that it does not bake.

4. In the meantime, make the filling. For this we simply grind all the ingredients. You will get a fragrant crumb. You can use any oil for it, but it works better with butter.

5. Take the pan with the risen dough out of the oven. Roll it out into a rectangle and sprinkle evenly with cinnamon filling. Immediately turn the oven back on at 200 degrees and let it heat up.

6. Roll up the roll, cut into pieces and you’re done! All that remains is to bake the fragrant rolls, and this will not take more than fifteen minutes.

Baking soda can be substituted for baking soda. But it should not be put into the dough in its pure form, but should be quenched with acetic or citric acid. Otherwise, the buns will have an unpleasant taste.

Bun dough is never made from cold ingredients. All ingredients must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and kept warm for at least an hour. To speed up heating, you can place food near a radiator or on a pan of warm water.

If there are drafts in the room, crusts will form on the dough. This will prevent him from approaching and slow down the process.

If the buns are large in size, then you should not bake them at temperatures above 180. If small products are formed, then they are cooked in the oven at temperatures above 200 degrees. Otherwise they will dry out and become tough.

A bun is far from a pie. Therefore, you don’t need to put a lot of filling in it. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the dough to rise, no matter how much baking powder or yeast is put into it.

Homemade baked goods are always better than store-bought ones - they exude a certain coziness and warmth, and the aroma that floats in the house when the buns are baking calls everyone in the household to the table for a cup of tea. On this page “Popular about health” you will find an excellent selection of simple and quick homemade baking recipes that even a beginner can easily handle. For example, quick buns for tea in the oven.

Quick buns in the oven - recipe No. 1

For making fluffy sweet buns will need groceries: cottage cheese – 200 g; butter – 60 g; egg – 1; a glass of flour; a packet of baking powder; sugar – 1-2 tbsp. l.; salt - a pinch; vanillin.

It will only take about 5 minutes to knead the dough, so we recommend turning on the oven right away. Set the temperature to 180 degrees. Now melt a knob of butter in a small bowl, but do not overheat it. It just needs to get warm. Add cottage cheese and chicken eggs to the oil. Using a whisk or, if you prefer, a mixer, beat the mass. When it becomes homogeneous, add all the dry ingredients to it. Just don’t forget to sift the flour, then the buns will be softer and more airy, and this is, perhaps, the main thing.

The finished dough sticks to your palms quite a bit. If you achieve this consistency, do not add any more flour. Now you need to roll the dough into a sausage and cut it into small “washers”. We take each fragment in our hands and roll it into a round ball. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and lay out the lumps. The buns are baked in the oven for only about 15 minutes. It is best to check readiness with a regular toothpick. For tea, the buns can be additionally sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Delicious quick cinnamon rolls - recipe No. 2

If you have very little time, for example, guests are already on the doorstep or you need to quickly prepare breakfast, but it’s time to run to work, use store-bought puff pastry. It only takes a few minutes to prepare, but it will be delicious! Kids will love this tea bun recipe.

Ingredients: puff pastry – 2 sheets; egg – 1; sugar - tablespoon; cinnamon - teaspoon.

Preheat the oven (180 degrees). After defrosting, the dough needs to be rolled out quite a bit, it should not become too thin. Now cut the layer into strips, the width of which is approximately 3 cm. Combine the cinnamon with granulated sugar. Sprinkle the strips with the loose mixture and roll into rolls. Cover the baking sheet with parchment.

Place each roll on its end, that is, they should be placed on the baking sheet standing up, not lying down. Brush each piece with beaten egg. Close the oven. Literally a quarter of an hour and the buns will be ready for tea.

For tea, quick buns with kefir or yogurt - recipe No. 3

Ingredients: flour – 300 g; yogurt or kefir – 300 g; baking powder (1 sachet); salt – 0.5 tsp; sugar – 2 tbsp. l.; sunflower oil – 10 ml; sesame seeds – 2 tbsp. l.

This recipe uses sesame seeds for the topping, but feel free to experiment. Some housewives sprinkle the products with sugar or powder, others with grated chocolate, others make them less sweet and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Lots of options on how to decorate and complement the taste of these buns.

Preheat the oven to standard temperature – 180 degrees. Mix butter with kefir. In another container we combine all the bulk ingredients, sifting the flour in advance. Now add the dry mixture into the liquid mass in parts, stirring constantly. At the end we knead with our hands. Having rolled up a small sausage, cut it into 10 pieces, from which we form round buns. We place our preparations on a baking sheet; it is better to cover it immediately with baking paper. After just 15 minutes, you can check our buns for readiness. Use a wooden stick or toothpick for this.

Quick recipe for tea No. 4 from homemade yeast dough

If you prefer yeast baked goods, fluffy and aromatic, then use this recipe. However, the dough preparation time will increase slightly, since the flour mass needs to rise with the yeast. This will take about 20 minutes, and the entire cooking process will take about 45-50 minutes. Let's get started.

Ingredients: flour – about 3 cups; milk - a glass; eggs – 2; oil grows. – 50 ml; sugar – 50 g; mayonnaise – 50 g; dry yeast - a bag. For sprinkling, you can take what you like - sugar with cinnamon or nuts with raisins and sugar. The dough itself turns out almost unsweetened, so you can cook it with cheese, for example, or other salty filling.

Heat the milk and dissolve sugar in it. Add the yeast here and stir. Let the milk foam (5-7 minutes). Now add eggs, butter and mayonnaise here, and then sift the flour and mix everything. Next, knead with your hands on a table sprinkled with flour. Leave the soft dough in a warm place for a while to rise. Afterwards, knead the dough slightly and roll it into a layer. Before rolling it into a roll, add the filling you want. You can simply sprinkle the layer with cinnamon and sugar or a mixture of nuts and raisins. Next we make a roll, which we then cut into pieces. You should get about 15 buns. Place the products on a greased or parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes. Temperature – 180 degrees.

It’s easy to whip up tea buns in the oven, and they are much tastier than those on store shelves. There are a lot of recipes, each of which is good in its own way - some buns are salty, others are sweet. Choose what you like and bake with love. Then everything will work out.

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